Immortal Creation

Chapter 82 Dasheng's Death

"Dad, I heard that you want to find demons and practice exercises for Uncle Monkey? Don't do that!" Yuan Er burst into the study and shouted.

Yuan Yi's face was ashen and he shouted angrily: "Shut up, who is talking nonsense in your ears?"

"Dad, no one can control Uncle Monkey's strength. His monkey grandsons are pet beasts. To be more precise, they are the masters. Those monks are just slaves responsible for feeding."

"The situation is already like this. If Uncle Monkey's strength is allowed to leap forward again, it will probably be even worse."

"At that time, who does the Hericium Gang belong to?" Yuan Er tried hard to persuade him.

Yuan Yi's lips trembled slightly and fell into a deathly silence.

The foundation of the Monkey Head Gang is something he has worked hard for all his life.

It is easy to conquer a country, but difficult to defend it.

He is old, even if he is young, he can just barely maintain the balance in the gang.

Yuan Dasheng is a fire-melting demon ape, and his strength is indeed quite strong here.

This is an absolute advantage when fighting side by side. But when the Monkey Head Gang established a foothold and looked around, no other gangs posed a threat. This advantage became an internal worry.

Yuan Er is his only flesh and blood, and the Monkey Head Gang wants to pass it on to him. But can he take charge?

Yuan Yi is confident in himself and has no doubts about his relationship with Yuan Dasheng. But he seriously lacks confidence in the relationship between Yuan Er and Yuan Dasheng.

Yuan Yi thought about it all day and night. Finally, he called Yuan Er with a pale face and only told him: "You, remember! You must treat your Uncle Monkey well. Respect him more than you treat me. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Yuan Er immediately assured, feeling overjoyed.

Yuan Er, who felt guilty, did indeed respect him more than before.

All members of the gang also respect Yuan Dasheng even more.

When he became the gang leader, his situation was very embarrassing. He must rely on Yuan Dasheng to convince the public. He also failed to truly convince the public because he repeatedly relied on Yuan Dasheng.

Yuan Er knelt in front of the bed and looked at Yuan Dasheng.

"Uncle Monkey, you are so kind to me, I know, I will remember it in my heart."

"But the envoy is right, letting you live in a hospital bed is the greatest insult to you!"

"I, I don't want to do this, because I respect you! I admire you!"

"I think my father, who is knowledgeable in Quanxia, ​​must also agree with me doing this."

"I know, he must also understand me... The enemy is too powerful, even the entire Monkey Head Gang can't fight it."

"In that case, I'll join!"

"My father always said that a husband is a man who can bend and stretch."

"I do this, endure humiliation and bear such heavy burdens, all to preserve the foundation."

"Uncle Monkey, you have to understand my painstaking efforts!"

"The Monkey Head Gang is the result of a lifetime of hard work by you and my father. It must not be destroyed in my hands."

"I want to pass it on to my sons and grandsons."

"With this kind of development, sooner or later, we will establish the Yuan Family, a cultivation family, and become the fifth force in Fire Persimmon City!"

"Uncle Monkey, please understand me, don't blame me! You will definitely understand me, right?"

Yuan Er kept thinking in his heart.

Suddenly, Yuan Dasheng slowly opened his eyes.

Yuan Er's body was shocked, as if he had been shocked by electricity.

Yuan Dasheng's eyes were gray and dull.

It couldn't see or hear anything, but it still had its sense of smell, and it smelled the familiar scent of Yuan Er.

Yuan Dasheng wanted to get up, but his body was as heavy as a mountain. It wanted to raise its hand, but it had little feeling.

In the end, it could only slowly stretch out its finger and point at Yuan Er.

Yuan Er was startled and sat back and fell to the ground.

The next moment, Yuan Dasheng's index finger slowly dropped, and there was no longer any breath.

It finally went.

Yuan Er was stunned for a moment, then suddenly burst into tears with tears streaming down his face.

He knelt, walked on his knees, lay on Yuan Dasheng's body, and shouted: "Uncle Monkey, Uncle Monkey!"

He shouted out what his father had not finished before he died: "Uncle Monkey, I'm sorry. Uncle Monkey, I'm sorry for you..."

Ning Zhuo also walked out of the small study at some unknown time.

Standing behind Yuan Er, I watched Yuan Dasheng go through the final journey of his life.

Finally, Yuan Dasheng finally died.

But at the moment of success, the joy in Ning Zhuo's heart was far less intense and turbulent than he imagined.

Ning Zhuo's mood was complicated at this time.

Yuan Dasheng fell into this situation entirely because of Ning Zhuo. But until it died, it didn't know Ning Zhuo's existence. It didn't even know how it provoked Ning Zhuo, its formidable enemy.

Where is Ning Zhuo?

Ning Zhuo actually didn't want to be an enemy of Yuan Dasheng. Before Yuan Dasheng broke into the Immortal Palace, he had never even met him once.


Fate used the Lava Immortal Palace as a stage, placing Ning Zhuo and Yuan Dasheng on a narrow road to death. Either you die or I die!

There is no second option.

"If I have a choice, Yuan Dasheng, I would actually rather be your comrade-in-arms!"


With regret, Ning Zhuo stepped forward and began to dispose of Yuan Dasheng's body.

Yuan Er was frightened and subconsciously stretched out his hand to stop him.

Ning Zhuo kicked him away, finally showing the disdain and anger in his heart, and shouted in a low voice: "Go away!"

Even if Yuan Er has cultivation in the foundation-building period, what's the use of such a character?

When Ning Zhuo saw Yuan Dasheng in the bedroom, he was sure that he had not taken the Late Autumn Life-Living Pill.

Zhu Xuanji clearly gave the Late Autumn Life-Living Pill to Yuan Er, but the latter never gave it to Yuan Dasheng.

Does he have no time?

He has too much time!

From this alone, Ning Zhuo determined Yuan Er's true inner thoughts, and therefore pretended to let him ask Yuan Dasheng for his opinion. Sure enough, Yuan Er knelt down at the beginning, calling only in his heart, and never really spoke.

"Boss Yuan Er, please accept my condolences." Ning Zhuo put the monkey corpse into the storage bag and was about to leave.

Yuan Er knelt on the ground, grabbed Ning Zhuo's legs, and looked up at him: "When can I see my uncle monkey again?"

"I will notify you when the production schedule is finalized. Don't worry, it will be quick." Ning Zhuo comforted him, pulled his legs out, and left without looking back.

Yuan Er was left alone in the empty bedroom, as sluggish as a stone.

Ning Zhuo was calm, and when he was about to leave the Monkey Head Gang's base, he heard the returning gang members talking to each other.

"All the persimmons have been picked, but the black shadow demon cultivator didn't show up!"

"Didn't they say he was hiding in the persimmon forest and was blocked by the formation?"

"How could he disappear?"

"Yes, I was looking forward to a hunt."

"You didn't see how ugly Lord Feisi's face was at that time!"

"Now, the Jindan cultivators from all families have appeared and are looking around in the persimmon forest."

Ning Zhuo's heart tightened when he heard this: "Oh no!"

He was sharp-minded and immediately realized that he was in crisis again.

After leaving the Monkey Head Gang, he quickly quickened his pace, racing against time, and rushed directly to the flying disc workshop.

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