Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 384: Kunkun Blood Transformation Pill, Yin And Yang Death Return Pill!

A Journey to Alchemy The Seventh Grade is the Emperor Grade and can be used by the Great Emperor Realm, but all become Mortal Pills.

One step further up is the Eighth Grade alchemist. At this level, it is almost impossible to reach the True Immortal level.

Almost all the refined elixirs contain a ray of immortal energy Dao Rhyme, which can be used by True Immortal and become an Immortal Pill!

If a mortal takes one pill, he will attain enlightenment almost instantly and his lifespan will increase dramatically!

And if a monk in the True Immortal realm takes it, he can even get a glimpse of the fairy charm in advance, and the blessings are endless. The probability of breaking through the shackles and becoming a True Immortal will increase in the future.

Moreover, the Eighth Grade elixir already has Spirit Communication, and even possesses a high level of will.

At this moment, the Yin-Yang Death Return Pill was like this, like a naughty child, constantly flying around Gu Long, looking extremely excited.

When Gu Long saw this, the smile on his face was also extremely bright, and his eyes narrowed into a straight line.

Although he has only successfully refined this Eighth Grade elixir in his life, he is still proud enough!

The well-deserved Xuanhuang Great World’s number one alchemist!

"This elixir is called the Yin and Yang Death Return elixir. Even if there is only a trace of the soul left, taking this elixir can create flesh and blood and bring you back to life!"

Gu Long said, then looked at Chang Yue, smiled slightly, waved his arms lightly, and said softly with a happy smile on his face.

"Go, 447 I will leave my life's work to you. Live well. I hope you can rise up in the future and revive the reputation of the ancient paradise!"

As Gu Long finished speaking, the Immortal Pill slowly floated in front of Chang Yue.

Feeling the terrifying breath of life contained in this pill, as well as the lingering fairy energy, Chang Yue was slightly shocked, but she raised her head and looked at Gu Long.

"I can't use it, you are on your own right now!"

Chang Yue said as she waved her arm to move back to the Immortal Pill, but the next second, the Immortal Pill remained motionless in front of her.

"I am already a mortal man, so don't waste your natural resources. Take it!"

Gu Long knew Chang Yue's thoughts and couldn't help but smile even more happily.

With a wave of his arm, the Immortal Pill turned into a stream of light and disappeared into Chang Yue's eyebrows in an instant.

With this Immortal Pill hidden in the consciousness, a ray of soul can be sacrificed in advance. Even if the body turns to ashes and the soul is annihilated in the future, it can be resurrected and reborn.

It’s almost equivalent to having a scapegoat!

How outrageous this is!

Let alone the Xuanhuang Great World, if the people in the Myriad Worlds know about it, they might even come across the border and snatch their heads!

It will trigger an extremely horrific war! Even True Immortal may die from this!

The value of this Immortal Pill is too great!


After getting such a heaven-defying elixir, there was no trace of joy on Chang Yue's face. Instead, her brows were furrowed and her face was extremely ugly and heavy.

"Okay, little Jinpeng, I have also prepared a pill for you. Don't say that I am partial..."

After sacrificing the Immortal Pill into Chang Yue's sea of ​​consciousness, Gu Long turned to look at the golden-winged roc beside him.

Then with a tap of his finger, another elixir emitting golden light was shot towards the golden-winged roc.

"This elixir is a drop of Kunpeng's precious blood that I was lucky enough to refine. The Kunkun Blood Transformation elixir can give your bloodline a chance to transform again. Even if it doesn't, it will enhance the power of your bloodline and greatly increase your strength. It’s a pity that the Eight Grade elixir is still a little short of the mark..."

Gu Long looked at the elixir and sighed with regret.

But it’s okay, just eat it!”

After saying that, the elixir was shot directly in front of the golden-winged roc.

Golden-winged Dapeng raised his hand to hold it, but he didn't even glance at the elixir. He just stared at Gu Long with a frown. [He said with an extremely ugly face: "Really...there is no way to save it." Yet?!"

Golden-winged Dapeng still asked, although everyone already knew the answer.

His soul has become weaker and weaker, almost to the point of being completely extinct!

"You little brat, weren't you talking arrogant words and cursing me all day long? Why are you still reluctant to let go of me now?"

Gu Long smiled brightly, as if he had no fear of his own death and was extremely calm.

"It doesn't matter, life and death are fateful, and the way of heaven circulates. I can see you two alive and well now. "I am satisfied!"

Gu Long said with a smile, and then his eyes fell on the only remaining treasure.

Those were not pills, but three pages of golden paper that exuded bright golden light.

It is densely engraved with complicated ancient characters.

"This is an ancient elixir passed down from my ancient heaven. It can be used for Body Refining, soul refining, physical transformation, and destiny changing against the will of heaven!"

As he spoke, Gu Long looked around the group [When he finally looked at Su Changsheng, Yong Guang was shocked!

"This is... the aura of the ancient seal inherited from the ancient heavenly palace?!"

Gu Long's pupils shrank, and then his mind began to spin as he looked Su Changsheng up and down.

This guy obviously only has the True Immortal realm, but his aura is so terrifying and bottomless that even I can't defeat him!

The immortal energy surrounds the precious light and is restrained, and the physical body seems to have reached the point of immortality!

It didn't matter what he saw, Gu Long was immediately shocked!

As his pupils shrank, the look he looked at Su Changsheng became even more unbelievable!

"Oh? Are you talking about this thing?"

Su Changsheng did not hide anything when he heard this. When he raised his hand, the exquisite ancient seal exuding a faint aura of chaos and fairy light appeared in his palm.

Seeing Su Changsheng take out this ancient seal, Gu Long's expression suddenly changed.

"Meet the Palace Master!"

Without any hesitation, he originally thought that he felt wrong, but when he really sensed Su Changsheng's aura on the ancient seal of inheritance, Gu Longdang even bowed to Su Changsheng.

shouted with great respect.

Seeing this sudden scene, everyone present was slightly shocked, even Su Changsheng was a little unresponsive.

"Gutou... Bah! Senior Gu, I can't bear it!"

Su Changsheng said as he raised his hand, a soft spiritual power surged out, and he helped him up.

"Palace Master Miao Yan, since this inheritance mark has recognized you as its master, then you are the master of the ancient heavenly palace. How can we not worship the palace master when we see him?!"

Gu Long said seriously, his expression suddenly became extremely solemn, giving off an old-fashioned aura.

"Um...then can you explain why I am blocked by my own magic circle?"

The corners of Su Changsheng's mouth twitched slightly, and then he asked aloud.

But this question directly confused Gu Long. He hesitated for a few seconds and said: "What... magic circle?"

Looking at Gu Long's reaction, it was obvious that this guy didn't know what was going on, and Su Changsheng couldn't elaborate. After all, this was his embarrassment, so he fell silent with a melancholy face.

This scene also slightly eased the originally heavy atmosphere.

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