Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 482 Swallowing The Spiritual Dragon, The Power Surges!

As soon as Chang Yue's words came out, the three of them immediately looked at Chang Yue with doubts on their faces.

"If you don't escape, then this is..."

Ji Huang was still so innocent and innocent, and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"The reaction of the Spiritual Dragon King just now did not seem like running away, but rather like he was anxious to protect something..."

Gu Hongchen looked thoughtful and then spoke.

"Could it be...Su Changsheng?!"

This was the Golden-winged Dapeng. Ge Kun also reacted and looked at Chang Yue in shock.

"Yes! I didn't see that guy just now. Where did he go?"

This is when Ji Huang once again thought of the disappeared Su Changsheng, and hurriedly turned his head and looked around, looking for Su Changsheng's figure.

But this Yaochi is extremely empty. At a glance, except for the four of them, there is no one at all.

"I guess...that guy should be right at our feet..."

Chang Yue said calmly with a faint smile on her beautiful face.

However, upon hearing this, the other three people were suddenly startled and looked down hurriedly.

"You mean, Su Changsheng entered the Yaochi?!"

The golden-winged 27th Peng Ge Kun on the side was shocked, looking at the seemingly calm water of the Yaochi in disbelief.

Just in the sky above Yaochi, the pressure caused by the rich spiritual power is so terrifying. It is hard to imagine how terrifying the power contained in the water of Yaochi, which is completely condensed by pure spiritual power, will be!

It's definitely not something they can bear!

"It should be true, but don't worry, since Su Changsheng dares to go down, he is confident. Everyone has been exhausted, so we should recover as soon as possible..."

Chang Yue glanced at the place where the Spiritual Dragon King disappeared, and then spoke.

With Su Changsheng's strength, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with the spiritual dragon king who is almost at the end of his strength.

Since they couldn't go to Yaochi, they simply took the time to recover as soon as possible in order to meet Su Changsheng.


Gu Hongchen and the other three nodded heavily when they heard this. Without any hesitation, they quickly sat cross-legged on their tokens, Daolian, and began to regulate their breath and recover.

At the same time, the spiritual dragon king was rushing towards the underground crystal core at an extremely fast speed.

The Spiritual Dragon King was already very fast, and now he felt like a fish in the water when he entered the pond. His speed increased sharply again, and he shot towards him like a stream of light.

Su Changsheng, who was chasing the crystal core, also noticed the rapidly approaching Spirit Dragon King at this moment, and the corner of his mouth suddenly curled up, without any surprise.

"Has this guy finally lost his patience?"

Su Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced to the side. A fierce white light visible to the naked eye was shooting towards his direction.


Su Changsheng took a slight step and moved nearly a hundred meters away in an instant, directly dodging the spiritual beam.


The spiritual beam hit the bottom of Yaochi hard, stirring up a burst of silt and causing a rumble and vibration!

And then the huge figure of the Spiritual Dragon King appeared within the barrier.

This barrier seems to have no restrictive effect on the spiritual dragon king, and he can enter and exit freely.

"You still want to stop me with your severely injured body?"

Su Changsheng looked at the Spiritual Dragon King who was covered in scars and couldn't help but sneered.

The Lingjiao King also seemed to feel the power of Su Changsheng, and knew that he was no match for Su Changsheng, so he did not attack Su Changsheng immediately, but stared at the human beings in front of him with his big lantern-like eyes.

A cold light flashed in a pair of cold and emotionless eyes, and then he suddenly opened his mouth and sucked in. Suddenly, the water in the pool poured out, and a terrible suction force erupted from his mouth.

"Boom boom......"

The countless spiritual dragons around that had not yet fully grown were suddenly torn apart by the terrifying suction force and converged towards the mouth of the spiritual dragon king, and they were all swallowed into his body.

In just a few breaths of time, all the spiritual dragons in this area were swallowed up, and it became a little empty for a while.

Seeing this scene, Su Changsheng also had a look of surprise on his face.

It was originally thought that these incompletely grown spiritual dragons were the descendants of the spiritual dragon king, but now it seems that this is not the case.

These spiritual dragons seem to be separated from this guy. Here they continue to absorb the power of the crystal core and grow. Finally, they merge with the main body, and their strength will skyrocket in an instant.

It has to be said that this thick-looking guy is really quite intelligent, and he can actually think of this method to quickly increase his strength.

As the Spiritual Dragon King absorbed and fused all the spiritual dragons here, the originally scarred body was visibly restored to its original appearance, and his body actually erupted as brightly as a violent explosion.


The light was extremely blazing, and the already huge body began to expand again at this moment. An extremely powerful and terrifying spiritual energy wave was emitted, and the surrounding space was even faintly distorted.

"This guy is a bit tricky..."

Su Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the Spirit Dragon King whose strength had soared, and the smile on his face faded a little.

Originally, the power of this spiritual dragon king was comparable to the peak of the True Immortal Realm. Now that he has absorbed so many spiritual dragons, his spiritual power has reached a terrifying level, even comparable to that of a strong Immortal King!


An earth-shaking roar suddenly came from the mouth of the Spiritual Dragon King.

At this moment, the continuously expanding body of the Spiritual Dragon King finally stopped.

The body that was originally two to three hundred meters long now reached nearly five hundred meters, and the diameter of its thinnest tail was more than thirty meters. It was entrenched like a prehistoric monster, staring at Su Changsheng.

Those eyes were so cold and the vertical pupils were so constricted that it made your soul tremble!

It can sense that the missing piece of spiritual crystal is on the human body in front of it. As long as it is swallowed again, its power will skyrocket again!


The Spiritual Dragon King roared angrily, and then his huge body suddenly rushed out and rushed towards Su Changsheng madly.

In an instant, the entire space was rumbling and shaking, and terrifying fluctuations swept across all directions. All the spiritual dragons tens of thousands of miles around fled in all directions, not daring to stay at all.

They all trembled and fled to the outskirts of Yaochi, because they could feel that the terrifying pressure that usually seemed like a king to them was spreading from the depths.

That kind of coercion is so terrifying, coming from the very core, and it is impossible to resist!


The ground at the bottom of the Yaochi Pond instantly cracked, and hideous cracks spread out continuously. The entire pond water seemed to be boiling!

Just the sound waves generated by the roar of the Spirit Dragon King actually shook all the surrounding crystals into cracks, and it was so violent that it was unparalleled!

If Gu Hongchen and others faced the current Spiritual Dragon King at this moment, they would probably explode to death in an instant, unable to withstand the terrifying impact of power!

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