In the large army camp in Sacheng.

Ling Zhi opened his mouth and said, "Since the black iron **** are limited in number, we must think of a way to consume these black iron **** first, so as to prevent our army from suffering heavy losses."

"By the way, Your Majesty, didn't we capture a group of Song soldiers some time ago? When we confront the Song army, we can let these prisoners of the Song army go to the front, which will not only consume what General Ling said. The black iron ball will not cause our army to suffer casualties." Barbatore said.

However, Wu Linmu disagreed, saying: "Your Majesty, although our Song army is currently a prisoner, but they are on the battlefield, they are soldiers. When they turn against each other, isn't it the help of the Song army? "

There are tens of thousands of Song troops captured by them. Although they are currently under control, they are not so easy to control when they enter the battlefield. After all, these people are Song Jun, how could they help them deal with their own people.

"General Wu has forgotten the charm of the king..." Ling Zhi chuckled lightly.


this afternoon.

The suspension bridge in Sacheng slowly fell, and the city gate opened wide!

The war drums were sounded, the horns sounded, and a large number of Loulan troops poured out from the city. The cavalry in heavy armor raised their spears in unison. The sharp point of the spear pointed directly at Song Zhen.

"The Guard is Here"

The Loulan Army has a lot of cavalry, and the soldiers are strong and strong. The one who bears the brunt is the remaining Dragon Guard. The tip of the spear is a sharp three-edged spear blade, which is about two feet long. , can quickly break the body surface infuriating defense, murderous.

And five miles away from the city of Sa, Song Jun also set up a battle, since Chen Mo did not want to avoid his edge, of course Chen Mo summoned a large army to face each other, and the two armies faced each other.

On the city wall, the Queen of Loulan Yue Yuxi personally supervised the battle, and her eyes were looking at the Song army camp in the distance, but Chen Mo and Zhao Qianyin were not found.

As she expected, the two were still recovering from their injuries.

"Relying on the mighty power of this big killer, do you dare to confront our army head-on?" Yue Yuxi murmured, and then waved her hand.

When the general Loulan on the city saw Yue Yuxi's gesture, he immediately beat the war drum, the sound of the drum changed, and the Loulan army under the city began to advance.

In the distance, Li Weiqiu's eyes were calm: "This group of barbarians from the barren country wanted to use the Dragon Guard as a striker from the beginning? This is not what the adults expected..."

Just when Li Weiqiu's face was gloomy and sunny, Longwei advanced for two miles, but he stopped moving, and then slowly gave way.

The generals of the Song Dynasty were all surprised.

"It's our people."

"This group of barbarians actually let our people play forward."


"Brothers, don't come here."

Watching them move forward step by step, Da Song soldiers hurriedly stopped them.

These people didn't seem to have heard their words, even without the Loulan army to drive them away, they still pushed forward, shouting: "Kill them all! Kill them all..."

"General Li, do you want to use arrows to deter them? You can't let them advance any further. Once they get close, the enemy's Dragon Guard will definitely launch a charge, which will be detrimental to us." Chu Ang said.

"Listen to the arrangement of the adults." Li Weiqiu did not move.

Behind the scenes, Zhao Qianyin, who was wearing a white robe, saw this scene from a distance, and couldn't help frowning: "They must have been attracted to Queen Loulan's charm to do this."

Charm is a secret technique unique to the Loulan royal family, which can manipulate the consciousness of others and mobilize the emotions of others.

The lower the strength and the less determined the will, the easier it is to be controlled by the charm technique.

Since these people have been captured by the Wild Country, they must have been imprisoned in their cultivation, and have been bullied by the Wild Country Army. Both physically and mentally, they have been devastated by the Wild Country Army.

Under such circumstances, Queen Loulan casts charm, and there are a few who can resist it.

"It's all of us, what are you going to do?" Zhao Qianyin asked, looking at Chen Mo with a calm face beside him.

"In war, no one will die." Chen Mo had already grasped these things, and he was informed.

In the middle army, Gao Zheng received Chen Mo's order, his face was shocked, and then he said loudly: "The muzzle is raised, eight rounds are loaded, one round of test firing, ready."

The artillerymen in front heard Gao Zheng's order and immediately raised the muzzle and loaded the ammunition.

At the same time, Li Weiqiu also received the order and raised his hand. The flag soldier on the side saw Li Weiqiu's gesture, raised the command flag in his hand, and waved it.

The archers behind the former army shield soldiers were already ready to go, and when they saw the flag waving, their fingers instantly loosened.




The arrows from the sky strayed from the strings, heading towards Song Jun, who was controlled by the charm technique.

Arrows can be lost indiscriminately.

"Pfft... ah..."

After a round of arrow rain, Song Jun, who was controlled by the charm technique, was killed and injured, and the tragic situation continued.

This scene made Lou Lanjun tremble all over.

It's so ruthless, everyone can do it.

On the city wall, while Yue Yuxi was surprised, there was a hint of admiration in her eyes: "It's a little bold."

"But those who are controlled by this king don't know what it means to be afraid."

It stands to reason that normal people have suffered a round of arrow rain, and seeing so many casualties among their companions, it is inevitable that they will retreat.

Song Jun, who could be controlled by the charm technique, looked at his dead companion, not knowing what it meant to be afraid, and continued to move forward.

And the tens of thousands of Song Jun who were under control could not be killed in a short time.

This is also Yue Yuxi's real purpose. After the two armies scuffle, even if there is no limit on the number of big killers like Song Jun, it will not be effective.

"Let go." Gao Zheng gave the order.

Eight Hongyi cannons fired in salvo, and long tongues of flame were ejected from the barrels.

With a loud bang, it exploded at the foot of the controlled Song Jun, and as the smoke filled the air, corpses were scattered everywhere, and the ground was in disarray.

That huge noise, the Dragon Guards from a few miles away could hear their ears buzzing, and the warhorses this the Song Jun's big killer? "The generals of Loulan were dumbfounded.

This power is even more terrifying than what Lexus described.

Yue Yuxi's Tong Kong shrank. Although she was prepared, she still felt unbelievable when she saw it with her own eyes. This is simply not something that manpower can resist.

Fortunately, her goal was finally achieved. With the help of a large number of Song Jun as cannon fodder, her vanguard army also arrived in front of Song Jun.

That's right, among these controlled Song troops, a group of them were disguised as Loulan's dead soldiers. After approaching, they rushed in desperately, trying to cause confusion in the formation of the Song army.

Seeing this scene, Ling Zhi was overjoyed.


He personally led the Dragon Guard and went straight to the Song army.

The ground began to tremble, and the hoofs thumped like thunder.

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