Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 477 Explode With All Your Strength And Enter The Bottom Of The Pool!


Seeing Ji Huang being violently blasted away, endless golden light suddenly emerged from the body of the golden-winged roc, as if the roar of the roc echoed through the sky and the earth. Between the light, a light and shadow flew out at an extremely fast speed, as fast as lightning!


The Spirit Dragon King looked at the golden-winged roc that was swooping in quickly, and he also roared to the sky, and the violent power surged out like a tide.

The huge body of the Spirit Dragon King suddenly curled up, and then suddenly bounced away, flying towards the front of the golden-winged roc at an extremely fast speed. It had extremely strong confidence in its own strength and defense.

Roaring, he was about to completely kill the guy in front of him who had hurt him several times!


Scattered ice crystals and snowflakes began to fall in the sky. The temperature dropped suddenly. Even the spiritual energy visible to the naked eye began to freeze. The next second, the snowflakes began to grow larger and began to fall one after another.

Then, two Flood Dragons that looked like spiritual dragon kings floated out of the full moon behind Chang Yue.

The appearance and shape of the two spiritual dragons are the same as that of the spiritual dragon king. They exude an extremely cold aura, and their whole body looks like it is made of ice but still exudes toughness.

-metallic feel.

"Ice Spirit Dragon Moon Kill!" 27

Chang Yue's white body swayed slightly in the wind, and she stood in the void. At this moment, her face was extremely cold, with a trace of murderous intent, staring at the Spiritual Dragon King coldly and angrily.

The arm that looked like mutton-fat jade slowly stretched out and pointed at the Spiritual Dragon King.

"Ho! Roar!"

The two-headed ice Flood Dragon suddenly let out two huge roars, and the next second the air roared and exploded.

The two ice Flood Dragons were like two streams of light, and with a flash of light and shadow, they rushed towards the Spiritual Dragon King.

This attack is obviously different from the previous ice picks and so on.

Under the control of Chang Yue, the Ice Flood Dragon was like two truly alive Flood Dragons. The cold air was raging and it was fighting with the Spiritual Dragon King.

The body of the Spiritual Dragon King was instantly blocked!


The Spirit Flood King was angry and roared at the two ice Flood Dragons that looked exactly like him. The air waves spread out like a substance and actually knocked the two ice Flood Dragons back several meters.


The Spirit Flood King flashed in an extremely fast speed and appeared in front of an Ice Flood Dragon in the blink of an eye. His huge tail flicked violently and the air exploded!


The huge tail, carrying unparalleled violent power, directly hit an ice Flood Dragon.

Ice Flood Dragon seemed to be made of tens of thousands of years of ice, and its huge body as solid as iron exploded in an instant.

Ice crystals splashed all over the sky and were blown into pieces!

However, it was at the same time that it was shattered that an extremely terrifying force of coldness burst out from its body.


It is extremely rich, and the Taiyin Immortal Power that has been compressed and accumulated for a long time suddenly explodes. This kind of power is extremely terrifying!

Even the water of Yaochi, which was impossible to freeze, now began to have a layer of crystal-clear ice crystals appear on the surface of the pool, like a thin mirror.

As for the Spiritual Dragon King, who was in direct contact with the power of Taiyin, his body was covered with a layer of frost almost instantly!


The Lingjiao King realized that he had been fooled, and immediately roared without daring, but unfortunately, the power of the lunar eruption suddenly burst out, and he could not resist it at all.

The Spiritual Dragon King could only watch helplessly as the ice crystals on his body thickened little by little, and his originally flexible body became stiff at this moment, as if it was about to be frozen.



The fierce light in the eyes of the Spirit Dragon King suddenly exploded, and the colorful spar on his forehead suddenly erupted, emitting a stream of colorful light. Although the other two rays of light were very weak and dim, they were still extremely terrifying.

The fluctuations emitted shocked Chang Yue and others.


When the seven-colored light appeared, the spirit dragon king's momentum exploded again, and he broke free from his almost frozen body. With a twist of his huge body, the power star exploded, and the ice crystals directly shattered!



At the moment when it broke free from the first ice Flood Dragon, the power of the lunar force in the body of the ice Flood Dragon was frozen, and another ice Flood Dragon appeared quietly under its body.

Because the body is too huge, the Spiritual Dragon King is entrenched below, and there is a blind spot under the body.


Chang Yue's eyes suddenly froze, and then she controlled the ice Flood Dragon to burst out, directly wrapping around the huge body of the Spiritual Dragon King that had just broken free.


The Ice Flood Dragon went all the way up the Spirit Dragon King's body, like a smart little snake. Wherever it passed, the lunar power spread out, making the Spirit Dragon King's body stiffen again.

"It's now!"

Changyue's eyes flashed suddenly and she shouted.

At this moment, the Ice Flood Dragon and the Spiritual Dragon King were completely trembling together, although the Ice Flood Dragon's physical strength could not be compared with that of the Spiritual Dragon King.

The Spirit Flood King only struggled a little, but the Ice Flood Dragon's body was already full of cracks, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

However, for a battle of their level, even a momentary opportunity is enough!


The golden-winged roc's eyes were extremely fierce, and with a flash of light and shadow, he immediately appeared above the head of the Spirit Dragon King, and launched a terrifying blow that had been prepared for a long time!

At the same time, Gu Hongchen also appeared on the other side like a ghost, holding the Tianhan Water Sword tightly in his hand. With the help of Chang Yue's Taiyin Immortal Power, he could even see the strong cold air raging while waving the spiritual sword!


The sword chanted loudly, and the sword thrust out violently. Gu Hongchen's whole body seemed to be integrated with the cold water sword that day, and it shot out like a white cold light, reaching the center of the Spirit Dragon King's eyebrows.

At this moment, the three of them all broke out, without any reservation, and they all used all their strength.

And the Spiritual Dragon King had also consumed a huge amount of spiritual power after being consumed by everyone before. Seeing the ferocious attacks of the three people coming, he immediately roared unwillingly, his spiritual light surged all over his body, and he began to resist desperately.

For a moment, the ground above Yaochi shook, the earth trembled, and terrifying fluctuations swept all directions one after another, causing the entire Yaochi to stir up a storm!

However, what no one, including the Spiritual Dragon King, noticed was that the Daoist figure that was originally watching the battle not far away had disappeared.

"Boom boom......"

Under the water of the pool, Su Changsheng's whole body was wrapped in a sapphire film, and there was a rich chaotic fairy energy all over his body. Even the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron was sacrificed and turned into a small cauldron, which was placed above Su Changsheng's head. It's dripping and spinning, guarding Su Changsheng.

The only place where Su Changsheng can be so cautious is the water under the Yaochi...

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