Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 457 An Unexpected Harvest, Blue Spiritual Crystal!


Along with a terrifying figure descending from the sky, the dozens of snake dragons rushing around stopped almost instantly.

The originally cunning and scarlet eyes were now filled with a look of horror and fear!

The person who came was dressed in white. The moment he suddenly landed, he punched the snake dragon in the head that wanted to attack Chang Yue.

Although this snake dragon's defensive power is very strong and terrifying, it is only aimed at the ordinary True Immortal realm.

But Su Changsheng's power has already surpassed that of ordinary True Immortal monks. He punched it with all his strength, and the snake's huge head exploded!


Blue plasma splashed, and scales and flesh exploded like fireworks, making the scene extremely bloody.

Su Changsheng was bathed in blood and stood firmly on the sapphire boat. He glanced coldly at the dozen snake dragons in front of him. The terrifying pressure swept over him and made all the snake dragons dare not move.

"Why did Ji Huang refine the Dragon Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit now?"

Su Changsheng turned to look at Ji Huang, who was not far behind him and was wrapped in a ball of blood-colored energy and endless aura, and asked in a deep voice with some confusion.

"It should be that he wants to increase his strength quickly. After all, even the Lotus of Yao 27 Pond is not easy to deal with."

Chang Yue looked at Su Changsheng. The two looked at each other, nodded slightly, and didn't say much. There was already a tacit understanding between them.

"Oh, yes, but I just don't know if Ji Huang can completely refine and absorb the energy of the Dragon Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit with his current strength."

Su Changsheng looked at Ji Huang with a calm expression. Although it was only half of the Dragon Phoenix Blood Origin Fruit, the terrifying energy contained in it was definitely not something that the average Emperor Realm could easily absorb and refine.

This dragon and phoenix blood fruit is a supreme divine fruit. Even if it is eaten by a True Immortal Realm monk, it will be of great benefit. The Great Emperor Realm monk accidentally couldn't bear the rich and terrifying energy and exploded to death. It is extremely possible.

However, Su Changsheng was not too worried. After all, Ji Huang has a special constitution of the Nine Phoenix Sacred Body. It should not be difficult to withstand this power.

"Huh? This is..."

This is when Su Changsheng turned to look at the snake dragon he had killed. The body there disappeared out of thin air, replaced by a light blue crystal.

The crystal exudes extremely pure spiritual power fluctuations, which are actually stronger than the fluctuations of the spiritual crystal extracted from the Lotus of Yaochi.

"It's actually a blue spiritual crystal?!"

Chang Yue was slightly startled and exclaimed in a low voice with some disbelief.

She has never seen a blue spiritual crystal, or even heard of it. Thinking about the strength of this snake dragon, the disciples who entered it from the ancient heavenly palace before were just ordinary True Immortal realms who wanted to hunt and kill them. Too difficult.

Generally, the disciples who enter the place avoid these snake dragons, so naturally no one knows that after killing the snake dragon, blue spiritual crystals will appear.

This is definitely an unexpected surprise!

Su Changsheng looked at the light blue, extremely beautiful spiritual crystal, stretched out his hand, and the spiritual crystal slowly flew in front of him.

"I didn't expect that killing the snake dragon would yield such an unexpected reward..."

Su Changsheng's eyes brightened slightly, and there was a hint of joy on his face.

I used to think that these snake dragons were just simple creatures and there was no benefit in killing them, so I let a few of them go. But now it seems that I have missed a lot of good things.

The spiritual power contained in this light blue spiritual crystal is probably more than five times that of ordinary white spiritual crystals.

In other words, killing one snake dragon is equivalent to destroying five Yaochi lotuses. This efficiency is directly doubled by five times!

Thinking of this, Su Changsheng turned his palm, and the blue spiritual crystal in his palm disappeared, and his eyes fell on the dozen snake dragons surrounding him.

These are more than a dozen snakes and dragons!

If they were all killed, it would be equivalent to more than fifty white spiritual crystals. This efficiency is simply unimaginable.


As if he had realized something, when Su Changsheng turned his head to look at the snake dragons, more than a dozen snake dragons suddenly moved their bodies, turned around, and tried to escape.

"Huh! Escape there!"

Su Changsheng might have let go of the spiritual crystal he had obtained. The moment he turned around, he stamped his feet suddenly and rushed out. The speed was so fast that it turned into a stream of light. His clear eyes were full of excitement. color.


While rushing forward quickly, he suddenly held his hand empty, and a long sword as black as ink suddenly appeared in his hand.

Although this black sword is far from comparable to Su Changsheng's Great Principle Fairy Sword, it is not bad at all. The True Immortal Supreme Grade Fairy Spirit Weapon is just right for killing these snake dragons!


Su Changsheng was extremely fast and caught up with a snake dragon in an instant.

The snake dragon was already frightened and did not dare to resist at all. He just buried his head and tried to escape quickly.

But unfortunately, its speed was too slow. The moment it was caught up by Su Changsheng, a black sword light suddenly flashed past, and blood spattered out instantly.


The head of the snake dragon flew high into the sky, and the green snake eyes were still full of vivid fear and horror at this moment, but they soon disappeared.

The body and head were heavily smashed into the pool water, and then they turned into strips of spiritual energy and disappeared completely, replaced by another spiritual crystal.

At the same time, Su Changsheng's unobtrusive palms were explored, and the suction force exploded in his palms. He directly put away the spiritual crystal formed by the death of the snake dragon, and without looking back, he rushed towards the next snake dragon again. Go past 240.

"You protect Ji Huang, I will chase these snakes and dragons, but I can't let them escape..."

Su Changsheng's slightly excited shout rang out.

Chang Yue suddenly smiled, nodded and came to Ji Huang's side, while Su Changsheng quickly chased after him.

These snake dragons are not stupid, nor are they slow.

When Su Changsheng killed the snake dragon, these guys all plunged into the water, turned into white arrows, and quickly escaped.

In the water, these guys were extremely fast, several times faster than in mid-air. They fled in all directions in the blink of an eye, and it was difficult for even Su Changsheng to kill them all.

But Su Changsheng naturally couldn't let this opportunity go.

"Come out!"

I saw Su Changsheng standing in the air above a pool of water, and then punched directly into the pool of water at his feet!


A huge explosion suddenly sounded, and Su Changsheng punched a big crater out of the calm water in the pool. The pool water splashed dozens of meters high!

You must know that every drop of the water in this Yaochi is condensed spiritual power to the extreme. It is extremely heavy. Normally True Immortal can only splash a few meters of waves at most, which is very big.

But Su Changsheng, with this punch, the water in the pool boiled!

Amidst the huge waves, the figure of the snake dragon finally appeared again...

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