Chapter 15: Cheng Ji's Plan

Soon, Cheng Ji, who was still refining pills, received a message summoning him from Blood Shadow Ancestor. He didn't dare to delay and hurriedly went to Blood Shadow Ancestor's room.

Master must have something to discuss with him. Could it be that the matter of the fourth junior brother's Beast Core has been exposed? But this was within his expectations.

He wasn't particularly worried about any punishment from the master, and he already had a plan to deal with it. Since he dared to take action against this junior brother, he was confident in escaping.

"Cheng Ji, how is your relationship with the new junior brother?" Blood Shadow Ancestor sat in his chair, looking at the senior disciple kneeling in front of him, and asked.

"Reporting to Master, I have been very fond of this junior brother. I have even given him guidance in cultivation before and even gifted him a bottle of pills." Cheng Ji knelt on the ground and calmly replied.

"Oh! Is that so? You even gave your junior brother a bottle of pills. Can you tell me what kind of miraculous pill it is?" Blood Shadow Ancestor sneered and asked.

"Reporting to Master, it is a bottle of Apex Level Beast Core that can increase cultivation." Cheng Ji said.

"Hmph! You scoundrel! You know very well that the Beast Core you gave him, do you know what will happen if your junior brother consumes it? Those outer disciples, with average talent, may not achieve much in their lifetime. But what if your junior brother makes a mistake in the future? Can you bear the responsibility?" Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Please forgive me, Master. That pill is indeed a Beast Core, but it is a modified Beast Core. The material used is the refined blood of a high-level Snow Moon Fox with a thousand years of cultivation. It is indeed a great supplement, and there is no problem at all. After taking it, it will only increase cultivation and strengthen the foundation. I wholeheartedly did it for the good of my junior brother. What's wrong with that?" Cheng Ji said.

Since I dared to give that Beast Core, I have a way to deal with it.

"What?" Blood Shadow Ancestor's expression changed. He immediately took out the pill bottle from his embrace and poured out the pills, carefully examining them.

These Beast Cores were coated with a layer of enticing fragrance, but after carefully removing it, they revealed snow-white Beast Cores, emitting a captivating medicinal fragrance.

These were indeed the inner cores of high-level Demonic Beasts, refined with the blood of a thousand-year-old Fox Demon. They were completely different from the Beast Cores refined with the blood of Low-Level Demonic Beasts.

This was refined from the blood of a Fox Demon with a thousand years of cultivation. Previously, in my anger, I only opened the bottle and smelled it, but I didn't discover any problems with the pills.

This was indeed a great supplement. The refined blood of a Fox Demon with a thousand years of cultivation was truly a great supplement for cultivators.

"Master, I truly had good intentions towards my junior brother. You have seen the pills yourself. If taken during the Qi Condensation stage, it will only increase cultivation and strengthen the foundation. There is no danger. Although it needs to be taken once every seven days, I was afraid that my junior brother wouldn't be able to absorb the medicinal power. I truly had no ill intentions." Cheng Ji knelt on the ground and said.

"This Beast Core is indeed fine, but why did you coat it with a thick layer of enticing fragrance?" Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Please understand, Master. Your disciple was only afraid that the pills would be stolen, so I coated them with enticing fragrance as a disguise. Moreover, this substance has no side effects. It only increases one's appetite and nothing more. There is nothing inappropriate about it!" Cheng Ji said.

It seems that my master really values this fourth junior brother! He definitely wants to cultivate him into the next generation sect leader.

Damn it, master! I was the first person to follow you. It's been over 200 years, and I have been your disciple for over 200 years. My cultivation has reached the peak of the Harmonious Spirit realm, and with just one more step, I can reach the Soul Cultivation level.

You actually want to pass on the position of sect leader to someone else? That bottle of elixir was just a test, but he didn't expect that his master, the Blood Shadow Ancestor, would value this fourth junior brother so much.

If anyone in the Blood Shadow Sect asks or investigates, they will know what that bottle of Beast Core is.

How could I be so foolish as to give this fourth junior brother a defective Beast Core made from the blood of a Low Grade Demonic Beast?

The only secret move of this bottle of elixir is for this junior brother to sell it outside and attract the attention of the Heaven Inspiring Army. Because the technique of refining Beast Cores is known only to the members of the Blood Shadow Sect in the entire Heavenly Universe Dynasty.

Other sects refine elixirs using various spiritual herbs and flowers, as well as the inner cores of Apex Level Demonic Beasts. Only the Blood Shadow Sect uses the blood of Demonic Beasts.

Regardless of its quality, once the people from the Heaven Inspiring Army discover this elixir, it will definitely lead to a siege. But the success rate of this plan is pitifully low.

"Hmph! I know what you're thinking, Cheng Ji. There are some things that I can't explain to you right now, but remember, everything I do is for the good of our Blood Shadow Sect. Remember this phrase: when one person achieves the Dao, their chickens and dogs ascend to heaven." The Blood Shadow Ancestor also knew what this senior disciple was plotting.

This kid is too obsessed with the position of sect leader. As long as Zhou Tianfeng, the fourth junior brother, can grow up, it won't be a problem to conquer the top three sects and the entire Heaven Inspiring Army in the future.

And what about you? At most, you can only reach the Soul Cultivation level. In terms of future prospects, both the second and third senior brothers are much stronger than you.

"Master! I am wholeheartedly devoted to the Blood Shadow Sect and have no ulterior motives." Cheng Ji said.

"Alright, stop talking. Some of our strongholds in the capital of the Heavenly Universe Dynasty have been besieged by the Heaven Inspiring Army several times in the past few days. Now they have been almost completely destroyed. I have a task for you. Since you claim to be devoted to our Blood Shadow Sect, I will assign you to go to the capital of the Heavenly Universe Dynasty and rebuild the influence of our Blood Shadow Sect." The Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Master, you! You actually want me to go to the capital? Master, I only gave the fourth junior brother a bottle of high-quality elixir." Cheng Ji could hardly believe what the Blood Shadow Ancestor said, his eyes widened as he asked.

How is this about developing the influence of the Blood Shadow Sect in the capital? Going to the capital of the Heavenly Universe Dynasty, right under the nose of the Heaven Inspiring Army, is a matter of life and death!

"Pressure brings motivation. You have been stuck at the Harmonious Spirit realm for decades. It's time for you to go out and gain experience. As long as you act carefully and don't attract the attention of the Heaven Inspiring Army, it will be fine." The Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Alright, master, I can go, but I hope you promise me one thing." Cheng Ji knelt on the ground, clenched his fist, and gritted his teeth as he spoke.


"If I can break through to the Soul Cultivation level and rebuild the influence of our Blood Shadow Sect in the capital of the Heavenly Universe Dynasty, I ask that you appoint me as the next Blood Shadow Sect sect leader." Cheng Ji said.

(End of this chapter)

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