Immortal Creation

Chapter 90 Opening the Buddhist Gate

Ning Zhuo immediately reviewed every time when my Buddha Heart Demon Seal was activated and summarized their common points.

Ning Zhuo soon discovered that every time the treasure seal was activated, it happened when he was anxious and unbalanced.

When he officially took action and used the heart seal to command the mechanical monkey to riot.

When Zhu Xuanji rescued Yuan Dasheng.

Ning Zhuo broke into the backyard bedroom and saw the unconscious Yuan Dasheng, he almost wanted to take action directly.

After successfully persuading Yuan Er to surrender, Yuan Er was unwilling to hand over Yuan Dasheng, and Ning Zhuo was anxious and wanted to take action.

"Is this the conflict of fate that makes me unstable? My emotions are almost out of control. Once a mistake is made, it will definitely give Yuan Dasheng a new chance of life."

"On the one hand, I rely on reason and force myself to calm down. On the other hand, my Buddha Heart Demon Seal is also secretly supporting me and saving me at least four times."

Saving others is a demon, saving yourself is a Buddha!

After discovering this truth, Ning Zhuo sweated again.

It turned out that there were many hidden dangers in this matter, and Ning Zhuo didn't notice it at all. If he hadn't learned about the theory of destiny from Han Ming, he might not have understood it for a long time in the future.

"From this point of view, my Buddha Heart Demon Seal should be a treasure that can guard destiny. Triggering the Buddha statue to save oneself can avoid emotional interference caused by conflicting destiny and prevent one's own mistakes."

Ning Zhuo was secretly happy. After this incident, he discovered another function of my Buddha Heart Demon Seal.

"However, in this case, my talent is uncertain."

Before, he estimated that he was super talented. But now, he may be a superior talent. The reason why Yuan Dasheng was able to be eliminated this time was that on the one hand, Yuan Dasheng was dragged down by Yuan Er, and on the other hand, he was guarded by my Buddha Heart Demon Seal.

Ning Zhuo sat cross-legged on the futon and practiced the mirror table spiritual art.

"A clear mirror is not confused, it is the way to nourish the mind. Seeing that the five aggregates are empty, it can save all sufferings, Shariputra."

"Observe the empty appearance of all dharmas, which are neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing. Reflect the self-nature. Keep it in your heart for a long time, without color, feeling, thought, action, and consciousness, without eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, without color, sound, smell, taste, touch, and law, without vision and even without consciousness, without ignorance and without the end of ignorance..."

After a stick of incense, Ning Zhuo slowly opened his eyes with a slightly happy look on his face.

"Third level of soul refining."

"You can push open that Buddhist door and explore."

After learning about the theory of qi and number, Ning Zhuo wondered where his opportunity had fallen.

The biggest possibility is the Lava Fairy Palace.

He is practicing with the three dantians. At present, he is refining qi at the third level and refining essence at the third level. After that, he will refine the spirit a little slower, but at this moment, he has caught up.

Without hesitation, Ning Zhuo immediately responded to the mark of "trial disciple" and his soul entered the Fairy Palace.

Relying on various spells, Ning Zhuo had a smooth journey and quickly arrived in front of the three gates.

The levels of the Taoist and Demonic Gates were quite difficult. Ning Zhuo was not without hope of passing them, but it would take a lot of time and energy.

In addition to the death crisis brought by Yuan Dasheng before, Ning Zhuo could only deal with the crisis first.

"What will happen after Buddhism?"

"I hope it can bring me good changes."

Ning Zhuo pushed the door open and entered.

The room behind the door was full of coffins.

Not only on the ground, but also in the walls, there were coffins standing upright, and there were iron chains on the ceiling, hanging several coffins.

This scene was beyond Ning Zhuo's expectations.

"At least it's not the obstacles and puppets of the Taoist and Demonic Gates."

At this moment.

The Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit had a solemn and solemn look on his face, his eyes piercing the air, staring at Ning Zhuo tightly.

Although it didn't want to give any hints, it had no choice but to convey the key information to Ning Zhuo's heart through the thread of life.

"Use the mirror table to communicate with the spirit through the coffin. Once successful, the coffin lid can be pushed open."

"Choose one, send it to the furnace for cremation, and obtain the spiritual charm mechanism creation."

"You can also send the corpse from the outside world to the furnace to obtain the corresponding mechanism."

"Note: This mechanism needs to be carefully maintained, and it can be used to teleport in and out of the Lava Fairy Palace!"

Ning Zhuo got the information and tried it immediately.

His mirror table communication technique has indeed reached the third level, and it is not difficult to communicate with some coffins on the ground.

Soon, he pushed open several coffins and found that there were fire snakes, fire velvet mice, and flame shadow flowers lying in them.

Everything has spirituality.

Ning Zhuo tried to contact the vertical coffins embedded in the four walls. He had difficulty communicating, but he could vaguely sense that it was still the beasts and spiritual plants in Huoshi Mountain. It's just that their strength and background in life were one level higher.

"It seems that the corpse in the hanging coffin must be the highest level." Ning Zhuo tilted his head and used the upper ring to hang himself up.

He touched the hanging surface with both hands and used the mirror table spiritual art with all his strength. This time, he only had a slight sense, which was very vague and weak.

The dragon turtle fire spirit monitored Ning Zhuo's every move throughout the process, with its dragon claws clenched, looking very nervous.

After Ning Zhuo finished his investigation, he looked around and finally fixed his eyes on a vertical coffin in the wall: "According to my current spiritual cultivation, the fire snake in this coffin is the best target."

As he thought, Ning Zhuo tilted his head, let out a long line, and hung himself down, and walked to the target vertical coffin.

The dragon turtle fire spirit hummed, eager to see Ning Zhuo sense this coffin.

But Ning Zhuo stopped and fell into hesitation.

The dragon turtle fire spirit became more nervous, roared, and sprayed a ball of flames, as if urging Ning Zhuo.

When Ning Zhuo lowered his head to think, he stood still. The dragon turtle fire spirit felt something was wrong and began to scratch the ground with his hind claws, obviously getting anxious.

What attracted Ning Zhuo was a sentence in the information - corpses from the outside world can also be sent to the furnace to obtain the corresponding mechanism.

The more Ning Zhuo pondered, the more curious he became: "If I capture a Jindan-stage monster alive and send it to the Lava Fairy Palace, can I get a spiritual charm mechanism that far exceeds the standard?"

Of course, he couldn't take out a Jindan-stage monster.

Ning Zhuo naturally thought of Yuan Dasheng!

Yuan Dasheng's soul is attached to the Yigujinjian, which is difficult to handle. Ning Zhuo plans to dig out the bones and use them to make mechanisms.

But now, a ready-made opportunity is in front of him.

He doesn't need to deal with Yuan Dasheng's corpse, he just needs to bring it in and hand it over to the Lava Fairy Palace for processing, then he can get a corresponding mechanism.

This made Ning Zhuo more and more excited.

On the one hand, this saved him a lot of things and eliminated quite a few hidden dangers. After all, the sooner Yuan Dasheng's corpse is dealt with, the better.

On the other hand, Ning Zhuo has always believed that his knowledge of mechanical arts is not that high, and he believes more in the level of the three sect masters.

"Bring in Yuan Dasheng's body!" Ning Zhuo made a decision.

But how?

Ning Zhuo asked in his heart.

According to reason, the Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit should give an answer at this time.

But at this moment, the Dragon Turtle Fire Spirit covered its mouth tightly, and no matter how the fire whip whipped it, it just held back and did not respond!

Ning Zhuo first withdrew from the Immortal Palace and returned to the outside world.

He came to Yuan Dasheng's body, thought about it, and poured the blood he had drawn out before back into the ape corpse.

He took out two storage bags filled with supplies and placed them on the ape and in the body.

Then, he lay down next to the corpse, touching the ape corpse with one hand, while sensing the mark of the trial disciple.

The next moment, he returned to the room behind the Buddhist door again, with Yuan Dasheng's body beside him.


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