Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 278: Nine Palaces And Eight Gates, One Palace Disappeared? !

Everyone's eyes converged, all looking towards Chang Yue.

There was a deep shock and disbelief in their eyes!

It is rumored that the ancient heavenly empress Yun Lingxiao’s Cultivation Talent shocked the past and present, and she was the youngest powerful empress in history.

Xuanhuang Great World’s first genius in ten thousand years!

But who would have thought that Yun Lingxiao, who had become the Emperor Realm in just a few hundred years, would still have time to study the formation to such an extent!

This formation can only be passive by ordinary formation masters.

Su Changsheng looked at the sad look on Chang Yue's face, and the smile on her face disappeared immediately.

"That's it!"

"Let me break this magic circle!"

Su Changsheng's face was calm, and the playful look before was obviously gone, and he became serious.

Although this formation was mysterious and powerful, it was nothing more than that in front of him.

If it wasn't for the purpose of observing and studying the formation, he would have broken it open with one sword!

Then why go to so much trouble?!

One sword breaks all laws!

So what if it’s this ancient sealing array?!

In the face of absolute strength, everything is vain!


Just when Su Changsheng was about to take out the Great Principle Fairy Sword and break the formation with one sword, Chang Yue spoke up again to stop Su Changsheng.

"No need, I know how to break the formation, come with me..."

Chang Yue looked at Su Changsheng and said softly, and then when Su Changsheng looked at her, a gentle and beautiful smile suddenly appeared on Chang Yue's face as the two looked at each other.

He seemed to be comforting Su Changsheng, saying that he was fine and there was no need to worry about her.

"All right……………"

Seeing this, Su Changsheng had no choice but to put away his spiritual power and agreed.

"There are nine palaces and eight gates here. Qian is a horse, Kun is an ox, Zhen is a dragon, Xun is a chicken, Kan is a pig, Li is a pheasant, Gen is a dog, and Dui is a sheep!"

"Each gate and each palace has corresponding ferocious beasts, which are endless and terrifying. Moreover, if the gate of life cannot be found, even the True Immortal will probably be consumed to death.


Chang Yue opened her mouth to explain, and then quickly began to form a mysterious seal with her hands.

The spiritual light emerged, and a spell was printed out randomly, directly hitting the foggy void in front of him.


With a slight scolding from Chang Yue, the endless fog around him suddenly dissipated, and his vision became clear.

Only then did everyone see that there were eight portals in front of them.

Each door has a large character engraved on it.

"Scenery", "Du", "Injury", "Sheng", "Hugh", "Open", "Shock" and "Death"!

"The eight gates correspond to the eight palaces. They are all dead ends and are extremely dangerous. Once you step into them, you will have a narrow escape from death!"

"Even if you are powerful and lucky enough to get out alive, you will still come back here endlessly, until your spirit collapses, your spiritual power is exhausted, and you die here!"

Chang Yue looked at the eight gates in front of her and said in a deep voice.

That memory came to mind, and he frowned slightly.

"I didn't expect that just the outermost formations of this ancient heaven would be so complicated and dangerous!"

Gu Hongchen was inexplicably horrified.

It’s hard to imagine how glorious and powerful the ancient heaven must have been at its peak!

This formation alone is probably enough to easily withstand the siege of tens of thousands of monks!

How terrifying was that battle in the Ancient Era?!

Can such a powerful ancient heaven be destroyed in one fell swoop??

Gu Hongchen was thinking in his heart, which was even more shocking and inexplicable, but at the same time, a trace of doubt arose in his heart.

"This formation is enough to easily trap and kill True Immortal monks, but even the Immortal King will probably be extremely difficult to break through!

According to the scale of this formation, it can easily withstand the siege of tens of thousands of monks, but..."

"Why was the ancient heaven destroyed in a few days, and why is this formation still so intact?"

Gu Hongchen frowned and expressed his doubts while thinking.

Hearing this, Chang Yue was also silent for a while, her brows furrowed and her expression helpless.

"I don't know that either..."

At this time, Su Changsheng seemed to suddenly think of something and suddenly spoke.

"Perhaps, this formation was only deployed after that battle...

Su Changsheng's eyes flashed as he expressed his guess.

Everyone was shocked and a little unbelievable when they heard this.

After that battle, the ancient heaven disappeared, and Xiangbi, as the Ice Spirit Snow Ape King said, had wandered into the void.

Who would find this ancient heaven in the void and take the trouble to arrange this grand formation?!

Those who have such means are not necessarily ordinary strong people who must be famous!

But in ancient books and legends, we have never heard of such a character appearing.


Su Changsheng's eyes flashed as he recalled the words of the fallen creatures he encountered in the ancient fairyland.

Yun Lingxiao once appeared in the ancient fairyland after the battle in the ancient era, and entered the realm of the Immortal King!

In this case, Yun Lingxiao has most likely been here!!!

Once I thought about it, everything made sense.

Only Yun Lingxiao had the motive and the means.

"It seems that I still underestimated the empress..."

The corner of Su Changsheng's mouth curled up, and he looked at the sealing formation again, and couldn't help but admire it.

He also became more and more curious about Yun Lingxiao.

"Don't worry about this for now, it's important to break the formation..."

Ji Huang, who had been in a state of confusion, shouted with some urgency.

She was at the lowest level, and she didn't understand what everyone said, and she was already a little impatient.

What's more, she has been extremely curious about the ancient heaven for a long time. Now that it is only a short distance away, she is naturally extremely eager!

After hearing this, everyone had no choice but to suppress their doubts and thoughts, and began to think about how to get out of this formation.


"Didn't you just say that this formation has nine palaces and eight gates?"

"But aren't there only eight gates and eight palaces in front of us now?"

Gu Hongchen stared at the eight gates in front of him and the eight palaces behind him. He expressed doubts and looked at Chang Yue and asked.

(Li’s) Before Chang Yue could answer, Su Changsheng on the side said with a bright smile on his face.

"Haven't you already seen the remaining first palace?!"

Su Changsheng turned to look at Gu Hongchen, with a hint of joking in the smile on his face.

Gu Hongchen was startled when he heard this, and then his pupils suddenly shrank, his face full of disbelief.

"You mean......"

"The ancient heavenly palace we saw before is the last palace in this formation? Altar!"

Gu Hongchen was inexplicably shocked and exclaimed in disbelief.

A pair of beautiful eyes widened, staring at Su Changsheng with shock in their eyes!

"That's right!"

Su Changsheng smiled slightly and nodded, confirming Gu Hongchen's guess.

After hearing this, Ji Huang and the three beasts were completely shocked.

Who would have thought that the palace that disappeared in this formation was actually the magnificent ancient heavenly palace!

The mystery of this formation is simply beyond human imagination...

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