Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 2 Blood Shadow Ancestor (Please Recommend Collection And Investment)

Chapter 2: Blood Shadow Ancestor (Recommendation, Collection, Investment)

In the room of a disciple of the Blood Shadow Sect in the Heavenly Horn Mountain Range, Zhou Tianfeng sat on the bed, feeling somewhat uneasy. After being brought back by the Blood Shadow Ancestor yesterday, he was arranged to rest in this room.

Ever since he arrived at the Blood Shadow Sect, Zhou Tianfeng confirmed his thoughts. This was indeed a demonic sect!

What he saw along the way was not a paradise or a major cultivation sect, but a place that resembled a ghost city. In terms of style, it was definitely a demonic sect.

He didn't know how that Blood Shadow old ghost would deal with him. He hoped that what he said about taking him as a disciple was true and not something else. This initiation as a disciple gave him a strange feeling.

Such a demonic old devil wouldn't easily take him as a disciple, especially not in a forced manner. He must have seen something in him. So what exactly did he see?

As an Earth transmigrator, I don't have any ulterior motives.

It's really unfortunate. Others transmigrate with a powerful system, while I have nothing.

They have a beautiful demonic sect master to guide them online, various daily teasing, and easy cultivation.

They even have a white-bearded old man by their side, not to mention the legendary Goldfinger. He seems to lack these standard items.

Where is my demonic sect Saintess master? Why did an evil old devil take an interest in me at the beginning? This is a very unfavorable start!

Dong! Dong! Dong!

At this moment, a gentle knocking sound came from outside the door.

"You awake, little brother?" A man's voice sounded from outside the door.

"I am awake." Zhou Tianfeng immediately got up and opened the door.

"Now that you're awake, come with me. Don't keep the Ancestor waiting. Today, the Ancestor is going to take you as a disciple," the man said.

"Please lead the way, senior brother." Zhou Tianfeng got up and said.

Soon, Zhou Tianfeng arrived in a hall, and the disciple who led the way stood beside the Blood Shadow Ancestor, with two other people standing beside him.

Seated high above was the Blood Shadow Ancestor, with three inner disciples as witnesses.

"Zhou Tianfeng pays respects to the Ancestor."

"No need for formalities. Did you sleep well last night?" Looking down at Zhou Tianfeng, the Blood Shadow Ancestor spoke lightly.

"In response to the Ancestor, everything was fine for this junior last night," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Very well. Today, the Ancestor will take you as a disciple. Your three senior brothers will bear witness. Kneel down and pay respects to your master!" the Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Yes, disciple Zhou Tianfeng pays respects to the master." Zhou Tianfeng knelt down and respectfully kowtowed three times.

He then respectfully presented a cup of tea for the initiation ceremony and handed it to the Blood Shadow Ancestor.

"Good! From today onwards, you will enter my sect. Consider yourself my fourth direct disciple. After entering my sect, cultivate diligently. You will achieve immortality in the future," the Blood Shadow Ancestor said with great satisfaction after drinking the initiation tea.

Apart from the four direct disciples, the Blood Shadow Sect also had outer disciples and miscellaneous disciples.

"Thank you for your teachings, Master. Your disciple will remember them," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"These are your three senior brothers. First senior brother Cheng Ji, second senior brother Nie Yingji, and third senior brother Tong Lei. Come and greet your senior brothers. In the future, the four of you should get along well," the Blood Shadow Ancestor pointed to the three disciples standing beside him and said.

"Junior brother pays respects to the three senior brothers." Zhou Tianfeng didn't dare to be negligent and bowed to the three men in front of him one by one.

"Junior brother, no need to be so polite. I am Cheng Ji, your eldest senior brother. I am a few years older than you. In the future, we should get along well as senior brothers. I am skilled in alchemy. If you need any pills in the future, you can come to me," a man in his thirties with a fake smile on his face, dressed in a black and white robe, stepped forward and said.

This person was the eldest senior brother who had just brought Zhou Tianfeng here.

"Senior brother Cheng, I will remember your words. Please take care of me in the future," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Skilled in alchemy, this senior brother is quite versatile! But his fake smile is too obvious. He doesn't seem like a good person.

Cheng Ji smiled and took a step back.

The second person to approach was a young man in his twenties with a gloomy expression and an evil smile on his face. He was dressed in a red robe, resembling the Blood Shadow Ancestor.

"I am your second senior brother, Nie Yingji. I am skilled in refining various corpse puppets. If you find any good materials in the future, you can bring them to me. I guarantee that the corpse puppets I refine will not disappoint you," Nie Yingji said.

"Junior brother has met Senior brother Nie, and I hope Senior brother Nie will take care of me in the future," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Refining corpse puppets, aren't they just zombies? And using high-quality materials, are they referring to high-quality corpses?

Damn it! No wonder they are disciples of the evil path. Just don't turn me into one!

But I am quite curious about how you train zombies.

Nie Yingji also nodded and took a step back, allowing the third man to step forward.

He was a young man who appeared to be sixteen or seventeen years old, with a frosty expression on his face. He was dressed in a pure black robe and carried a sword on his back.

He seemed even younger than Zhou Tianfeng, but cultivators couldn't judge age based on appearance alone. It was possible for a young man who looked sixteen or seventeen to be several hundred years old.

"Tong Lei is skilled in killing," the young man said coldly.


Skilled in killing, this kid certainly has a strong presence. And that icy expression gives off a very cold and handsome feeling. But he doesn't seem easy to get along with.

Although the other two are also smiling tigers, they are relatively polite. But this kid is very indifferent towards me.

Zhou Tianfeng also didn't have a good impression of this third senior brother.

"I have met Senior brother Tong," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Tong Lei glanced coldly at Zhou Tianfeng, said nothing, and turned back to join the queue.

Blood Shadow Ancestor glanced at the other disciples, waved his hand, and said, "Alright, the initiation ceremony is over. You have nothing to do here. Go and attend to your own tasks!" Obviously, Blood Shadow Ancestor had something to say to Zhou Tianfeng privately, and he didn't want the other disciples to hear.

The other disciples understood and, after bowing to Blood Shadow Ancestor, they all left the hall.

Except for Tong Lei, the other two were quite polite and smiled at Zhou Tianfeng.

Once the doors closed, only Zhou Tianfeng and Blood Shadow Ancestor remained in the hall.

"You have something to say, my disciple, but you can speak freely," Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Master, I heard that without spiritual roots, one cannot cultivate, is that correct?" Zhou Tianfeng asked nervously.

As a transmigrator, he was not a native life form of this world. So, does he really have spiritual roots? If he doesn't have spiritual roots, how will Blood Shadow Ancestor deal with him? Oh no, there might be a danger to his life!

So why did you inexplicably choose me and bring me here?

"Hahaha! Rest assured, you do have spiritual roots. Let me explain to you, there are various special constitutions for cultivation." Blood Shadow Ancestor said.

"Please enlighten me, Master," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You should know that in this world, the spiritual roots in the bodies of ordinary people are fixed. Those without spiritual roots cannot absorb spiritual energy into their bodies and cannot cultivate in this lifetime. At most, they can only practice some physical exercises to strengthen their bodies. The Immortal Dao is closed to them.

Mixed spiritual roots can barely cultivate and allow the body to absorb spiritual energy, but they generally have limited potential. If they can achieve Foundation Building, it would be considered fortunate.

Low-grade spiritual roots can absorb spiritual energy for cultivation, but their achievements are limited. Their future cultivation level depends on personal opportunities and comprehension.

Middle-grade spiritual roots absorb spiritual energy at a speed more than twice that of low-grade spiritual roots, and their achievements are slightly higher.

High-grade spiritual roots absorb spiritual energy at a speed five times that of middle-grade spiritual roots. As long as they work hard in cultivation, their future achievements will not be too low. Among the major sects, they are considered core talented disciples.

Supreme-grade spiritual roots are extremely rare. They absorb spiritual energy at a speed more than ten times that of high-grade spiritual roots. If they cultivate diligently, they can become a powerful figure in their own domain, even achieving Immortal Transformation Ascension.

Above the Supreme-grade spiritual roots are various special cultivation constitutions, such as the Innate Five Spirit Body, Transforming Poison Spirit Body, Yin Body, Yang Body, Heavenly Rage Battle Body, Holy Spirit Body, Innate Dao Body. These special constitutions are the true geniuses of the cultivation world, the ones that major sects fight over.

They cultivate at an incredibly fast speed and possess various unique abilities.

As long as they grow up smoothly, they will become unrivaled giants, even achieving Immortal Transformation Immortal Ascension." Blood Shadow Ancestor finished speaking and glanced meaningfully at Zhou Tianfeng.

This kid's special qualities are simply unbelievable.

Alright, he has that Immortal Cultivation World vibe. Could it be that he suspects himself of having some special constitution?

(Seeking support for my new book, thank you for your collection and recommendation. I already have a million-word masterpiece, and I guarantee its quality.)

(End of this chapter)

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