Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 370: The World In The Palm Of Your Hand, Conquer The Golden Roc!

Immortal and demonic palm seals press across the sky, surrounded by stars, and the immortal and demonic light shines brightly, suppressing it.

The golden-winged roc made the ultimate breakthrough, but there was still no hope of escape.

That terrifying palm is like the hand of God falling down, trying to suppress the entire world!


This is just the perspective of the Golden-winged Dapeng.

At this moment, the sun is still shining brightly in the fairy medicine garden, the fragrance of medicine is fragrant, and it is peaceful and quiet. What scene of world destruction is there? -!

Only Su Changsheng was looking at the little Golden Roc bird in the palm of his hand that was moving sideways at a high speed, with a wicked smile on his face.

Changyue Ji Huang also stood beside Su Changsheng, looking at the semicircle surrounded by fairy lights and stars in his palm, and couldn't help laughing.

The world in the palm of your hand!

The golden-winged roc seemed to be suppressed in the air by Su Changsheng's palm, but in fact it was suppressed and imprisoned in the world in the palm of Su Changsheng's palm long ago.

So no matter how fast he flew in it today, flying hundreds of millions of miles, he would not be able to escape from Su Changsheng's grasp.

This is the evolution of rules, the truly supreme means!

It's not something that the True Immortal realm can touch at all, it's completely a dimensionality reduction attack!

"Su Changsheng, you are too much of a loser, aren't you?!"

Ji Huang complained about Su Changsheng, but she laughed the most!

She had also witnessed the arrogance of the golden-winged roc just now. If Su Changsheng hadn't taken action, Chang might have been killed.

This punishment is considered light.

"Don't overdo it, just enough..."

Chang Yue also smiled brightly, but still reminded her kindly.

As for Gu Hongchen on the side, he was staring at the small world in Su Changsheng's palm in a daze, his face full of shock and horror.

What realm is this guy in?!

Is this a terrifying method that the True Immortal realm can use?!

There is no doubt about the power of the golden-winged roc. Even if she joins forces with Chang Yue, she is no match for him, but in front of Su Changsheng, she is so vulnerable?!

Being manipulated at will, without even realizing it?

For some reason, Gu Hongchen felt a chill running down his spine when he looked at Su Changsheng!

This guy is really too scary!

If she wasn't familiar with him, she would have even doubted whether this guy was some Immortal King Supreme hiding his identity here.

"It doesn't matter, this guy's talent is quite good, and he actually surpassed himself under such circumstances!"

Su Changsheng's eyes couldn't help but brighten a bit as he looked at the golden-winged roc in his palm that broke through his own speed.

This guy is probably a pure-blooded golden-winged roc!

The achievements in the future are limitless, come back to Kanbigan District!

Especially as a mount, it’s extremely good!

With this thought in his mind, the golden-winged roc in the world in his palm was almost in despair!

Nine out of ten breaths have passed. He flew tens of millions of miles without believing in evil, but he still couldn't escape the palm print above his head!

"Damn! I won't give in! I won't give in!"

The golden-winged roc stopped and looked up at the terrifying palm that was so close at hand. He could even see the stars in the universe gestating in the palm!

He roared and roared, and his whole body was already covered with shocking cracks!

Like broken porcelain, it seems like it will explode at any moment!


The void exploded, and finally, the big hand fell down!

The scene in front of him was suddenly swallowed up by a dazzling light, followed by endless darkness.

Golden-winged Dapeng's head felt dizzy and his consciousness was scattered. He opened his eyes, looked at the familiar scene in front of him, and couldn't help but murmur to himself.

" I dead?!"

The golden-winged roc looked at the familiar flowers, plants and spiritual trees around him with a confused look on his face, and whispered to himself in a low voice with some disbelief.

But when he saw Changyue Ji Huang and Su Changsheng in front of him, his brain immediately shut down!

Can't figure out what happened.

"Why die?! You are still alive and well, idiot!"

Ji Huang looked at the adorable appearance of the golden-winged Dapeng. She laughed so hard that her stomach ached and she almost burst into tears.

This guy's current appearance is hard to associate with the golden-winged roc that dominated the sky and the earth before.

The more I watch it, the more I want to laugh and I can't stop.

"Can't you remember me? When you were a child, I took you to the back mountain to secretly eat the Lingfeng chicken raised by Elder Han...

With a gentle smile on her face, Chang Yue walked up to the golden-winged roc and said.

"Elder Han? Lingfeng Chicken? You..."

"Are you Sister Yue'er?!"

The golden-winged roc was startled for a moment, then seemed to have finally remembered, staring at Chang Yue with a look of surprise and exclaimed.

.........Please give me flowers...

Hearing this, Chang Yue suddenly laughed, her beautiful eyes curved into crescent moons, and her eyes looking at the golden-winged roc became extremely soft.

Sister Yue'er, she hadn't heard this title for a long time.

It also instantly brought her memory back to ten thousand years ago.

At that time, the golden-winged roc was only one person tall, just a cub, following behind him, calling Sister Yue'er, stealing Elder Han's chicken!

In the blink of an eye, this guy has grown so much!

"You just remembered? Who wanted to kill me just now?"

Chang Yue raised her white chin and stared at the Golden-winged Dapeng with a look on her face.

The golden-winged roc was stunned for a moment, but in the next second he transformed into a human form and knelt down in front of Chang Yue with a pop.

"Sister Yue'er, I never thought that Xiao Jin would see you again one day!!"

The golden-winged roc burst into tears immediately.

This guy looks mighty and domineering and huge, but in fact he is just a young man among the Golden-winged Dapeng clan. He is still ignorant and ignorant, which is the time of youth's mentality.

In this ghost place, a bird has stayed for ten thousand years, harboring hatred, and must have lived a very painful life.

I am so excited to see Chang Yue again today!

Seeing Xiao Jin crying in front of her, Chang Yue's eyes suddenly turned red and she helped him up.

"Silly Big Bird, why are you crying? Why don't you even recognize your sister Yue'er?"

Chang Yue asked, worried that something had gone wrong like the little red dragon.

"In order to protect me, Master gave me a fairy medicine and sealed me for nearly thousands of years. The medicine was too powerful. There may have been something wrong with me and I have a memory loss..."

The golden-winged roc called Xiao Jin opened his mouth to explain, scratching his head and looking naive.

It is completely different from the previous appearance.

"Pfft! Hahahaha! Xiao Jin! Silly big bird!"

But at this time, Ji Huang who was standing by could no longer hold it in any longer!

He bent over with laughter, and finally lay down on the ground, crying with laughter.

Who would have thought that True Immortal, the golden-winged roc that looked down at the world just now, as if it was invincible, and was about to suppress anyone with just a raised hand, would actually be a stupid big bird?!

This astonishing contrast is really surprising!


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