Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 418 Fight Against The Black-Clothed Corpse Puppet, True Immortal Supreme Grade Immortal Spir

The sun shines down and shines on the body of the golden-winged roc. His whole body is as if made of gold, shining with a dazzling brilliance. Against the background of the sun, it is as bright as a golden crow, making people unable to open their eyes.

On his forehead, a skull glowed, filled with terrifying pressure, and runes filled the air, rippling there, as if they could penetrate the space at any time.

"Is this the skull of an adult golden-winged roc?!"

Gu Hongchen was slightly startled and made a sound in horror, his eyes fixed on the bone on the forehead of the golden-winged roc.

The coercion exuded by this bone is far stronger than that of everyone present, and there is even a hint of the terrifying aura of the Immortal King!

It seems that the ancestor of the Golden Winged Roc, a terrifying being of Immortal King level, preserved his skull as a sacrifice and passed it to the hands of the Golden Winged Roc.

It can be said that the attacks of the three corpse puppets just now were flawless and almost guaranteed death. Even with the strength of the golden-winged roc, they would probably be seriously injured even if they did not die.

But after activating the skull, he escaped instantly without any injuries.

With a skull, one can almost be said to be invincible!

Even if you can't fight, there is absolutely no problem in escaping!

No one below the Immortal King can stop the golden-winged roc.

As expected of a clan of golden-winged rocs, not only are they naturally extremely fast, but their clan heritage is also extremely complete and terrifying.

It is not comparable to ordinary ethnic groups at all!

"I didn't expect this guy to have such a trump card..."

Su Changsheng looked at the golden-winged roc whose momentum surged in an instant, and couldn't help but look sideways, and said with a smile on his face.

Now it seems that there is no need to worry about the golden-winged roc. Chang Qi's combat power is enough to deal with the two corpse puppets.

As for Gu Hongchen, Su Changsheng was not worried at first.

With two Fairy Spirit Weapons in hand, even if you are invincible, delaying time should not be a problem.

Turning to look at the man in black in front of him, Su Changsheng's eyes flashed with a sharp light.

"Come on, end the battle quickly. I am more interested in the Yaochi than you..."..."

Su Changsheng casually raised his fingers towards the corpse in black, with an indifferent expression on his face, as if he didn't take it seriously at all.

It seems that he also felt Su Changsheng's provocation. The already formidable eyes of the black corpse puppet suddenly shot out two red lights like a monster, and the terrifying murderous intention surged out like a sea!

That gaze seemed to be shot out from hell, trying to penetrate into people's souls and devour their hearts.


Suddenly, the space exploded, and the corpse in black moved!

Just stop moving, like thunder!

The space under his feet collapsed almost instantly, and his body ejected like a cannonball, impacting in front of Su Changsheng almost instantly.

A distance of several thousand meters is nothing but a joke for experts like Su Changsheng and the Black Corpse Puppet!

The expression of the black-clothed corpse puppet did not change at all, stiff and indifferent, as if without any emotion. When he appeared in front of Su Changsheng in an instant, the black fist was raised high, exuding terrifying pressure!


A punch suddenly struck down, and the terrifying murderous intent and terrifying power that came out of it caused the surrounding space to collapse almost instantly and continue to fragment!

This punch is enough to kill True Immortal!

However, in front of him, Su Changsheng still stood calmly, standing in the void, with his black hair dancing lightly, his eyes clear, motionless, looking at his opponent calmly and calmly, and even a hint of amusement appeared on the corners of his face and mouth. smile.


A huge explosion spread from the two of them, like a thunderous explosion in the sky, and the energy shock wave, which was like a substance, swept across all directions like a tide!

Su Changsheng raised his hand indifferently, but stood still without moving. With just one palm, he withstood the terrifying punch of the black-clothed corpse puppet!

Invisible murderous thoughts surged wildly between the two, mixed with surging terrifying energy, and the surrounding space shattered crazily!

Just one punch almost destroyed this space!

These two are so powerful!

It was so powerful that it felt like falling into an ice cave, and the body and mind were chilled. A strong fighting spirit and terrifying killing intent permeated the air. The people fighting around them all turned their heads to look in horror, and then they all flew away in all directions. The center of the battlefield was left open.

"The power of this black corpse puppet is so terrifying!"

Gu Hongchen was slightly startled and couldn't help but feel fearful.

Compared to when Su Changsheng blocked the fist of the black-clothed corpse puppet with one hand, the power displayed by the black-clothed corpse puppet frightened her even more.

Because she knew that if she were to face the corpse puppet in black, just this punch would be enough to seriously injure her, and her strength would not be at the same level at all!

Bang bang bang

The explosions were continuous, and the surrounding mountains and ground could not withstand the terrifying power exuded by the two of them. They all cracked and exploded, and the imperial elephant was extremely scary!

Rocks pierced through the sky, mountain tops collapsed one after another, smoke and dust flew everywhere, the earth collapsed, and there was a state of lethargy and destruction!

""The strength is pretty good..."

Su Changsheng showed a look of admiration on his face, and then kicked out with a very fast speed, directly hitting the abdomen of the black-clothed corpse.


The black-clothed corpse puppet did not respond [but was kicked away by Su Changsheng.

The figure was like a black line shot backwards, flying at extremely high speed, directly knocking down a mountain.


Just after the corpse in black was buried by endless rubble, a sharp roar resounded, the mountains trembled, the earth trembled, and the mountains exploded directly from the middle.

The figure of the corpse puppet in black flew out again intact and stood in the void.

"Sure enough, just like the corpse puppet before, his body is extremely cunning!"

Su Changsheng looked at the unharmed corpse in black, not much surprised, and said to himself.

These corpses are continuously supplied by the spiritual power falling from the Yaochi. Their bodies can recover almost infinitely and cannot be killed at all. This actually gives Su Changsheng a headache.

And just when Su Changsheng was thinking about how to deal with these corpse puppets, the corpse puppets in black suddenly had a golden sword in their hands!

The golden long sword was huge, tens of feet long, hanging downwards, and the terrifying sword energy it exuded could directly cut the earth into a bottomless abyss!

"True Immortal Supreme Grade Fairy Spirit Weapon!"

Su Changsheng looked at the golden giant sword in the hands of the corpse puppet in black, and his eyes immediately lit up.

The Supreme Grade True Immortal Sword is definitely a treasure! It is of infinite value!

"Chi chi chi․......."

Before Su Changsheng could move his eyes away from the golden giant sword, he saw the corpse puppet in black slowly controlling the giant sword to lift it up. In an instant, infinite dazzling light bloomed, and thousands of terrifying golden sword lights shot out. The murderous intent makes the heaven and earth tremble!

Around the golden giant sword, an infinite golden sword named Yuchen appeared instantly!

Millions of golden swords flew across the sky, covering the sky and the sun, filling the sky. The terrifying pressure made people's souls tremble...

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