Immortal Creation

Chapter 285 Ning Zhuo, you have to stand up

"Boss Zheng Jian, I wish you great success all the way!"

"Congratulations to the boss for entering the medical clinic and being promoted to the position of physician!"

"Sir, Ning Zhuo is just one step ahead. With your talent, you will definitely catch up with him and become the number one in the medical clinic."

Zheng Jian waved as he walked, looking high-spirited and high-spirited.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he slowly entered the medical center.

The door of the medical center automatically closed behind him, and the noise from the outside world suddenly left him.

Zheng Jian looked around and saw medical desks and more rooms upstairs. He couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He first chose to walk around and found that although he could go upstairs, many rooms were inaccessible.

"After all, the position of a medical doctor is only the lowest level in the medical center. I still have a long way to go before I can take charge of this place."

Zheng Jian tried to receive the task.

He was soon pleasantly surprised to find that after obtaining the position of healer, his task list suddenly expanded at least three times.

"Many of the tasks are brand new and I have never been exposed to them before."

"The rewards for these new tasks are obviously a level higher than those for external tasks."

The emotion of surprise dissipated in his heart, and soon, his eyes lowered, revealing a ray of light.

He thought of Ning Zhuo.

"Ning Zhuo took one step ahead of me and became a healer in the medical center. He obtained these tasks much earlier than me."

"Fortunately, the incident happened now and he hasn't shown up for two days."

"This is the best time for me to catch up with him! If I miss this time, I'm afraid I won't have such a good opportunity in the future."

Zheng Jian regarded Ning Zhuo as his biggest competitor, and his hostility was deep.

This is because, after urgent discussions, the Zheng family comprehensively analyzed the institutions and buildings in the Lava Immortal Palace, discussed all the duties, and decided to make the medical center the top priority!

The Zheng family's decision was conveyed to the Zheng family's renovation team. Zheng Jian, as the most outstanding person among them and the well-deserved leader of the Zheng family's renovation team, shouldered the most critical task without hesitation - catching up with Ning Zhuo!

Lava Asgard is the outer circle.

This is an area where fighting is frequent.

The ruins of a battlefield.

Eight mechanism night sky bats were circling and flying in the sky, looking down at the ruins from top to bottom, detecting the whole picture.

The two genius monks of the Zhou family stood among the ruins.

The two communicated while controlling the Night Sky Bat.

Zhou Zeshen looked worried: "Since Shi Jiting and Ning Xiaohui's accident, the number of red flame monsters breaking through the light shield and entering the Immortal Palace has obviously increased. In my opinion, the golden light shield is much weaker than before. ”

Zhou Zhu didn't care: "Isn't this better? The red flame monster comes in and wreaks havoc. The more institutions and buildings it destroys, the more opportunities we have to repair these buildings."

"This is exactly what we are best at. By repairing an institutional building, we can achieve far greater achievements than other tasks."

Zhou Zeshen shook his head slowly, his worry not diminishing: "There are no unbroken eggs under the overturned nest. If the Lava Immortal Palace has always existed, it would be okay. If it is destroyed by the tide of monsters, then all our plans will be in vain!"

Zhou Zhu was more optimistic and immediately said that he had great confidence in his family and Meng Kui.

Zhou Zeshen: "The tide of monster beasts has not yet been fully seen. A large number of monster beasts die every day, but the tide of monster beasts still continues to this day."

"The key is that none of the Yuanying-level existences among the monsters showed up to take action."

"Beyond that, having an empty goal is more of a threat."

"The power tentacles of this evil sect spread across many countries. The key is that the location of their sect has never been exposed. Some people even speculate that this unique evil sect deliberately does not have a sect."

"So, in comparison, those with obvious sect territory like the Soul Eater Sect are easier to deal with."

While talking, the two of them put away the Night Sky Bat one after another.

They both closed their eyes and accepted the message conveyed by the Night Sky Bat.

Afterwards, Zhou Zeshen and Zhou Zhu squatted on the ground, and the threads extended from their fingers were infused with magic power and stretched straight.

The thread was drawn around on the ground, quickly sketching out a simple and complete picture of the ruins.

The two of them talked about the maintenance plan.

The plan not only restores the former institutional buildings, but also adds many offensive and defensive institutions to the house.

This is not the first time that the two of them have repaired, and they already have experience.

They know that such enhanced recovery can lead to more achievements afterwards!

Of course, in doing so, they have to incur a lot of costs, including materials, manpower, etc.

The Zhou family fully supports them.

Like the other two families, the Zhou family is also trying its best to seek positions in Lava Immortal Palace.

Soon after, Zhou Zeshen and Zhou Zhu stood up at the same time and started taking action.

They first released a dozen or so burrowing rats.

The gopher turns the auger bit, drills into the ruins, digs out the foundation of the building, and finds out what is underneath the foundation.

Afterwards, Zhou Zeshen released the White Tiger to forcefully charge the car, while Zhou Zhu took out the Qinglong Crane Arm.

Bai Hu's forceful charge into the car once appeared during a competition between Zhou Zeshen and Ning Zhuo. Its appearance is lifelike and its limbs are strong and powerful, as if it can jump at any time. The large area of ​​the car body is silvery white, reflecting the cold light of the metal. The white tiger's eyes are made of crystal, which can emit light and see into the enemy's mysteries.

When the Qinglong crane arm is first taken out, it is in a hovering state. After being stretched out, the bronze dragon scales are tight and delicate, and the dragon's spine is raised high, making it look very strong and powerful.

The head of the white tiger that rushed towards the car fell off and retracted into its body.

Zhou Zhu inserted the green dragon's tail into the hollow of the white tiger's neck, firmly fixing the two.

The dragon's spine becomes strong, and the dragon's head hangs high, as if it wants to soar into the sky.

With the cooperation of the two Zhou family geniuses, Bai Hu rushed forward and jumped directly into the ruins of the house.

The Qinglong crane began to move, attacking in all directions, just as flexible as a dragon or a snake. The dragon opened its mouth wide, grabbed the broken wooden beam, and then threw it aside. Sometimes, when encountering something relatively hard, the dragon's mouth will chew hard and directly crush waste rocks and other materials to facilitate subsequent cleaning.

With such a targeted mechanism, the ruins were quickly cleared.

Zhou Zeshen and Zhou Zhu cleaned it carefully again, and then began to rebuild.

The two of them had joined the Mudflow Sect for further training. They were very good at this kind of construction, and the achievements they earned were also considerable.

While the two were controlling various types of mechanical creations, they still had the time to chat.

They talked about Ning Zhuo and knew that Ning Zhuo had not appeared in public for two days.

It is speculated that the reason may be that Ning Zhuo took the initiative to abandon the secret and turn to the light, fearing that Fu Kongmen would come to his door.

After all, Ning Xiaohui's death was right in front of her.

Zhou Zeshen looked far away in the direction of the medical center: "In this case, Zheng Jian will have a chance."

"The role of the medical clinic is very important. Because it can not only repair institutions and creations, but also treat people."

"If Zheng Jian is allowed to open up the situation and allow the Zheng family to take control of the medical center, then in the future, the status of the Zheng family in the Fire Persimmon City will be greatly improved."

"Ning Zhuo... when will you stand up?"

Zhou Zeshen has always had a good impression of Ning Zhuo, thinking that the latter is a brainy person like him.

From the perspective of the family's interests, Zhou Zeshen also very much hoped that Ning Zhuo could defend the interests of the medical center and stop Zheng Jian.

After all, the Zheng family is only subordinate to the Zhou family. If the Zheng family is allowed to control the medical clinic, it will inevitably have a severe impact on the Zhou family's status!

Publicly and privately, Zhou Zeshen hoped that Ning Zhuo would step forward at this critical moment.

I would rather submit and hope that Ning Zhuo will come forward!

Two days had passed since the new political strategy was issued, but he found that Ning Zhuo had always stayed in the room.

If he wasn't practicing the Five Elements Qi Law, he was studying the government's classics, or learning about the talismans given by Ning Jingfan, there was no sign of going out at all.

Ning Yifan summoned Ning Zhuo: "A snake can't survive without a head. As the leader of the renovation team, you are so popular among the people. Why do you stay at home all day long?"

"At this moment, the Zhou family and the Zheng family are working hard to win various positions. However, the momentum of our Ning family is being suppressed. We urgently need leaders to help boost morale and lead the family to move forward."

Ning Zhuo said: "Ancestor, I am too dangerous!"

"Zheng Jian and I, as well as Zhou Zeshen and Zhou Zhu, are in different situations."

"I once joined forces with people from the Bu Kongmen, but now I have abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side. They must hate me to death, and they will definitely try their best to assassinate me, sneak attack me, and want to take my life."

"If I don't pay attention, I will end up like Ning Xiaohui!"

"So to be on the safe side, I'd better stay by your side."

"I am the only talented person in our Ning family during the Qi Refining Period. If I die, the family's loss will be too great!"

Ning Jiufan was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, and once again scolded Ning Zhuo for being greedy for life and afraid of death, and not having the character of the Ning family.

Ning Zhuo lowered his head and shrugged, with a helpless expression: "Ancestor, you can just scold me. If it can make you calm down, you can scold me for ten days and a half."

Ning Yifan was choked by these words. He had never seen such a helpless person among the younger generations of the Ning family.

For a moment, I didn't know what to say or what to scold.

After a short moment of silence, Ning Junfan looked at Ning Zhuo, who was not afraid of boiling water, and said helplessly: "Tell me, what do you want before you are willing to be aggressive and show off the prestige of our Ning family?"

Ning Zhuo said bitterly: "Ancestor, I am really unwilling to contribute to the family. I am worried about my own life. The talismans you gave me cannot provide me with a sufficient sense of security."

"I once received the directional escape talisman from my family. This talisman allows me to teleport out quickly in critical moments."

"I think if Ning Xiaohui had this talisman at that time, she wouldn't have died."

Ning Jiufan shook his head slightly: "You have a beautiful idea, but even us Golden Core monks have a hard time escaping in the lava fairy palace."

"There are restrictions in the Lava Immortal Palace, and it is extremely difficult to use escape methods."

At this point, Ning surrendered and said, "Let's do this. I'll give you a spiritual talisman. It can protect you!"

Ning Zhuo's eyes shone, and he immediately raised his hands in salute and bowed deeply: "Thank you, ancestor, for the gift of the talisman."

Ning Jiufan glared and thought to himself: "Who said I was going to give it away?"

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