Immortal Creation

Chapter 259 The male and female thieves! (Monthly ticket requested)

"How is it? This sneak plan I envisioned is not bad, right?" Sun Lingtong said to Yang Chanyu in a voice transmission.

Yang Chanyu laughed: "I overestimated the inspection skills of this group of Yunshang. I didn't expect that they would check so carelessly."

Since Sun Lingtong wanted to steal, he naturally discussed it with Ning Zhuo in advance.

The two conspired together and thought of a way to sneak in through the mechanical fire monkey.

The mechanical fire monkey itself has a storage array, but it can only store items, not living things.

Sun Lingtong and Yang Chanyu transformed the mechanical fire monkey and improved the array of one of the fire monkeys, so that they could temporarily get in.

On the surface of the array, Sun Lingtong and Yang Chanyu joined forces and made appropriate disguises.

In this way, Sun Lingtong and Yang Chanyu quietly arrived in the body of the spiritual beast Yunjing through the mechanical fire monkey.

At this moment, both of them hid their figures.

Only when they acted could they slightly cause some fluctuations in the air.

"Where is the door here?" Yang Chanyu looked around, feeling the huge space of the warehouse and confused.

Sun Lingtong knew more than him: "Come with me! People from Feiyun Country usually set up a control array on the right hand side of the door."

Sun Lingtong led Yang Chanyu all the way to the key position controlled by the Yunshang monk just now.

Sun Lingtong infused magic power into his hands and stroked the white cloud-like wall.

After touching it for a while, his expression moved and showed joy: "It's here."

He then infused magic power into the cloud wall under his hands, and immediately a yellow array pattern appeared.

However, they lacked an identity token, causing the yellow light to appear for only a short while and then completely disappeared.

This is enough!

Sun Lingtong and Yang Chanyu were excited because they had found the key to breaking the deadlock.

"Isn't it easy to forge an identity token? Watch me!" Yang Chanyu volunteered, and after a while of tinkering, she made a fake token.

She inserted the fake token into the groove, and the yellow array pattern appeared again.

The previous scene reappeared.

The door panels of the compartments on the shelf dissipated like clouds and mist, revealing the mechanical fire monkeys stored in each compartment.

Sun Lingtong waved his hand and collected some at random.

Although the storage bracelet on his wrist was only at the level of a magic weapon, it had a good storage effect.

The reason for stealing the fire monkey was to prevent the flaws from being exposed. After all, he would steal many things next.

Once the Yunshang found that only the fire monkey was not stolen, they would inevitably place their attention and suspicion on Ning Zhuo.

After Sun Lingtong collected the fire monkey, the yellow array pattern on the wall had gathered in two places, each of which depicted the shape of a door on the wall.

A huge door and a small door.

Sun Lingtong and Yang Chanyu communicated with each other through voice transmission.

The two of them chose the small door at the same time.

Obviously, the gate leads to the main road, where there will obviously be more cloud merchants and more protective measures.

The forged identity token is not as good as the genuine one, and it cannot directly open the small door.

Yang Chanyu and Sun Lingtong both stood in front of the small door and began to ponder and study.

Yang Chanyu looked a little embarrassed.

The magic array style of Feiyun Country made her very unfamiliar and unaccustomed.

After ten breaths, Yang Chanyu only understood a little.

This is too slow!

Such efficiency is unacceptable.

Just when she was anxious, Sun Lingtong on the side suddenly said: "I understand."

Then, he took out various small magic tools for stealing from the storage bag and stood in front of the door to greet them.

The skillful technique and comprehensive tools made Yang Chanyu, the Jindan true disciple of Bukongmen, dazzled.

It only took five or six breaths, and Sun Lingtong quickly stepped back and suddenly put away all the tools.

In front of him, the small door quickly dissipated like clouds and mist, revealing a doorway.

"You are quite capable." Yang Chanyu looked at Sun Lingtong with some admiration.

Sun Lingtong laughed and did not explain.

Unlike Yang Chanyu, he was quite familiar with the ideas and styles of the Feiyun Kingdom's array formation.

It was because in his early years, Ning Zhuo shared all the mechanical books left by his mother with Sun Lingtong.

Mechanical books are a miscellaneous subject. In addition to mechanical arts, all other cultivation arts can be reflected in the mechanism.

So conversely, mechanical books cover the cultivation arts.

Sun Lingtong studied the mechanical books left by Ning Zhuo's mother quite deeply. This led to his general knowledge of the cultivation arts of Feiyun Kingdom.

He was quite familiar with the various array techniques and styles of Feiyun Kingdom.

"Okay, let's go quickly. The longer we delay, the greater the chance that we will be discovered." Sun Lingtong quickly checked and confirmed that there was no trap behind the door, then immediately took a step and ran forward.

"Wait for me, be careful." Yang Chanyu hurriedly followed.

The two came to another warehouse.

This warehouse was as wide as the one they had just stayed in.

Following the previous steps, Yang Chanyu designed a fake identity token again.

They placed the token in the groove of the formation.

Through the formation, they made the cabinet doors of the shelves dissipate, revealing the supplies hidden in the compartments.

There was a cloud of mist in each compartment, and in the mist, an orchid was looming.

Yang Chanyu frowned slightly: "This is"

She was searching her memory.

She felt vaguely familiar with this strange flower, and she must have seen it in the sect books she had come into contact with before.

Sun Lingtong blurted out: "This is the mist embroidered orchid."

"This is an orchid that only grows in an environment with dense mist. The color of the flower is the same as what you see, all white."

"Therefore, it is easy to be overlooked by herbalists."

"This kind of orchid is often used to make camouflage talismans, or elixirs with camouflage aura."

Yang Chanyu nodded immediately: "Yes, that's it."

She looked at him with admiration again, and praised him: "I didn't expect that you are also very knowledgeable."

Sun Lingtong waved her hand, giggled, and continued to move forward.

Along the way, the two collected many mist embroidered orchids.

Even if they don't need this kind of thing, they can sell it. As a specialty of Feiyun Country, it will not be difficult to sell in Nandou Country.

The two opened the small door and came to a warehouse again, which was still a huge warehouse.

This time, after they opened the partition door, they found beetles dormant in the compartment.

These beetles are all sleeping, small ones are like millstones, and large ones are like carriages.

Their shells are very hard, and there are flashes of lightning on the surface.

"This is a heavy thunder beetle." Yang Chanyu immediately recognized it this time.

"This is a specialty of Xianglei Country."

"This beetle is very heavy and moves very slowly."

"Their shells are extremely hard and can be used to make many thunder magic tools, especially for defensive magic tools."

Xianglei Country is located between Nandou Country and Feiyun Country. It should be that this group of cloud merchants passed through Xianglei Country, did business there, and purchased a large number of local specialties.

The two collected a lot of thunder cloud beetles and continued to move forward.

This time, the warehouse they came to after passing through the small door was nearly half the size of the previous one.

They activated the formation, making the shelves emerge, and opened the doors of each compartment of the shelves.

The space in these compartments was very small, with only a long bottle with a narrow mouth, and a lot of dew accumulated in the long bottle.

Yang Chanyu took a long bottle, poured out some dew, checked it, and smiled. She recognized what the raw material of the dew was.

She looked at Sun Lingtong: "Did you recognize it?"

Sun Lingtong waved his hand: "Isn't it the sky dew?"

"Okay, we have limited time, don't have such meaningless exchanges."

Sky dew is no longer a specialty of one country or one area, it appears widely in the sky.

Sky dew condenses between the clouds at dawn, crystal clear, and exists for a very short time.

It is either blown away by the wind or evaporated by the light.

If the monks want to collect this kind of dew, they can only wait in advance and arrange in the sky, so that they can collect it before the dew dissipates.

It is difficult for ordinary monks to collect dew, because the clouds condensed by dew are often located in the sky.

This is very easy for the cloud merchants of Feiyun Country. Their spirit beasts fly in the sky, and collecting dew has become a fixed activity for merchants every morning.

Sun Lingtong and Yang Chanyu collected some more dew and continued to move forward.

This time, when they opened the small door, a mechanical puppet appeared in front of them.

Yang Chanyu was startled and was about to attack, but was stopped by Sun Lingtong in time: "Wait!"

The mechanical puppet did not show any signs of attacking.

After Sun Lingtong stopped Yang Chanyu, he carefully looked at the mechanical puppet in front of him.

The mechanical puppet was also looking at them and chuckled: "Who are you two? Are you thieves?"

Yang Chanyu was startled again, and murderous intent quickly spread.

Sun Lingtong was also surprised, but he had already come into contact with mechanical puppets that could speak. Yuan Dasheng, who was beside Ning Zhuo, was one of them.

Sun Lingtong rolled his eyes and said to the puppet: "Of course we are not thieves! We are our own people. Look, our token is still on the wall."

Sun Lingtong extended his thumb and swung it back, indicating the fake identity token stuck in the groove on the wall.

Without waiting for the mechanical puppet to check carefully, Sun Lingtong immediately changed the subject: "Can you make way? We need to check. This is our job. We need to check the quality of the goods and whether there is any damage or something."

"We are the inspectors arranged by Lord Song Fuli."

"By the way, what is your name? What level of spirituality have you reached? Can you count? What is eight times eight?"

The mechanical puppet opened its big eyes and looked at the two people. After looking at their whole bodies, it said in a soft voice: "My name is Rudie Niang. I can talk to you, so I have reached the spiritual stage. Eight times eight, um... equals sixty-six?"

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