"Master Mo, I know Master Li's request. On behalf of the sect, I will entrust you to Master Li, hoping to make up for Mingxinzong's mistakes!" But he said very respectfully.

The treasurer Jing Mo has been watching with cold eyes. He is not surprised at the way Ming Xinzong handles it internally.

For the continuation of the sect, Ming Xinzong sacrificed a Jindan elder, which is nothing.

"Ming Xinzong, don't think about seeking revenge from Master Li, such consequences are not something Ming Xinzong can bear!" The shopkeeper Jing Mo didn't forget to issue a warning at the end.

He was worried that Ming Xinzong would do something stupid. If he really hurt Li Shiming, even Beishu Commercial Bank would not be able to forgive him, the middleman who handled affairs for Li Shiming.

In fact, his worries are superfluous. If he saw the battle where Li Shiming showed his combat power, he would not have such worries.

A great elder-level body-refining golden elixir like Li Shiming is least afraid of a sneak attack. Without Ming Xinzong, a great elder-level golden elixir monk, no golden elixir monk can easily hurt Li Shiming's body, no matter whether Li Shiming does it or not. Out of defense.

His body is the strongest defensive magic weapon, and it cannot be broken by ordinary Jindan monks.

"On behalf of Mingxinzong, I promise that I will never have any conflicts with Master Li again!" Mingxinzong's head said with a bitter smile.

The treasurer Jing Mo nodded, now he just waited for Bo Zhao to be brought.

Bo Zhao is hiding in Bo Ran's cave, which is extremely safe. Elder Jin Dan's cave is in the Ming Xinzong formation, as long as the formation is not broken, nothing will happen to the cave.

Of course, there is also a prerequisite for this, that is, it will only happen if Ming Xinzong does not do anything himself.

When Ming Xinzong decided to hand over Bo Ran, he would not be polite to Bo Ran's Dongfu.

With the cooperation of several formation masters and the elders of Jindan, they forcibly resisted the cave formation with the big guardian formation, and it didn't take long for the cave formation to be broken.

A Jindan elder rushed into the cave, and grabbed Bo Zhao, who didn't know what happened and looked confused.

Elder Jindan stayed behind and recorded everything in the cave, and everything here will be brought back to the sect.

Bo Zhao really wanted to yell and ask his father Bo Ran to save him, but this elder Jin Dan, whom he knew very well before, was merciless in his attack, and directly sealed his whole body, leaving him only with the ability to breathe.

Now any Jindan elder who knows about Mingxinzong has resentment towards Bo Ran and Bo Zhao, father and son.

Just because of the wrong things Bo Zhao did,

Let Ming Xinzong lose Fan Xi, the great elder.

This has delayed Mingxinzong's road to revival for at least hundreds, or even thousands of years. With the presence of the Great Elder, no matter whether it is a monk or a sea beast in the Jindan stage of Tianhai Island, it will restrain itself, and some dangerous resources can also be easily destroyed. get.

Without the existence of the Great Elder, Ming Xinzong could only use ordinary Jindan Elders to fight desperately when obtaining dangerous resources.

Not to mention that the remnants of the Seven Sects will definitely take this opportunity to counterattack, and it will be even more difficult for Mingxin Sect.

All of this was thanks to Bo Zhao in his hand, and the Jindan elder resisted the fact that he didn't slap him to death, thinking of handing him over to Li Shiming to solve the most urgent big trouble.

When Bo Zhao was sent to the hall, when Bo Zhao saw Bo Ran who was also restrained and had a weak breath, despair flashed in his eyes.

"Trouble with Master Mo!" The head of Ming Xinzong said with a bow.

With a wave of Jing Mo's hand, both Bo Ran and Bo Zhao were grabbed by his divine sense and flew out of the mountain gate with him.

The space bracelet on Bo Ran's body is still there, no one proposed to take off the space bracelet.

"Hey!" The head of Mingxinzong couldn't help but sighed as he watched the treasurer Jing Mo leave. He knew that after this time, Mingxinzong's reputation would be greatly damaged.

But compared with the destruction of the sect, this is the most suitable choice.

"Restrain the disciples of the sect, not to go to the country of Xia, let the disciples stationed in the country of Xia take good care of Master Li's mortal relatives, and don't let anything happen again!" He thought for a while and issued an order.

This kind of monk's relatives are the most troublesome. Threats from monks' mortal relatives are most likely useless.

Because although normal monks have feelings for mortal relatives, they are not too deep, and once the mortal relatives have an accident because of the monk, it is very easy to trigger the monk's revenge.

In the practice of a monk, the most important thing is the state of mind. This revenge is not necessarily because of feelings for mortal relatives, but more for the sake of not damaging one's own state of mind.

That's why there are mortal families in the world of cultivating immortals, regardless of any power, and they will be treated friendly by all powers.

"Master Li, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life!" The treasurer Jing Mo brought Bo Ran and Bo Zhao to see Li Shiming, and he said with a smile.

"I don't know how long Patriarch Zang can last?" Li Shiming looked at Ming Xinzong and said something inexplicably.

As for Bo Ran and Bo Zhao, he didn't even bother to look at them.

He was 100% sure that Old Ancestor Zang was really dying. He hit the door like this, and Old Ancestor Zang didn't even show up.

Although Patriarch Zang couldn't make a move, if Patriarch Zang came forward to negotiate with him, he really wouldn't dare to stay here.

"Master Li, do you want to destroy Mingxinzong?" The shopkeeper Jing Mo understood the meaning of Li Shiming's words and asked softly.

Although his voice was soft, Bo Ran, who was close to Chi Chi, heard it, his eyes flashed horror, but it immediately turned into vindictive gloating.

Li Shiming's eyes fell on Bo Ran, and he couldn't help sighing that this is really a villain.

"I'll deal with Ming Xinzong in the future. I still have to thank the shopkeeper Jingmo for his help. This matter is over!" Li Shiming said to the shopkeeper Jingmo with a smile.

"I'll leave them to you, I'll go and do things for you first!" The treasurer Jing Mo bowed and said, then turned and left.

Li Shiming has a good feeling for the treasurer of Jingmo. In fact, these businessmen who can be slick on the outside, although they are Jindan monks, have the tact of businessmen, and they are indeed very easy to get along with.

With two taps of his fingers, he killed the father and son Bo Ran and Bo Zhao, and put away the corpses.

Then he turned around and flew away from Ming Xinzong, his father Li Wenyuan was still waiting for him.

When he went back, he intentionally used 'Buying lotus every step of the way', which made him reach home not long after, and it was still dark at this time.

He restrained the breath of his whole body, and changed his clothes into Confucian shirts, which were his father's favorite clothes.

"My son greets my father!" He walked into the main room and said with a big salute with a smile.

"I came back early, the matter has been settled, and there is still time to discuss a game with me!" Li Wenyuan nodded and pointed to the chessboard arranged outside.

Li Shiming saw a trace of relaxation in his father's expression.

Based on Li Wenyuan's lifelong experience as an official, how could he fail to see that what Li Shiming was going to do must not be simple, but he did not put his worries on the surface, but hid them deeply in his heart.

The son is already a fairy, but he came back to accompany him, because he doesn't know much about the fairy, and he also knows that the fairy can't live in the mortal world for a long time.

The difference between immortals and mortals is not empty talk, but an insurmountable gap between mortals and immortals.

He doesn't want his emotions to affect his son, who has grown up and has his own way of doing things.

Li Shiming was completely relaxed physically and mentally, and he talked with his father. Ming Xinzong's troubles were solved, and the Li family would have no more troubles on Tianhai Island.

"Master, Young Master, there are high officials outside who want to see Master!" Mo Yan trotted in and reported.

Li Shiming, who was disturbed, was slightly unhappy. He and Li Wenyuan were talking about the interesting things in the past while talking with each other. This kind of warm time was affected.

"Mo Yan, didn't you say that no one will be seen?" Li Wenyuan looked up at Mo Yan and said in a deep voice.

"Master, here are two first-rank officials from the court!" Mo Yan quickly explained.

"No!" Li Wenyuan waved his hand and said, he looked at Li Shiming and said with a smile: "Shijie has become the emperor, these officials are worried about their official positions, so they made their ideas here!"

"Tell Shijie later, don't let anyone come over to disturb father's rest!" Li Shiming said directly, having no interest in mortal affairs.

Li Shijie became emperor without any trouble.

Because of the assistance of Meng Bin, the national teacher, all high-ranking officials know Meng Bin's background. He is the supervisor of the immortal family in the world, with the power of life and death.

Regardless of how active Xia Guo's internal power struggle was before, they unanimously expressed their support for Li Shijie's becoming emperor.

I was really frightened by the methods of the national teacher Meng Bin. The whole royal family was killed. In front of the immortals, the army is a joke.

Li Shijie is also smart. With the help of the national teacher Meng Bin and the support of officials, he quickly got started.

Although he often made some mistakes during this period, he was more and more experienced because of the corrections made by officials around him.

After receiving the news from Li Shiming, he immediately dispatched ten royal guards to guard outside the ancestral house to avoid disturbance at home.

On the tenth day after Li Shiming came back, the treasurer Jing Moda arrived.

"I've seen Master Li!" The treasurer Jing Mo sat on the chair. He sat very carefully. This kind of ordinary chair without the slightest aura would crush the wooden chair into pieces with his cultivation base.

If he smashed the chair in Li Shiming's house here, it would make Li Shiming's perception of him worse.

The tea on the table is also the most common Fancha, but it has a little more aura than Fancha.

The shopkeeper Jing Mo liked this Fancha very much, because he drank it. This Fancha was fried by Li Shiming himself. But it is the same.

Li Shiming is not stingy, but in the mortal world, he must be careful when using spiritual items, especially those that have reached the third rank. The fluctuations in the spiritual energy emitted by them can be fatal to mortals.

This is his home, whether it is his father, Si Qin, Mo Yan, or other servants, he does not want any harm.

"Trouble with the shopkeeper Mo!" Li Shiming thanked with a smile.

"It's not troublesome. Elder Su of the Shushan Zong asked the firm to bring you a letter, so that you can stay here with peace of mind. When you want to go back to the Zong, you can go back!" said the treasurer Jing Mo, waving his hand.

Li Shiming had a smile on his face, and warmth flashed in his eyes.

He knew that it was an extremely willful move for him to stay this time.

As the best alchemy master in the sect, his absence for a year will affect many alchemy tasks in the sect.

Master Su Elder didn't think about these things, but was thinking about him. A monk's state of mind is very important. He just cultivated too fast and lacked the experience of other monks.

Accompanying loved ones in the mundane is also a kind of experience.

"Northern Shu Trading Company knew that Master Li had been promoted to the mid-stage Golden Core, and specially selected three late-stage Golden Core pills and the corresponding elixir and sent them over for Master Li's practice. It's okay even if they all fail!" Jing Mo, the shopkeeper Then he said.

"No more elixir will be delivered within two months. I will take these three elixir!" Li Shiming said with a smile shaking his head.

Beishu Commercial Bank did not want him to practice his hands, it was an order, but it changed a more euphemistic and pleasant way of saying it.

Everyone knows that Li Shiming has never missed a shot. This is the experience gained from countless alchemy.

"Actually, I also have a third-grade elixir in private. If I want to ask Master Li to sell it, I will prepare the reward!" The treasurer Jing Mo said with some embarrassment.

"Okay, plus your share, don't send it for two months, I still have to spend most of my time with my relatives!" Li Shiming changed his mind after thinking about it.

In any case, for the help of Master Jing Mo, he owed Master Jing Mo a favor.

Since the treasurer Jing Mo wants to return the favor through alchemy, he is naturally willing.

As for saying that alchemy would affect his being with his relatives, it was just a way of saying to the outside world.

You must know that the time required to refine the third-grade elixir in the late stage of golden alchemy is two or three times that of the previous alchemy, and even some complicated third-grade elixir will take longer to refine.

For the third-grade elixir of the later stage of Jindan, the number of third-grade elixir as the main material is more than three flavors, and some third-grade elixir may have five or six flavors.

And for every additional third-grade elixir, the alchemy time will increase by one or two hours.

Therefore, if it is really serious about refining the third-grade elixir in the late stage of golden alchemy, the alchemy master usually needs more than half a day from preparation to the end of alchemy. In addition to recovering himself after alchemy, he can only refine one batch a day at most. Continuous refining.

This is known to outsiders, but Li Shiming's alchemy is different.

Being in the mundane world, he only needs to send all the elixir to the computer room space for alchemy, and leave a brain in the computer room space for alchemy.

It will not delay his normal life, nor will it affect his cultivation and doing anything.

"Thank you, Master Li, Beishu Commercial Firm can satisfy you whatever you need here!" the treasurer Jing Mo hurriedly bowed and thanked.

He took out a space ring, which contained the four elixir that he brought this time.

Using the space ring to hold it is the emphasis on the four elixir. The space in the space ring is more stable. The value of these four elixir is extremely high, and the firm does not want any trouble.

82 Chinese Network


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