Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 439: Immortal Treasure, Space Teleportation!

The world was shaken, and the runes in the void were still flickering and disillusioned, but everything finally calmed down.

The four auras were so terrifying that the void was almost distorted. The figure floated in the air, overlooking everything.

At the foot of it is a huge canyon, the cracks are hundreds of miles deep, leaving nothing behind, only scorched blackness and destruction.

A group of nine people from the lower realm, headed by the great elder of Tianhuang Academy, were kneeling on the ground respectfully, bowing to the ground, extremely fearful!

But even so, his body was still shaking uncontrollably.

The auras invisibly exuded by the four people in mid-air were so terrifying that no one could even think of resisting.

After the four people discussed it, they decided to go directly to find the ruins of the ancient heaven and complete the mission of the ancient blood phoenix ancestor.

Pi Liuli raised his hand and waved, and an extremely mysterious and complex talisman appeared in the void.

As the talisman appeared, the surrounding space suddenly distorted and became blurry, as if it would be penetrated and melted at any time.

And this object is a space talisman that can easily travel through space!

It contains the Immortal King's ultimate understanding of the rules of space, which can lead four people to travel through the void instantly, saving a lot of time.

General space teleportation requires the deployment of teleportation arrays at both the destination and the starting point, and a large amount of 987 Spirit Stones are consumed to teleport.

But this space talisman only needs to specify the coordinates of a certain space. With a thought, it can directly transmigrate the space and arrive instantly.

And this is also the supreme law that only the immortal King Level experts can touch.

At that level of existence, a single thought can span several large domains, without being limited by distance at all.

As long as it's on the same interface, you can almost reach anywhere you want in an instant.

The methods are outrageous! It is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people!

"This space magic talisman is really mysterious. With our strength, we can't understand it at all!"

Dorozha, whose whole body was flowing with brilliant luster, seemed to be wrapped in purple energy. Looking at the space talisman floating in front of him, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

The other three brothers' eyes were also bright when they looked at this magic talisman, and they couldn't help but take a few more glances.

It's a pity that the laws of space are too profound and obscure to be understood by just observing.

"I'm afraid that the Immortal King who refined this space talisman has reached an extremely terrifying level in the laws of space, which is beyond the reach of us.

Pi Liuli's eyes darkened slightly, and he also looked at the space talisman and praised it.

As quasi-immortal kings, they are invincible in the Imperishable Realm. Naturally, they also have an understanding and considerable understanding of the most basic space laws.

But compared with the Immortal King who was refined into a space talisman, he was just getting started and was not at the same level at all.

"Okay, let's complete the instructions given by Ancient Ancestor Erhuang first!"

Pi Liuli's eyes flashed and he spoke in a deep voice, interrupting everyone's thoughts.

As long as the Phoenix Art is brought back this time and the Ancient Blood Phoenix Ancestor will help them, the four of them will have a greater chance of breaking through their shackles and becoming immortal kings.

After all, the resources accumulated by the Blood Phoenix Immortal Realm over tens of millions of years are extremely terrifying.

Once you break through to the immortal King Realm, the level of life will completely transform again, and it will be easier to understand the origin of the rules.


The other three people nodded heavily when they saw this, and then waved their arms, and the three tokens immediately appeared in the void.

Astonishingly, it was the token symbolizing their identity that they held in the ancient heaven before they rebelled.

This token not only has a strong connection with many large formations in the ancient heaven, but also contains a trace of the origin of the world in the ancient heaven.

With the existence of this token, it is too easy to locate the location of the ancient heaven.

"Let's use the secret method together to activate the space talisman!"

A cold smile appeared on Pi Liuli's face and he spoke calmly.

"Yes, brother, I didn't expect that after tens of thousands of years, we would return to the ancient heaven. It's really nostalgic!"

Pisamen narrowed his eyes slightly and muttered to himself from the side.

Hearing this, the other three people also smiled coldly, and at the same time they took action to form mysterious seals.


As the four people quickly formed seals, four rays of spiritual light shot into the three tokens in front of them, and then the tokens suddenly glowed, and a strange aura suddenly became extremely strong.

"found it!"

Liu Bocha spoke in surprise, his huge eyes suddenly widened, the arrogance around him rose, and the void was suddenly blurred and distorted by the terrifying high temperature.


Seeing this, Pi Liuli was also overjoyed. The corners of his mouth raised a curve, and he made a mark towards the space talisman.


In an instant!

The space talisman, which was originally just emitting a faint fluorescent light, suddenly became brighter, and a dazzling white light directly enveloped all four people.

At the same time, using the token as a guide, the four people immediately tore apart the space, sank directly into it, and disappeared.

And as the four people left, the crack in the void was still across the sky, as if it tore a hole in the sky.

After feeling the four terrifying pressures disappear, the old man who was kneeling on the ground slowly raised his head in fear.

Looking at the space crack left in mid-air, his pupils suddenly shrank, his face full of shock and horror!

Through the crack, he could even see the disillusionment of life and death, and the alternation of the universe!

Just one glance seemed to swallow up his soul.


The crack lasted for a few breaths, then disappeared instantly and was smoothed away.

Except for the slightly rippling and distorted space, everything seemed as if it had never happened.

Heaven and earth are silent, death is silent!

Tianhuang Academy, which was originally very prosperous and bustling with people, has been mostly destroyed due to the terrifying fluctuations when the four people arrived just now.

The entire forbidden area and core area were almost completely destroyed, replaced by only a huge canyon, with abyss-like cracks spreading for hundreds of miles, running through the entire Wuhuang Academy.

Beyond that, nothing remains.

However, looking at this scene, the old man was indeed extremely excited and excited.

There is absolutely no sympathy at all for the tens of millions of lives lost!

Even the disciples he personally cultivated lost countless lives without any reason, and he didn't care at all.

Instead, he moved towards the place where the crack disappeared with great excitement, revealing Jinping's ferocious laughter.

"Congratulations to the messenger of heaven!"

"When the messenger of heaven comes, he will sweep everything!"

"This world will be dominated by it!"

Even though the other party never looked at him directly from beginning to end, the old man was still extremely ecstatic and excited.

He knew that their time had come.

With these four extremely powerful adults here, the entire Xuanhuang world will be trampled under their feet!

And he will also become the master above billions of people and below four people!

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