Immortal Creation

Chapter 225: Questioning by the Divine Constable

"Speak! Why did you want to kill Yuan Dasheng?" Zhu Xuanji suddenly spoke, his voice was as hard as iron, without a trace of warmth.

"Ah?" Ning Zhuo was surprised.

"Speak!" Zhu Xuanji shouted, and at the same time, a huge pressure burst out, like an invisible mountain, suddenly pressing on Ning Zhuo.

This pressure was so great that Ning Zhuo was almost pressed to his knees when he was caught off guard.

He staggered, and his waist and back inevitably bent down, but he did not kneel, but struggled to maintain a standing posture, looking at Zhu Xuanji with a hint of stubbornness.

Zhu Xuanji's eyes were full of golden light, and he saw through Ning Zhuo with an unprecedented tough attitude!

The sharp eyes made Ning Zhuo feel as if he was naked and in the ice and snow.

Ning Zhuo frantically urged the ninth-level peak mana and injected it into the cloud shadow hidden bud under the root of his tongue.

The cloud shadow hidden bud was activated, temporarily resisting Zhu Xuanji's insight with difficulty.

But obviously, resistance is limited.

Ning Zhuo was sweating profusely, gritted his teeth, and spoke with difficulty: "Yes, I am selfish."

"I want to do the business of mechanical fire monkeys, I want to expand my business, and the Monkey Head Gang is my biggest obstacle."

"The existence of Yuan Dasheng blocked my way to wealth."

"So when I saw that it was seriously injured and dying in the Fire Persimmon Festival, I secretly wanted to kill it and took the initiative to ask Lord Feisi for a token."

"I relied on this identity token to enter the Monkey Head Gang and persuaded Yuan Er to give up treating Yuan Dasheng."

"Yuan Dasheng eventually died of serious injuries, and I am the real murderer!"

"Hehe." Zhu Xuanji sneered three times: "What else?"

His questioning was like a cold blade, directly on Ning Zhuo's neck.

Ning Zhuo looked at Zhu Xuanji with difficulty, his expression full of shock and panic.

Zhu Xuanji's eyes were like those of a hawk, firmly locked on Ning Zhuo: "Don't tell me that you killed Yuan Dasheng for only this one reason!"

"Speak nicely."

"Confess and be lenient, resist and be strict."

"You should understand: if you continue to conceal it, what will happen to you."

"You should know that I am a member of the royal family of Nandou and a member of the Shenbu Division."

"If we really want to settle accounts, your Ning family is just a mantis under the wheels. Even the Meng family is not worth mentioning!"

Ning Zhuo was sweating profusely, his face was extremely pale, and his posture was shaky.

His mind was boiling with thoughts, various thoughts and countless questions emerged one after another.

"What did Zhu Xuanji find out that he suddenly came to question me?"

"What should I say? What do I need to say?"

"How far can I bet?!"

Seeing Ning Zhuo hesitate, Zhu Xuanji snorted unhappily and suddenly increased the pressure.

Ning Zhuo could no longer hold on, and under the huge invisible pressure, he knelt on one knee on the ground.

Seeing Ning Zhuo's stubborn look, Zhu Xuanji asked again: "Where is the Demonic Scripture?"

Ning Zhuo raised his head with difficulty, his doubtful expression was not fake, he really didn't know what the Demonic Scripture was!

"I don't know. What kind of Demonic Scripture is it?" Ning Zhuo immediately said, "I have never seen any Scripture, nor have I heard of any Scripture."

This is true!

Zhu Xuanji has a strong lie detection ability, he can distinguish the truth from the lies.

Zhu Xuanji frowned: "If you don't have the Scripture, how can you practice magic? How can you collect the flesh and blood of your people?"

Ning Zhuo hurriedly said: "My lord, it's unfair!"

"I have been studying substitute puppets."

"It is normal to collect the flesh and blood of the people and use it in this aspect."

"You can take a look at my research records, it's here."

Zhu Xuanji looked around, and the next moment, he used his spirit to capture objects and took out many drawings and several jade slips.

Among them, there were indeed records of research and experiments on substitute puppets, as well as many small directions and small achievements that Ning Zhuo had imagined.

Ning Zhuo was cautious by nature. When he announced that he was going to develop a substitute puppet, he was preparing these evidences.

Zhu Xuanji looked at these evidences and groaned in silence.


Ning Zhuo resisted the pressure and reached his limit, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

He laughed bitterly, changed his posture, and sat down on the ground.

He looked at Zhu Xuanji, panting, and put on an attitude of admitting guilt and punishment.

He said sadly: "This day has finally come."

"I knew there would be such a day, I knew..."

Seeing Ning Zhuo's attitude of admitting defeat and wanting to cooperate, Zhu Xuanji slowly restrained some pressure and gave Ning Zhuo some breathing space: "Are you finally willing to say it?"

However, such a small action brought Ning Zhuo a great spiritual touch, allowing Ning Zhuo to collect the most critical information.

Ning Zhuo gritted his teeth secretly and decided to take a gamble!

He swallowed hard, shook his head at Zhu Xuanji and said:

"Master Shenbu, you know the inside story, and I am also exposed, but I can't say anything."

"I am just a small person. If I tell the truth, I will die!"

"Huh?!" Zhu Xuanji raised his eyebrows. "You dare to resist?!"

He looked at Ning Zhuo with a scrutinizing look: "Ning Zhuo boy, it is not easy for you to get to where you are today, you must cherish it."

Ning Zhuo laughed bitterly: "Of course I know - it is really not easy for me to get to where I am today! No one knows better than me."

"I was born in the lower class, on the edge of the family branch, just a small person."

"I am like a small grass that emerges from the soil, rooted in the mud and feces."

"I need to do my best to absorb all the nutrients I can get, so that I can grow."

"Just like I control the black market, I also know that this job is dirty, and the righteous monks are unwilling to intervene."

"Then what can I do?"

"No matter how smelly the feces is, as long as it is nutritious to me, I will do my best to grab it."

Speaking of this, Ning Zhuo looked up at Zhu Xuanji, with jealousy in his eyes.

"Lord Zhu, you will never understand me!"

"You are from the royal family, and you are superior from birth."

"You have reached the golden elixir level, and you can easily crush me."

"Just like now, you can easily step on me to death with just one foot, just like stepping on an ant on the roadside."

"But why would a noble person like you embarrass me?"

"You clearly know the truth, why do you embarrass a small person like me?!"

Ning Zhuo felt more and more wronged and angry as he spoke.

His face twisted, full of terrifying hatred.

"I just want to live well and practice well!"

"I have no choice. At certain critical moments, I am too weak and I have no one to rely on. I can only do some not-so-glorious things in exchange for the support of others."

"I expected you to arrest me today. As long as you show me my evidence, I will admit it."

"But if you want me to testify, let me act as a witness, and become a breakthrough in the whole case, I absolutely can't do it."

"Just kill me."

"Because I am not just one person, I also have my family, my relatives and friends, and I don't want to implicate them."

"I am responsible for my own actions!"

At this point, Ning Zhuo showed a resolute look of facing death.

Zhu Xuanji fell into silence.

The Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit had been watching the excitement, but now it was confused.

It didn't understand what Ning Zhuo was saying now.

"What are you talking about?"

Although it didn't understand, it had already sensed a bad trend at this time.

Because Zhu Xuanji actually slowly restrained his momentum and stopped exerting strong pressure on Ning Zhuo.

The Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit couldn't help but roared: "Zhu Xuanji, what are you doing? You have already discovered him!"

"That's right, the young cultivator in front of you is the murderer, he is the murderer who blew up the Immortal Palace!"

However, Zhu Xuanji looked down at Ning Zhuo at this time, and there was a trace of compassion in his eyes.

He is Zhu Xuanji, and he has a title called "Cha Yin An Min".

He has always shown great sympathy and compassion for the lower-level cultivators.

In Xuanlin City, he can take risks for a bowl of sugar water for the lower-level village elders and investigate the corruption of the Su family.

In the royal capital, facing the King of Nandou, he bluntly said that he wanted to curb these great cultivators and actively support the talented cultivators at the bottom.

He was framed by Li Leifeng before his death, but he was not angry but sad, and was willing to be calculated to select the most suitable director for the Charity Garden.

He was naturally wary of the huge forces that were deeply entrenched in the Nandou Kingdom. And he had a deep pity for the middle and lower-level cultivators.

Looking at Ning Zhuo, who was slumped on the ground, sweating and in a very embarrassed state.

Zhu Xuanji sighed, and his expression fluctuated for the first time: "You little devil, you are too good at monopolizing. If you are so scheming, you will only seek your own death."

"You are obviously gifted, why are you so eager for quick success?"

There was a feeling of regret in his tone.

Ning Zhuo smiled bitterly: "My lord, I also found that the head of the puppet body was very big after my soul entered the fairy palace. After that, I realized that I was talented."

Zhu Xuanji was silent.

In his eyes, Ning Zhuo was given another impression of being pitiful, sad and ridiculous, who was teased by fate.

"Ning Zhuo, you have talent, you are an excellent young man."

"I'll give you a chance."

"Think about it carefully, and give me an explanation in three days!"

"Please remember that your explanation to me will determine your future."

Zhu Xuanji put his hands behind his back, flew into the sky, and then turned into a rainbow of light and flew into the sky.

Ning Zhuo still sat there, motionless, for a long time.

The noisy sound was getting closer and closer. It was the monks and guards near his house, rushing over.

But what's the use?

Facing Zhu Xuanji, the power that Ning Zhuo had built up was like paper, and he couldn't rely on it at all.

"Too weak, too weak!"

"My strength is still too weak."

Ning Zhuo clenched his fists tightly, and his fingers pinched deeply into his flesh.

Lava Fairy Palace, main hall.

The Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit was dumbfounded!

Until Zhu Xuanji flew away, he still watched eagerly, hoping that the latter would come to his senses and turn back to kill Ning Zhuo.

"No, you're leaving now?"

"He's the murderer, he's the real murderer!"

"But why do I feel that you still feel sorry for him?"

The dragon turtle fire spirit was puzzled and felt it was quite outrageous.

It wanted to watch the fun and wanted to see Ning Zhuo being caught, but what it saw was that Ning Zhuo had survived another fatal crisis.

The great detective Zhu Xuanji was fooled by Ning Zhuo.

"Are you a divine detective?"

"You must be fake!"

The Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit was furious.

It shifted its gaze and cast it back on Ning Zhuo, who was supported and surrounded by many monks.

"Pretending, he is really too good at pretending!"

Looking at Ning Zhuo who was being comforted and appeased, the Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit felt a chill in his heart.

"This young man is really too cunning and scary!"

"Is he really only sixteen years old?"

"Could he be an old monster who has practiced for five hundred years and reincarnated?"

The Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit was more and more afraid of Ning Zhuo.

It warned itself that in the future, when it comes into contact with this young monk again, it must be careful in what it says and does!

Be careful in what you say and do!

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