Seeing the simulation results, Lin Chen's confidence doubled.

After so many times of hard training, it was quite effective. Thanks to the ability of the seventh-level craftsman, this first four-way inscription has been completely mastered by Lin Chen.

Do not hesitate any longer.

Lin Chen picked up the forehead guard that he hadn't worn before, and stood in the center of the scattered spirit array. With the help of the inscription expansion mirror, he held the inscription pen in his hand, and began to cover the last two inscriptions.

Seeing that the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth flows into the second inscription from the four entrances, converges to the central core, and disappears.

Lin Chen's pupils flashed sharply.

It's now!

The pen falls, the Magic power wanders away, and the second inscription is re-engraved bit by bit!

"My God, you have to be more careful..."

Unlike Lin Chen's self-confidence, Helian Tie Shou next to him looked terrified, afraid that if Lin Chen was not careful, the engraving would be off or shallow.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

Time passed by every minute and every second.

In just seven breaths, to Helian Tieshou, it seemed that seven days and seven nights had passed.

It wasn't until Lin Chen successfully completed the new world Spiritual Qi poured into the inscription and successfully activated the covered inscription that Helian's iron hand was hanging in his throat, and he finally let go.

After covering the second inscription, Lin Chen did not stop, but struck while the iron was hot, and continued to cover the third inscription.

This inscription is the key among the keys, and it has both control and communication functions.

Once the coverage fails, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Helian Tieshou's relaxed mood became tense again.

After a while.

Wang Yin's forehead protector, Zhongli Wenzhou's forehead protector, and Lin Chen's unworn forehead protector have all been processed.

Helian Tieshou finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing him wiping his sweat nervously, those who don't know may think that he is engraving the inscription.

This principle is really similar to watching other people's high-altitude parkour.

The parkourers didn't feel anything, but the watchers were so frightened that their palms sweated.

After dealing with these three forehead protectors, Lin Chen called Wan Mingyue in again.

Let her stand in the center of the scattered spirit array, Lin Chen observed the timing, followed suit, and successfully covered the last two inscriptions on the forehead.

So far, the crisis of these forehead protections has been temporarily lifted.

Just "temporarily".

Covering the inscriptions was only the first step. Next, Lin Chen had more important things to do.


Helian Tieshou was so excited that his whole body became excited.

"Lin Chen, hurry up, let's set off immediately and go to the Baicao Academy to find the three palace masters."

"As long as the three palace masters get rid of this inscription, we can launch a counterattack against Tianji Pavilion!"

It could be seen that Helian Tieshou really wanted to return to the academy, he had really had enough of the days of hiding in Tibet.

The Cultivation Base of the three Duanmu sisters is all in the Void Returning Realm, especially Duanmu Jin, whose Cultivation Base is as high as Ling Hailan, the owner of the Tianji Pavilion.

Thinking that the three palace lords will recover soon, and he, Helian Iron Hand, is the hero who discovered the conspiracy, Helian Iron Hand couldn't wait.


"Helen Elder, you're oversimplifying this matter."

"If we go to the three palace masters now, not only will we not be able to resolve the crisis of their being controlled, but our previous efforts will be wasted."

Lin Chen was very disappointed and poured a basin of cold water on Helian Tie.

Helian Tie Shou was puzzled, and looked at Lin Chen, wanting to hear his explanation.

Lin Chen shook the forehead in his hand, and said, "Have you noticed that the operating principle of this forehead is a bit like a communication mirror?"

When the two communication mirrors are filled with Magic power at the same time, the internal inscriptions will be activated to establish a point-to-point connection and transmit the picture.

The current forehead protection and the communication principle are the same as the communication mirror.

This means that in the distant Tianji Pavilion, there must be some kind of Magic Treasures device that can monitor the status of the forehead protection in the Baicao Pavilion.

Disciples like Wang Yin and Zhongli Wenzhou are of average status, and the monitoring corresponding to their foreheads is not particularly strict.

The situation is completely different with the top combat power of the three Duanmu sisters.

Its monitoring level must be the highest level.

If Lin Chen showed up at the Baicao Academy, needless to say covering the inscription on the forehead, even if he only mentioned something wrong with the forehead, it would most likely lead to his death.

Therefore, Helian Iron Hand's proposal is tantamount to courting death.

After hearing Lin Chen's explanation, Helian Tieshou fell silent.

"Oh, you're right, it's the old man... I'm too impatient..."

He sighed heavily, his brows were deeply furrowed, and he felt that there was no light ahead for this matter.

The three palace lords have such a powerful combat power, if they can't win over, then they don't have the capital to fight against Ling Hailan.

It has become impossible to solve this matter.

"Lin Chen, do you... have a good idea?" Helian Tieshou asked.

"No." Lin Chen answered simply.

no way?

Of course not!

It's just that Lin Chen couldn't tell Helian Iron Hand about this method.

Lin Chen's method is simple and rude.

That is to increase strength!

After simulations again and again, the strength was raised enough to compete with Ling Hailan, and the problem was easily solved.

If you want to improve your strength through simulation, there are two key points.

First, get enough Spirit Stones.

Second, lurk.

There are tens of thousands of disciples in Baicao Pavilion, as long as Lin Chen doesn't make any abnormal moves, there is no reason for the other party to follow him.


Lin Chen must deal with the killing of Zhongli Wenzhou this time.

"According to the simulation prompt, Zhonglixuan didn't know that I killed his son until he saw the forehead guard."

In other words, Zhonglixuan does not have the ability to remotely view the forehead protection information.

Zhonglixuan's identity was similar to the lackey of Tianji Pavilion.

Such high-end abilities as remotely viewing the forehead protection messages and controlling the disciples of the Baicao Pavilion with the forehead protection must only be in the hands of Ling Hailan of the Tianji Pavilion.

For Zhonglixuan, the disappearance of his son was a big deal, but for Ling Hailan, it was clearly not worth mentioning.

As a running dog, Zhonglixuan would most likely not report the matter, so he had to handle it himself.

And this is Lin Chen's opportunity!

Get rid of Zhonglixuan, erase the traces of this incident, and increase the difficulty of Tianji Pavilion's investigation.

When Zhonglixuan died, Tianji Pavilion sent people to investigate. As long as Lin Chen handled it well, it would take a lot of time for the other party to investigate and lock Lin Chen.

As long as enough time is bought, then Lin Chen's goal will be achieved.

With this in mind, Lin Chen made a plan for the next step.

Kill Zhonglixuan!

"Zhonglixuan is the Elder of the academy, and he has dead soldiers of Cultivation Base under his command. I can't be careless..."

Lin Chen was thinking to himself, his gaze fell on the refining furnace not far away.

In order to kill Zhonglixuan, he had to do some preparations.


Tianji Pavilion.

In a magnificent palace.

Ling Hailan was floating in the air, picking up a book from the bookshelf.

The title of the book is very special.

"Duanmu Jin".

Turning the pages of the book, an image is projected from the book.

Duanmu Jin, the lord of the Baicao Academy, was in the Lotus Position with his eyes closed, wisps of lawful brilliance flowing from his body.

Seeing this, Ling Hailan chuckled, closed the book, and put it back on the shelf.

Picked up the second book again.


"Idiot, idiot! Are you a pig brain? I have practiced such a simple move three times, yet you still can't learn it?"

As soon as the book was opened, Duanmuxin's cursing voice sounded in the video.

She is teaching Xia Yu swordsmanship.

Ling Hailan pouted, put the book back, and continued to check Duanmuyao, Xu Yunxiao, and many senior officials of Baicao Pavilion.

This is also Ling Hailan's "daily life".

All the high-level members of Baicao Pavilion were singled out and placed on the same bookshelf for Ling Hailan to check.

After quickly flipping through the "books" on this bookshelf, Ling Hailan started her second daily routine.

From the remaining bookshelves, among the tens of thousands of books, random checks were made to learn about the recent trends in Baicao Pavilion.


He stopped in front of a bookshelf and reached for one of the books.

On the cover of the book, there are two words - "Wang Yin".

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