Immortal Creation

Chapter 87: Immortal Talent

After searching for a whole day and night, many Jindan cultivators still failed to dig out the black shadow demon cultivator.

Faced with this fact, the four major forces of Huoshi Xiancheng were ashamed.

The martial law in the Xiancheng was not lifted, but the martial law could not stop the various opinions and undercurrents.

Zhu Xuanji asked Fei Si for some mechanical fragments.

These fragments all came from the mechanical monkeys that went out of control and attacked Yuan Er.

Since the black shadow demon cultivator did not show up, these mechanical fragments became the only clue.

Zhu Xuanji fiddled with these fragments.

He also got the design drawings of the fire monkey, took a few glances, and remembered them in his mind.

It took him half a cup of tea to piece together three mechanical monkeys with the fragments in his hand.

The mechanical fire monkeys were all broken and barely stood in front of him.

Zhu Xuanji took out the strings, infused magic power, and controlled these mechanical fire monkeys.

If Fei Si saw it, he would be surprised: Zhu Xuanji had this trick.

Zhu Xuanji has his own accomplishments in mechanical arts, and this is one of the reasons why he was chosen to come here to investigate the case.

After a moment, Zhu Xuanji put away all the clues and sighed. He did not find any valuable clues.

"Review it again."

Zhu Xuanji closed his eyes and reviewed the process of his investigation. First, the mechanical monkey, then the thousand-jin fire spirit, and finally the black shadow demon cultivator.

"Using the mechanical monkey to self-destruct is obviously to prevent the tracing back to the source."

"The thousand-jin fire spirit has no trace in the market. If the four major forces do it, it will be easy to achieve."

"The disappearance of the black shadow demon cultivator is most likely to be an insider who let him go privately!"

All the clues are hinting at Zhu Xuanji, one of the three major families in the Fire Persimmon Fairy City, and perhaps the Explosion Fairy Palace, playing the role of the black shadow demon cultivator behind the scenes.

"But if the black shadow demon cultivator has already escaped in advance, why did he trigger the mechanical monkey explosion during the Fire Persimmon Festival to frame the Monkey Head Gang?"

"Isn't this a waste of effort?"

Zhu Xuanji thought more and more deeply.

"Perhaps the other party wants to use this to disguise themselves and create the illusion that the black shadow demon cultivator is on the scene."

"In addition, the other party may have eliminated the old ape because they saw that the old ape was too outstanding. Getting rid of it in public can weaken the prestige of the City Lord's Mansion."

"Finally, the other party seems to want to use this to confuse me and slow down my investigation progress."


Zhu Xuanji clenched his fist and smashed it on the jade table.

He felt the enemy's provocation against him. These mechanical monkey fragments seemed to be laughing at his incompetence, as if saying: Come and check, I left you a clue!

But Zhu Xuanji had already learned the lesson of the mechanical monkey. He knew that since the other party did this, he would not be able to find anything, but would waste his precious time and energy.

"If the mechanical monkey is a provocation from the other party, then did the old ape really make a mistake?" Zhu Xuanji thought of this layer. He turned back halfway on the day of the Fire Persimmon Festival and did not hesitate to use the best potion to verify whether the old ape's mind was affected.

Zhu Xuanji's verification result was.

After thinking hard for a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and thought to himself: "The most suspicious thing is still the explosion!"

It was late at night.

Zhu Xuanji hid his body and went back to the Monkey Head Gang's base. He used magic to make Yuan Er sleep like death.

Then, he took out the top-grade potion and carefully dripped a drop on Yuan Er, but the effect was not seen.

Zhu Xuanji was frustrated: "What am I thinking? The possibility of Yuan Er's mind being affected is too small!"

"Humph, this evil creature also wasted a drop of my top-grade potion."

Zhu Xuanji looked at the sleeping Yuan Er and was in a bad mood.

When he turned around and left, he flicked his sleeves, and the airflow hit Yuan Er's cheek, making a crisp sound.

Zhu Xuanji quietly left the Monkey Head Gang's base, and under the starry sky, he went to the top of Huoshi Mountain to meet the city lord.

"Lord Mengkui, I want to check all the records and thoroughly investigate all the people who have entered and exited the Lava Fairy Palace over the years!"


Ning Zhuo returned home, rested for a while, waited patiently until late at night, and then put on the Cang Tie Han armor and disguised himself as a young guest again.

He came to the dungeon through teleportation and met Han Ming.

As soon as he opened the prison door, he saw Han Ming squatting on the ground, scratching his ears and cheeks, with a very inelegant posture.

Han Ming was startled and stood up quickly. He waved his hand to Ning Zhuo and said in horror: "Sir, don't give me monkey souls anymore. My soul needs to be digested and purified!"

"Now, my soul has become deformed and has produced many monkey characteristics."

"My behavior has also changed unconsciously!"

Ning Zhuo nodded. He also knew that he couldn't fish out the pond. He said softly: "You have worked hard recently. Next, you just need to absorb this ape. I will give you a holiday so that you can have a good rest for a while."

Ning Zhuo frantically acquired wild monkeys and gave them all to Han Ming for her to absorb.

Ning Zhuo benefited from this, and his soul foundation increased to more than eighty times that of when he first met Han Ming.

Han Ming's state deteriorated sharply, and he also saw it.


Yuan Dasheng's body was taken out of the storage bag and thrown on the ground.

Han Ming was startled and her hair stood on end. At first glance, she felt that this old ape was not ordinary!

"If you devour its soul, you can have a holiday." Ning Zhuo said.

When dealing with the corpse, Ning Zhuo deliberately wore away Yuan Dasheng's soul and imprisoned it in the corpse.

Yuan Dasheng did not practice the skills related to the soul, so he could only let Ning Zhuo manipulate him.

But doing so is still risky.

Ning Zhuo's best option was to let Han Ming suck it, and then he would suck it from Han Ming to maximize the use of this spoils.

"Thank you for your consideration!" Han Ming swallowed his saliva and began to perform the Soul Devouring Technique.

But the next moment, a golden light flashed on Yuan Dasheng's body.


Han Ming suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, rolled his eyes, and fainted on the spot.

Ning Zhuo was shocked. While controlling several small puppets to rescue him, he vigilantly checked Yuan Dasheng's body.

Han Ming quickly regained consciousness and shouted in shock: "Yigujinjian!"

"This, this is super talent!!"

Ning Zhuo raised his eyebrows, surprised: "Super talent? This old ape has immortal talent? Are you sure?"

Han Ming nodded, stared at the old ape's corpse, and said firmly: "Absolutely right! I have read the sect's classics and confirmed that this is the characteristic of Yigujinjian. The owner is often loyal and unyielding by nature."

"The bones of the whole body are the hardest, comparable to diamonds, and the flesh is also solid and tough. The soul is attached to the bones, and it will be unwavering and not easily moved by external things."

"In my current state, I can't absorb its soul. I'm afraid that it may not succeed in its heyday."

At this time, Han Ming also recognized the identity of the old ape and sighed: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that the old ape of the Monkey Head Gang, Yuan Yi's monkey pet, actually has immortal talent!"

Immediately, Han Ming was stunned.

She raised her head and looked at Ning Zhuo with sparkling eyes.

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