Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 281 Opening The Immortal Emperor’S Tomb

Chapter 281 Opening the Immortal Emperor’s Tomb

This Immortal Emperor mausoleum was built after the war when the Dark Clan first invaded the world. Ninety-nine percent of the Immortal Emperor back then was dead.

Even the two Great Principle realms were destroyed by death, the original Immortal World was shattered, and 30% of the original energy was lost.

After the war, some of the remaining Immortal Kings and Immortal Emperors worked together to build this mausoleum to commemorate the fallen Immortal Emperors. Many Immortal Emperors' bodies were broken into pieces, and only some of the remains were collected. Here it is.

When this place was first built, all the immortals in the ancient Immortal Domain, regardless of high or low, could come to pay homage to the Immortal Emperor who died in this battle.

But I don’t know when, Master Tianxing banned everyone from coming to worship, including them, masters of the Immortal Emperor realm.

Master Tianxing’s explanation was not to disturb the dormancy of the ancestors, so from then on.

The Immortal Emperor's tomb was sealed.

The method to enter it can only be mastered by Master Tianxing, and then Master Tianxing unites all the Immortal Emperors.

The Immortal Emperor's mausoleum was hidden in a very secret place, and a large number of phantom formations, evil formations, and barriers were arranged around it.

This was used to protect the Immortal Emperor's mausoleum from being disturbed, but then, even those of them who were in the Immortal Emperor realm did not have the right to visit this place.

Now, the flying dragon Immortal Emperor brings up the zombie Immortal Emperor. It is said that someone may have stolen the remains of the Immortal Emperor inside, and this is indeed possible.

But they couldn't break the barrier here, so if the flying dragon Immortal Emperor could do it, then they would be happy to see it happen.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, if you want to enter the mausoleum, just open the barrier, but remember not to damage the mausoleum, otherwise, the two of us will have no choice but to stop it." An Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain said.

"Of course I know, don't worry, I won't damage the Immortal Emperor's mausoleum at all." Zhou Tianfeng nodded and said.

The two Immortal Emperors from the Ancient Immortal Domain nodded and signaled to Zhou Tianfeng that he could take action.

Zhou Tianfeng was not polite, and strode forward, using his original power, coupled with his top Immortal Emperor cultivation, to begin to attack the barrier.

The barrier of this Immortal Emperor's mausoleum was indeed laid out by a Great Principle, combined with several Immortal Emperors, with Zhou Tianfeng's current cultivation level.

Coupled with the help of the original energy from several major realms, this barrier should be able to be broken with a little effort.

As soon as the barrier was impacted, Zhou Tianfeng immediately felt something was wrong. Under Zhou Tianfeng's impact, the seal of the barrier was obviously weakening, and even seemed to collapse, but then a new force was added. Come in and start repairing the barrier, leaving Zhou Tianfeng helpless.

No matter how hard you increase the intensity, this barrier will immediately begin to repair itself. Every time it is about to break through the barrier, there will be a new force to repair the barrier.

"It's really strange. This barrier seems to be different from ordinary formations. Even if ordinary formations absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, they can't repair themselves so quickly?" Zhou Tianfeng stopped what he was doing and floated in the sky. Zhong said.

It’s a bit strange! The self-healing ability of this Immortal Emperor's tomb is as if there is a group of Immortal Emperor-level masters staying inside.

Then he continued to help repair the barrier and manage it like a political and legal system. It was not like an unmanned formation at all.

A group of Immortal Emperor-level masters were manipulating formations inside. What did Zhou Tianfeng suddenly think of?

Isn't this where Master Tianxing stores the Immortal Emperor's puppet? Only those Immortal Emperor puppets have this ability. They keep attacking outside, while they keep repairing inside.

Even strengthening this barrier, if you blast the barrier open at this time, and a large group of Immortal Emperor puppets run out, it will be great fun.

But it’s not my own pleasure, it’s the pleasure of Master Tianxing. But for such a thing, you must find more people to watch it!

"The Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor doesn't know something. This barrier is very weird. The four of us once wanted to open it and enter it to have a look, but as soon as this barrier is impacted, it will automatically start to repair for unknown reasons." An Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain spoke.

"Yes, no matter how we attack the barrier, it seems to have no effect. Back then, we joined forces with several Immortal Emperors from other Immortal Worlds to attack. When we were about to break through the barrier, the power of the barrier suddenly strengthened. Rebound all our power and repair it instantly." The Immortal Emperor of the ancient Immortal Domain said.

This flying dragon Immortal Emperor is very powerful. Back then, they had a total of four Immortal Emperors. Plus. Several Immortal Emperors from other realms took action together, and a total of seven Immortal Emperors caused the results caused by the flying dragon Immortal Emperor alone.

In other words, if this flying dragon Immortal Emperor attacks with all his strength, his combat power is equivalent to the superposition of seven Immortal Emperors. This is a superposition, not equivalent to the siege of seven Immortal Emperors, which can defeat the flying dragon Immortal Emperor.

When the seven of them besieged the barrier, they concentrated all their power on one person and then attacked with all their strength. If the seven Immortal Emperors fight on their own, they will never be able to defeat the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor.

If the power of seven people is gathered at one point, they can only launch a fixed attack. This person can dodge or directly attack at any time, causing the seven people to lose their combat effectiveness.

It can be imagined how strong this person's combat power is. I'm afraid this person is no match for Nan Tian and Huang!

But he is even stronger than the two of them, and has even reached the level of Master Tianxing.

"You two, I have an idea. I will invite the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, the soul-eating Monster Emperor, and the flower spirit Immortal Emperor flying in the Immortal World to come with me." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor, don't you want to gather the power of the four Immortal Emperors and then bombard this barrier?" the Immortal Emperor of the ancient Immortal Domain asked.

This is indeed a method, but the feasibility is still too small. They also used this method back then. Unless the attack power reaches the point where it can be destroyed with one blow, it cannot be used up at all. The self-healing ability and strengthening ability of this barrier are simply too powerful.

It is not possible to find three more Immortal Emperors to take action together. After all, no matter how many ordinary Immortal Emperors there are, they will not cause qualitative changes.

"I'm afraid some of you don't know that the Soul-Eating Monster Emperor and the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor have now been refined separately. The original energy of the Black Demon World and the Heavenly Beast World are also equivalent to the Lord of Solution. Although they are not in their own realm. , but even outside, it is much stronger than the ordinary Immortal Emperor. If they come to cooperate with me, they should be able to break this barrier. As for the Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor, I want her to be a witness." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Naturally, I have to bear witness. Now Zhou Tianfeng can be 100% sure about the principle of maintaining this barrier.

Through the constant probing and attacking just now, Zhou Tian was very sure that there were definitely a lot of Immortal Emperor puppets inside. These Immortal Emperor puppets concentrated their power and used their own magic power to repair the barrier when they were about to break through it.

To be honest, he didn't need it at all. When the Soul-eating Monster Emperor or the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor comes over, he can immediately destroy the barrier by adding a little bit of the original power of the virus space.

He had seen this type of barrier before, it was the barrier that sealed the new Immortal World. The principle was the same, but in the new Immortal World, the two Immortal Emperor puppets provided energy for the barrier.

But in this Immortal Emperor's mausoleum, there are several Immortal Emperor puppets. Moreover, this barrier does not cover a whole world, so its strength is definitely guaranteed. However, even so, it does not matter. Under the bombardment of the original energy of the virus space, this barrier can only fall apart.

No matter how large the quantity is, if the quality is not improved, the result will still be the same. Call the three of them to come, plus the two Immortal Emperors from the ancient Immortal Domain. When the time comes, you can also ask Emperor Honglei from the Prehistoric Domain to come and take a look inside. The Immortal Emperor puppet flew out.

How will Master Tianxing explain it at that time, or he can't explain it at all, because this guy is still unconscious.

Therefore, we must find a witness. The Feixian Rank, the Ancient Immortal Domain, the Prehistoric Domain, and I represent the Luo Heavenly World, the Black Demon World, the Heavenly Beast World, and the new Heavenly World of the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor have not sent anyone here, but this has already happened. enough.

If Di Honglei hadn't been in the critical period of breaking through to the Immortal Emperor realm, Zhou Tianfeng would have wanted to bring her over.

But there is no problem at all in asking this girl to help me afterwards, since they are all my women anyway.

"If this is the case, it is possible for the three realm masters to work together to break this barrier." An Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain nodded and said.

Indeed, as the Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor said, no matter how hard they try, they will always be ordinary Immortal Emperors, but this Flying Dragon Immortal Emperor is different. Is he a Realm Lord, or is it because of the existence of the Half-Step Great Principle? As for Soul Eater Monster Emperor and. The Black Heavenly Demon Emperor is also the Realm Master, and the three owners work together. The combat effectiveness is not much worse than when the Huang Immortal Emperor, the Southern Celestial Immortal Emperor and the Master Tianxing joined forces.

"In that case, please wait for a moment, and I will summon them immediately." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"In that case, please invite the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor, the soul-devouring Monster Emperor, and the Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor to come over."

Zhou Tianfeng nodded, and first notified the Soul-eating Monster Emperor and Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor, asking them to put down everything they were doing, and then rush to the ancient Immortal Domain as quickly as possible.

Then he contacted his clone of the Blood Demon Ancestor, tore apart the space from the Black Demon World and rushed over immediately.

The flower spirit Immortal Emperor and the soul-eating Monster Emperor have now completely surrendered to Zhou Tianfeng. After receiving Zhou Tianfeng's order, they did not dare to neglect anything, immediately put down what they were doing, and then rushed to the ancient Immortal Domain without stopping.

Everyone waited for about half a day. The three Immortal Emperors each broke through the space cracks and came to the Primordial Realm, and then quickly flew to Zhou Tianfeng's side.

"I have met the Feilong Immortal Emperor, and I have met the two Ancient Immortal Domain Fellow Daoist." As soon as they met, the three of them hugged their fists and said to the two Ancient Immortal Domain Immortal Emperor and Zhou Tianfeng.

"You guys don't need to be polite."

"Please also ask a few people to assist the flying dragon Immortal Emperor in destroying this barrier."

"It's natural. Last time, a young man used despicable means to steal the Immortal Emperor's body and refine it into a zombie. This time, the Immortal Emperor actually wanted to capture the real culprit." said the Black Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Anyway, I scold myself and I don’t feel bad.

"Okay, let's get started, Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor, your power does not rely on level, just stay aside and protect us." Zhou Tianfeng said, and at the same time, he transmitted a message to the Soul-eating Monster Emperor and Hua Ling. Ling Immortal Emperor two people.

"You guys will wait for a while. Just show off. A few Immortal Emperor puppets may come out in a while. You can help block them for a while, and then show your surprise. From now on, we will act like this."

"We will obey the Lord's instructions."

After arranging everyone. Zhou Tianfeng began to pretend to gather strength with the soul-eating Monster Emperor and his own clone, the blood demon full.

He even took out his own Divine Weapon spear and put a trace of his original energy into it.

With a loud shout, the spear in Zhou Tianfeng's hand turned into a rainbow, hitting the sky and slamming into the barrier.

With the blessing of the original energy of the virus space, this barrier was shattered without any accident, and some of the Immortal Emperor puppets inside had no time to repair and strengthen the barrier.

After the barrier is broken. A black figure quickly flew into the mausoleum. This person was Zhu Tian. He had been waiting for the opportunity just now, waiting for the flying dragon Immortal Emperor to break through the barrier.

Now, the opportunity finally came. As long as he entered the mausoleum and looked for a relatively well-preserved remains of the Immortal Emperor, he could seize the body and leave immediately without stopping.

But the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. After entering the Immortal Emperor's mausoleum, he did not find any Immortal Emperor's body, but saw a total of 12 Immortal Emperor puppets.

These 12 Immortal Emperor puppets stand there like statues. There was a faint blue light in his eyes, and they were lifeless.

It even looked a little infiltrative. This scene was completely different from what Zhutian had imagined before!

what's the situation? Why? Why does something so weird pop up out of nowhere?


However, several Immortal Emperor puppets did not give him a chance to explain. A group of Immortal Emperor puppets launched a unique move and surrounded him.

The souls of Zhu Tian were beaten and fled in all directions. These Immortal Emperor puppets were so weird. They had a very special power in their bodies. Actually, he was actually preventing himself from seizing the body. They seem to have been transformed into some kind of tools, and they are not even suitable for carrying out Shenima. What on earth did this Master Tianxing do?

From the outside world, Zhou Tianfeng, two Immortal Emperors from the ancient Immortal Domain, the Flower Spirit Immortal Emperor, the Soul-eating Monster Emperor and others were also shocked by this movement.

"How is this possible? There are really living creatures in the Immortal Emperor's tomb?"

"Impossible. This. This is, this is the Immortal Emperor who fell before my ancient Immortal Domain." An Immortal Emperor from the ancient Immortal Domain said in shock.

How could he not be shocked? The one who flew out to block them was none other than the Immortal Emperor who had died in the previous battle.

You can recognize this Immortal Emperor puppet. In the past, after I trained the Immortal Emperors of the ancient Immortal Domain into zombies, you wouldn't be able to recognize them, right?

However, it seems to be excusable. After being refined into a zombie, it became green-faced and fanged, and its appearance and style of painting completely changed, while the Immortal Emperor puppet maintained its original appearance.

(End of chapter)

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