If their formations were not chaotic, Chen Mo would definitely not dare to be so brave. Although he was a first-rank martial artist, with so many enemies, if they were surrounded and killed by the battle formation, it would be inevitable that they would not be able to escape the inevitable ending.

But now their formation is in chaos, and arrows are attacking in all directions, they are all too busy to take care of themselves, how can they stop the battle formation against them.

Looking at the nearly 100 personal soldiers rushing up, Chen Mo sucked in a big saber, held it in his hand, took a deep breath, turned into a black shadow and rushed over at extreme speed.

After a few breaths, Chen Mo's figure had flashed to a distance of 100 meters, blocking the way of Wang Mo and others, and the nearly 100 personal soldiers who were responsible for blocking Chen Mo's body fell to the ground, and the blood was dripping from the neck. Blood splattered out.

"It's your turn." Chen Mo pointed at Wang Mo with the **** big knife.

the other side.

After three consecutive rounds of arrow rain, deafening drums suddenly sounded in the dense forest on both sides of the official road.

With the sound of the drums, a large number of figures rushed out of the jungle, with a terrifying momentum.

"Kill it!"



Under the encirclement and suppression on both sides, the enemy army, which had already been in disarray, suddenly became like a leek harvested by the imperial army with a sickle.

The blood stained this yellow land.

It was also the first time for Jiang Ruoqing to see this kind of battle. In the shadow of swords and swords, hundreds of lives were lost in front of her eyes, and some people even left their intestines out of their stomachs, which made Jiang Ruoqing feel the urge to vomit.

At first, she just knocked the enemy unconscious from the blade, and didn't take their lives, because she was not a murderer.

But gradually, she became numb.

On the battlefield, either you die or I die.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

Therefore, she has no mercy.

This kind of battle is a crushing game. Although the opponent's number is twice that of Chen Mo's side, in this chaotic battle situation, for the enemy, only if there are thousands of troops and horses, they have been sent by the imperial court. The troops were all dispatched, and they had the intention of retreating.

As for the retreat, their combat power was greatly reduced, and their back road was not blocked. When there was a retreat, they only wanted to run, and they didn't want to fight hard at all.

"Your general is dead, so hurry up and surrender!"

Wang Mo, who was seriously injured, was not Chen Mo's opponent at all.

He directly cut off Wang Mo's head, held it in his hand, and then wrapped his own voice with infuriating energy, shouting loudly.

Looking at the head held high by Chen Moti in his hands, the enemy army was immediately stunned and lost his fighting spirit.

"General... the general is dead."

"Run, run, even the general is dead."

"They have immortals to help them, we are not opponents, run away."

One by one, they abandoned their soldiers and armor, hating their parents for not giving them two more legs, how dare they stay any longer, run as fast as they can.

"Chase, don't let them run away." Gao Zheng had already killed the red eye. Seeing that the enemy was about to run away, he wanted to chase without thinking, but was stopped by Chen Mo.

"Don't chase the poor, let alone the enemy's vanguard, their main force is still behind." Chen Mo waved his hand: "Quickly clean up the battlefield, and bring back all the weapons and war horses they discarded... ."

After speaking, he looked at Gao Zheng: "Go and count the casualties."

"Nuo." Gao Zheng has already obeyed Chen Mo. Since the Lord does not let him chase, then he will not chase.


Soon the casualties were counted.

Less than five thousand.

As for the number of casualties of the enemy army, due to the rush of time, there was no specific count, but only an estimate of the number. After taking away their ordnance, the army left Niushan.

But judging from the corpses at the scene, Chen Mo guessed that it would not be lower than the 60,000 people in the simulation.



When it was about to get dark, Chen Mo returned to Qinyang County.

"Your Excellency has returned in triumph, open the city gate!" Gao Zheng shouted while riding on his horse.

With the army into the city.

The gongs and drums were already beating in the city.

Gao Zheng shouted in the city with a few loud soldiers.

"Your Excellency severely damaged the enemy army, beheaded the enemy's main general, killed 60,000 enemies, captured 1,000 horses and 300 chariots, and the enemy was defeated and fled..."

Afterwards, he returned to the barracks, and in the barracks, he brag about Chen Mo's previous heroism in battle.

What kind of adults are like gods descending to earth, and within three rounds, they will kill the enemy's main general.

There is also the adults who expected the enemy to be like a god. The enemy will send the vanguard first, and also send scouts to explore the way in front. It is all figured out.

In short, how God, how come.

For the soldiers, what they most admire is this kind of God of War, who is so powerful that he can defeat ten thousand with one enemy and lead the army to victory.

Coupled with the exaggerated exaggeration, the entire army soon knew of Chen Mo's heroism, and they even regarded Chen Mo as their idol in their hearts.

"The Age of Rebirth"

In this game, Chen Mo completely stabilized his position in the army.

Not only that, the people in the city really cheered.

When the enemy army was stationed in Nanyang County, many people fled to Qinyang County. Naturally, it was inevitable to tell everyone about the crimes committed by the enemy army in Nanyang, which also put the people of Qinyang County at risk. .

Today, Chen Mo led the army to kill the enemy army, bringing a sense of security to the people of Qinyang County.

In addition, after Chen Mo was stationed in Qinyang County, he ordered the people under him not to harass the people, not to use a cent of the people, and of course he would be loved by the people.

In the handsome tent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chen Mo gathered the crowd to discuss, and then threw the box with Wang Mo's head on the table. The blood flowing out of the box, coupled with the murderous aura that had not completely dissipated on Chen Mo's body, immediately shocked him. Generals.

After a few breaths of silence, after Chen Mo left the army, he helped Chen Mo take charge of Dai Xishan indicated by Qinyang County, and only then spoke.

"This is the head of General Zhao Lu of Ping Nanyang, Wang Mo." Chen Mo said very calmly, of course he had to take advantage of this opportunity to pretend.

Although the generals heard some rumors when Chen Mo led the army into the city, they were still shocked when they saw the heads in the box with their own eyes.

The generals who belonged to Chen Mo's side were immediately touted.

If the adults are wise and wise, and if they are like gods, they don't need money to say them.

Feng Ji's face was a little dull, and he didn't know what to say. You must know that when Chen Mo went out to the army, he tried his best to stop him.

Li Yang patted Feng Ji on the shoulder, and immediately smiled: "Congratulations to the general on his triumphant return, the general is wise and martial, the old man admires it."

"Hey, where is it." Chen Mo was modest, but the next second he said to Feng Ji, "I will trouble the old general to write down today's battle report and send it to the capital as soon as possible."

Then, he explained the approximate number of people who had killed the enemy, as well as the weapons, horses, and chariots that were captured.

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