Immortal Creation

Chapter 264: Secret Meeting at the Clinic

A small battle ended, and the mechanical puppets rushed forward and tore the monsters that broke in to pieces.

A teleportation light circle appeared and swallowed the corpse of the monster.

The mechanical puppets retreated in a long line.

Ning Zhuo stood beside their retreating team, waiting for them.

He saw a mechanical puppet with missing arms and legs, his eyes suddenly lit up, and after approaching the team, he pulled it out.

Because he had received the task, the mechanical puppet did not resist and let Ning Zhuo do whatever he wanted.

Ning Zhuo let the mechanical puppet lie on the side of the street, he squatted down, immediately cut it open, and disassembled various mechanical parts.

Ning Zhuo threw away the damaged mechanical parts, took out the materials from his own storage bag, made several mechanical parts on the spot, and replaced the damaged mechanical puppets.

Ning Zhuo's movements were concise and fast, especially the movements on his fingers, which were so fast that people felt dizzy.

After more than twenty breaths, the mechanical puppet had restored its old appearance and returned to the team.

Ning Zhuo folded his arms and stared at the following team to check carefully.

There were many broken mechanical puppets in the team, but Ning Zhuo skipped most of them.

He would not choose to repair all mechanical puppets.

Some mechanical puppets were quite troublesome to repair and needed to repair the array pattern, which was a huge consumption of Ning Zhuo's time and energy.

Some mechanical puppets seemed to be severely damaged, but in fact, they could be repaired by replacing some mechanical parts.

Ning Zhuo mainly chose the latter type of mechanical puppets.

Because this type of mechanical puppet can be repaired very quickly and provides considerable merits.

It is worth mentioning that when Ning Zhuo replaced the mechanical parts for these mechanical creations, he paid out of his own pocket, provided the materials himself, and made them on the spot.

Because he found that doing so would get more merits.

His action was equivalent to saving materials for the Lava Fairy Palace, just like Zhu Xuanji once donated three mechanical creations with quasi-golden elixir combat power directly to the Lava Fairy Palace.

But Ning Zhuo's method was far more cost-effective than directly donating these materials. The actual merits he could earn were much more.

"In just three days, Ning Zhuo has already mastered the essence." Zhu Xuanji kept an eye on Ning Zhuo, and was amazed when he saw him picking and choosing.

Zhu Xuanji had an idea, and recorded this situation in the jade slip.

Not long after, this jade slip was conveyed to Ning Xiaohui.

After Ning Xiaohui browsed the contents of the jade slip, her face was overcast.

"Ning Zhuo has found the trick!"

"Damn it, I spent more than ten days to figure out this experience."

"How many days has he been here?"

The shadow in her memory reappeared, making Ning Xiaohui feel bad.

"You didn't compete in other places, but chose the clinic."

"Ning Zhuo, you are obviously targeting me, and you still want to get entangled with me!"

"I have been forced to leave, but you still won't let me go on the line of entering the Immortal Palace."

Ning Xiaohui gritted her teeth, feeling that she was being strongly targeted by Ning Zhuo.

She was thinking about the situation in her mind: "To obtain the most basic position of a medical officer, the condition is to consume ninety-six points of merit."

"At Ning Zhuo's maintenance speed, and considering the time he has been here, I am afraid he will soon reach the standard."

"Damn it!"

"Different positions can be transferred to each other. But no one approved my application!"

"This is because I am the only one in the entire clinic and my position is the highest!"

"No, if this goes on, I will really be caught up."

"Hurry, I want faster, I want more merit!!"

Ning Xiaohui felt that there seemed to be a prehistoric beast chasing her from behind.

A huge pressure enveloped her mind, forcing her to do her best to strive for merit.

Zhu Xuanji easily achieved his goal.

He needed Ning Xiaohui to obtain the position of Shiji Pavilion, the sooner the better!

As long as he got the information in Shiji Pavilion, he could directly find all the real murderers and criminals. No matter if it was the bombing of the Immortal Palace or the bombing of Huoshi Mountain.

After another successful repair, Ning Zhuo gently lifted the mechanical puppet and stood up.

"Go." He gently pushed the mechanical puppet's back.

The mechanical puppet quickly caught up and joined the retreating team.

Ning Zhuo also returned to the main force.

The monks gathered together, mainly from the Ning family, and a small number of monks from the Zhou and Zheng families.

Ning Zhuo was a man of the hour, and his every move attracted attention.

He had recently repaired mechanical puppets here frequently, attracting many people to follow suit.

As a result, everyone found that repairing these mechanical puppets could earn a lot of merits.

When Ning Zhuo came back, they were discussing the amount of merits they each had.

"I have thirty-nine merits."

"Mine is forty-six merits."

Zhou Zeshen said softly: "Fifty-two."

Then he looked at Ning Zhuo and asked: "Brother Ning, according to your speed, there is still time, your merits have accumulated to eighty or ninety, right?"

Ning Zhuo silently checked his merits.

Negative one hundred and ninety-three!

He cried in his heart, but smiled slightly on the surface and nodded to everyone: "It's already more than ninety-six."

"Now I can enter the medical center and receive the lowest position in the medical center - healer."

Everyone was amazed and then congratulated him repeatedly.

"Sure enough, it's you as expected." Zhou Zeshen smiled and nodded, not feeling any surprise.

He also secretly admired Ning Zhuo's recent performance in the organization.

"Let's go to the hospital together."

"Let's send Brother Zhuo to take office!"

"Yes, yes, I just want to see with my own eyes the scene when Brother Zhuo walked into the hospital."

Everyone gathered around Ning Zhuo and congratulated him sincerely.

Ning Zhuo shook his head: "What's there to celebrate? You're almost here. By then, everyone will receive the position of healer, and I'll be able to earn merit faster."

"I'm exhausted and in no hurry to take up my post. Let's go back to the yard first, and I'll teach you some more experience in repairing machine dolls."

Ning Zhuo's proposal immediately gained wider recognition.

This is not the first time he has done this!

These days, after the troops returned to their temporary base, he would openly teach his various repair experiences in the small courtyard.

His understanding of many mechanical components is directly passed on to others.

The improvement this action brings to everyone is quite obvious.

Many monks from the Zhou family and the Zheng family also came after hearing the news.

Ning Chen asked Ning Zhuo if he wanted to let them in to observe.

Ning Zhuo: "At this moment, the four-party alliance is the overall situation. Don't be petty, let them all come in and listen."

Such consideration made Ning Chen and others secretly feel sad.

But there are also some people in the Ning family who are secretly dissatisfied. They feel that it is unreasonable for the Zhou and Zheng families to be treated the same as themselves.

Ning Zhuo had already expected this.

After each time imparting repair experience, he would gather the Ning family monks back together before going to sleep that night.

In his room, Ning Zhuo taught them some deeper insights, as well as many tips on repairing and selecting machine dolls.

As a result, the slight dissatisfaction the Ning family monks had disappeared.

Ning Zhuo finished the day's bedtime teaching and went to the hospital alone.

When he arrived at the hospital, it was already late at night.

But the lava fairy palace is still very bright and there is plenty of light.

There is no distinction between day and night here. If one does not use magic to calculate, it is easy for people to lose the correct sense of time.

Whether it was the magma, the pale golden spherical mask, or the tide of monsters outside the mask, the night in the Lava Fairy Palace was full of noise and heat.

After Ning Zhuo entered the hospital, he imitated Ning Xiaohui's first performance, tried to explore, and continued to receive repair tasks in front of the crafting table, repairing more than a dozen machine dolls in a row.

After doing this, with dark circles under his eyes and a tired and excited look on his face, he returned to the station to rest.

The next day, Ning Zhuo, who had only slept for two hours, went to the hospital alone again.

His actions have been different from others since then, and every time he comes back, he will be questioned a lot.

Ning Zhuo continued to teach everyone his experience, and took advantage of this process to tell them many inside stories of the medical clinic, which aroused everyone's yearning and increased their motivation to fight.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ning Zhuo also mixed the information about the critical treatment room with other information and informed everyone.

After two days of acting like this, Zhu Xuanji and others gradually became familiar with his movements and began to pay less attention to him.

"The time has come."

Medical clinic.

Ning Zhuo entered the intensive care unit.

After arriving here, he closed the door and activated the formation in the room.

In an instant, he was cut off from contact with the outside world!

The Jindan monks who felt this situation immediately communicated through messages.

"What happened to Ning Zhuo? My contact with him was broken."

"I can't sense him either."

"Be patient, it may be the special arrangement of the hospital. I remembered, did he enter the intensive care unit?"

"Let's wait and see. To be honest, we can only wait. We are not trial disciples, so we can't get close to the medical center."

The golden elixirs are temporarily stable.

Ning Zhuo met Sun Lingtong and Yang Chanyu in the intensive care unit.

"Senior Yang." He bowed to Yang Chanyu and said to Sun Lingtong, "Boss Sun, we meet again."

Ning Zhuo and Sun Lingtong were very at odds with each other, which was a layer of defense against Yang Chanyu.

Sun Lingtong said to Yang Chanyu: "Brother Ning Zhuo and I have cooperated many times."

"The big plan I told you before was also conspired with Brother Ning Zhuo."

"Brother Ning Zhuo is a member of the renovation team. He has gained the trust of Zhu Xuanzhi and others. If we want first-hand information, we have to get it from him."

"At the same time, he is a trial disciple of Lava Immortal Palace. As you can see, with his status, he can enter important buildings such as the medical center, which is also very helpful for our next actions."

Yang Chanyu nodded slightly.

The facts were in front of her, making her quite agree with what Sun Lingtong said.

Of course, as she comes into contact with Ning Zhuo, she will gradually discover the difference between Ning Zhuo and other members of the renovation team.

For example, other reform team members, even if they join the medical center and receive the position of doctor, will not have such huge power to allow outsiders to enter the critical care room.

"How dare you covet the Lava Immortal Palace when you have just spent a small period of refining your Qi with a foundation builder?"

"You are so brave!"

Yang Chanyu said as she looked closely at Ning Zhuo.

From her perspective, this was her first time meeting Ning Zhuo face to face.

It must be said that Ning Zhuo looked very good. He was dressed in white, with clear eyes and eyebrows. At the age of sixteen, he was in the sunny season.

In addition, Yang Chanyu also felt inexplicably close to Ning Zhuo's life breath.

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