"Immortal Cultivation Simulation: Starting from the Queen's Palace"

Su Mengyan was wearing a bright red silk dress with a very low neckline. Her face was like a lotus, her eyebrows were like willows, and her eyes, which were more charming than peach blossoms, were very seductive, exuding a seductive softness.

Mu Qianqian frowned.

It may be because of what happened yesterday, Mu Qianqian, who likes to wear short skirts, is wearing a yellow long skirt embroidered with phoenixes today, covering her long legs of about 1.3 meters, and her attire is very conservative .

She asked Su Mengyan why she was in Bagua City.

Su Mengyan glanced at Chen Mo, and then hugged Chen Mo's arm tightly. The red dress wrapped her **** and rubbed against Chen Mo's arm. I already belong to my elder brother, so where my elder brother is, I will naturally be there."

After finishing speaking, she raised her eyes to look at Chen Mo, pouted her lips, her plump and glossy red lips wanted to attract a kiss: "Brother, I want to kiss."

This is a woman who exudes charm from the bottom of her heart. She seems to be seducing men and pulling men's nerves all the time.

Yue Yuxi is actually following the charming route.

But she is relatively cool.

Not as sloppy as Su Mengyan.

"Don't make trouble." Even Chen Mo, who was used to seeing big scenes, felt a little uncomfortable at the moment, and pulled his hand out of Su Mengyan's arms.

As a spectator, Mu Qianqian blushed.

Zuoqiu Yin couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "Since everyone is here, let's go."

As he said that, he mobilized his true energy, opened the space passage, and walked in first.

Luo Yuan immediately followed.

Mu Qianqian didn't want to stay longer, so she followed.

"Brother." Su Mengyan hugged Chen Mo's arm again, and immediately kissed Chen Mo regardless of Chen Mo's willingness or not, and said via voice transmission: "Where are we going?"

"The coast of the East China Sea."

Although Chen Mo wasted his time yesterday kissing Zhao Fujin, Zuoqiu Yinren took the initiative to collect some information on the coast of the East China Sea, as well as the recent news about the ancient ruins on the coast of the East China Sea.

In the space channel, Zuoqiu Yinren spoke out the collected information.

"It is understood that the ancient ruins discovered this time are one of the many treasure houses of the Dragon Palace in the ancient times, and the formations arranged in the treasure house by the Dragon Palace in the ancient times are still preserved..."

As the absolute overlord in ancient times, the Dragon Clan can be said to have collected all the treasures of the Hunyuan Heaven at that time. In order to protect these treasures, they can leave them for their descendants to enjoy.

The dragon clan has built many treasure houses on the coast of the East China Sea, and has arranged formations outside the treasure houses to prevent them from being stolen by outsiders.

Because there were too many treasure houses, the human and dragon races fought at that time, and after the defeat of the dragon race, the human race did not completely find all the treasure houses of the dragon race.

After the shore of the East China Sea was abandoned by the Dragon Clan, many treasure seekers were attracted, and some undiscovered treasure houses in ancient times were also discovered one after another later.

By now, it has almost been excavated.

Therefore, now that another treasure house has been discovered, one can imagine what kind of sensation it will cause.

After all, the things collected in the treasure house are all ancient things.

"The dragon treasure house discovered this time is located in the deep sea canyon on the coast of the East China Sea. There are many fierce monsters, some of which have a trace of dragon blood. Their ancestors devoured the dragon blood in the battle between humans and dragons. Flesh and flesh. And someone discovered the silk of the ancient ice silkworm in the deep sea canyon, so the news of the ancient ice silkworm came out..." Mu Qianqian took over the words.

"Then what happened to the dragon ball? Was it taken away by someone?"

Chen Mo asked a question.

Dragon Balls, it is rumored that only dragons above the God Transformation Realm, after falling, the essence of their bodies will turn into Dragon Balls.

Chen Mo's trip also hopes to get the Dragon Ball.

After all, if he refined and absorbed the dragon ball, his true dragon treasure technique could be improved to a higher level.

"Dragon **** have spirits. If people without dragon blood want to obtain dragon balls, the dragon **** will slip away or hide. Then the news spread that the person who saw the dragon **** was a casual cultivator of the human race, and the dragon **** ran away when they saw him. , but because he is not strong, so he did not catch up, after such a long time, many people have discovered Dragon Ball, but I have never heard of anyone catching it." Luo Yuandao.

The dragon ball is a rare item, and it is of great significance to the dragon clan. The reason why the dragon clan was the overlord in ancient times, the dragon ball is one of the important factors.

Because of the formation of Dragon Balls, it was left by the previous generation of dragons to the next generation of dragons.

The next generation of dragons can absorb the dragon **** of the previous generation of dragons, so they can inherit the strength and cultivation experience of the previous generation of dragons, and can avoid many detours.

When the next generation of Longshouyuan reaches its limit, it can be transformed into dragon **** to give the next generation of dragons endless life, ensuring that every generation of the dragon clan will have a strong person, so that the dragon clan will not decline.

Later, the Heavenly Court was established, and in order to suppress the dragon race, the rules and order of the heaven and earth were revised.

Since the Battle of the Conferred Gods, only dragons in the Mahayana realm and above will turn into dragon **** after death.

However, no matter whether it is a dragon or a human being, it is very rare to be able to cultivate to the Mahayana state.

The reduction of the dragon **** will weaken the strength of the dragon clan.

Therefore, if Dragon Ball was obtained by someone, there would have been news already.

The East China Sea is located in the easternmost part of Hunyuantian, and its area is much larger than the Sea of ​​Nothingness. It does not belong to any of the eleven domains, because its area is larger than any of them.

The coast of the East China Sea is located in the center of the East China Sea.

Even if they took the space passage, it took them five days to reach the East China Sea.

Standing in the sky above the East China Sea, Chen Mo looked at the vast sea level below, and there was some deep surprise in his eyes. Although he hadn't penetrated into it yet, even here, he could already vaguely feel that the sea level Some powerful aura hidden.

Compared with the sea of ​​nothingness, the feeling is different.

Flying above the sea of ​​nothingness, there is no such inexplicable sense of excitement now.

"There are a lot of people around." Zuoqiu Yinren looked at the surrounding void, where there was a wave of space, some people were hidden in the void and did not show up, and some people turned into a light and shadow, plundering towards the coast of the East China Sea.

"Let's go, the story of the ancient ruins has been spread for so many days. Even if the things in the treasure house are protected by the magic circle, almost all of them have been searched. If you slow down, I'm afraid you won't even have room to drink the soup."

After Mu Qianqian finished speaking, the Zhenqi Cave under her feet ran directly to the shore of the East China Sea in the distance.

When Chen Mo and the others came to the sky above the coast of the East China Sea, they found that there were still a lot of figures around them. These figures were either in groups or walking alone. Most of them were not weak. Most of the people who can come here to hunt for treasures have a little skill in their hands.

After all, the monsters in the Grand Canyon of the Deep Sea have a trace of dragon blood, they are very tyrannical and fierce, and if they are not careful, they may become food in the mouths of monsters.

"What's this?"

Looking at the vortex below, Chen Mo could feel a strong aura from the vortex.

"That's the entrance to the coast of the East China Sea. It used to be the gate of the Dragon Palace. Even immortals couldn't get in. However, with the defeat of the Dragon Clan and the destruction of the Dragon Palace, the population also collapsed. It's never the same," Zuoqiu Yin said humanely. .

Hearing this, Chen Mo didn't feel embarrassed.

It's just the jungle of the jungle.

The dragon clan used to oppress the human race.

When it was overthrown later, it was natural that they would be beaten into the water.

The dragon clan has not perished, and it is still a strong clan of Hunyuantian, which is already very good.

The arrival of Chen Mo and the others also attracted some attention, but even if they moved away, no one took the initiative to strike up a conversation with them, but there was some vigilance in their eyes.

They all came from the ancient ruins, so they were rivals.

Chen Mo was not surprised by this, and flew directly towards the entrance. According to the voice transmission of Sister Yin, the strongest one is only at the consummation of the God Realm.

After entering the coast of the East China Sea, several people gathered a protective shield around their bodies with true energy to prevent the seawater from flowing in.

This is the water area, and the human race is in the water area, but it is not as easy as on land.

On the coast of the East China Sea, the ruins of some buildings and the remains of weapons can be seen as far as the eye can see.

However, the energy of these weapons has long been lost, and now they are just broken copper and iron. Even if there are remaining treasures, they have been searched long ago.

Therefore, the few people did not stay at the periphery, and came directly to the top of the deep sea canyon.

As soon as he came here, he heard some cursing voices, wrapped in true energy, penetrated the sea water and passed into Chen Mo's ears.

"Damn it, the Dragon Clan is too domineering. I really thought that the East China Sea is still the domain of the Dragon Clan, and they directly blocked the way into the treasure house."

"Stop scolding, the dragon clan is powerful, and the people from Xianmen didn't come, and the dragon clan didn't take us with us. We are not their opponents. This time we are unlucky."

"There's nothing to be found in the treasury. When they're sealed off, I'm afraid there'll be nothing left, these bastards."

"Okay, keep your voice down, the Dragon Clan doesn't deal with us in the first place, if their people hear about it, we'll have to leave without food."



At this moment, there was a huge vibration in the deep sea canyon, and above the canyon, bubbles kept rising.

Then, a deafening dragon chant came out to everyone's ears, and in the next second, several figures flew out of the Grand Canyon.

Divided into two sides to start a confrontation.

One side was wearing a golden robe, there were three people in total, with dragon scales on their faces, and two dragon horns on their heads, looking coldly at the four humans on the opposite side.

"Humans, the coast of the East China Sea has been our territory since ancient times, and the things in the treasure house are naturally ours. Why do you humans get involved?" Ao Huang, the leader, looked at the people in front of him and said.

"Hey, since ancient times, as early as in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, this East China Sea is no longer your Dragon Clan's place, it is a land without an owner. Why can't I come to Yuyaomen, and why can't I get my hands on things that have no owner?" "The elder of Yuyao Sect headed by him, named Li Yuntian, has Yuyao Sect as a backer, so he is afraid of dragons.

"It's Elder Li Yuntian from Yuyaomen." Someone recognized Li Yuntian.

"It seems that the people from Yuyaomen wanted to go in, but they were also stopped by the Dragon Clan."

"There is a chance. Once the two sides fight, we can sneak in."

Everyone whispered.

"Shameless human beings, in Hunyuantian, no one knows that the East China Sea is the territory of our dragon clan. The things here belong to our dragon clan, and the treasure house inside is originally built by the ancestors of our dragon clan. You can't touch the things of our clan. , what's wrong." Beside Ao Huang, a young dragon shouted coldly.

"Yes, I just let them leave and didn't pursue your crime of intruding into my Dragon Clan's ancestral land. It's already a kindness. Don't be too ungrateful. If you offend us, we don't care if you are from Yuyaomen or not. Be careful that you will lose your life." The other person also sneered.

"I'm laughing to death. I really thought that your dragon clan was still the dragon clan in ancient times. Is the current Hunyuantian still the era when your dragon clan was domineering? You can't even keep the real dragon skills of your own dragon clan, and let Chen Mo of the Dao League learn it. Dare to scare people here." The disciples around Li Yuntian responded unceremoniously when they heard the provocative words of the Dragon Clan.

"What did you say?"

Hearing this, the faces of the three dragons including Ao Huang suddenly turned cold, and Ao Huang sternly yelled: "Humans, I know that your strength is not weak, but it is probably not a wise person to provoke my dragon clan in your heart. .”

"The Dragon Clan is no longer the Dragon Clan of the past. Just because you want to block this place, you are undoubtedly dreaming of idiots." After Li Yuntian finished speaking, he turned his head and said: "Fairy Zuoqiu, since you are here, why don't you show up?"

As soon as this statement came out, the people watching the excitement around were shocked.

"Fairy Zuoqiu is here too?"

"I heard that Fairy Zuoqiu has now become the resident elder of the Dao League. In this way, people from the Dao League have also come~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fairy Zuoqiu is Chen Mo's master. Now that she is here, will Chen Mo agree?" The meeting is here too, the Three Immortal Physiques, it seems like I saw it with my own eyes."

Everyone's eyes swept around.

Chen Mo was taken aback. They had changed their looks and covered their aura, so why were they recognized?

The last time I was in the tomb, I didn't see him being recognized either.

"I didn't expect Elder Li to be here. It seems that Elder Li's sky-peeking technique has improved a lot."

Now that he was recognized, Zuoqiu Yinren stopped pretending and changed into his original appearance, looking at Li Yuntian in the distance, he said.

Sky Peeping Technique is the supernatural power of Yuyao Sect, all cover-ups are like vain in front of Sky Peeping Skill.

Chen Mo and the others also changed to their original appearance.

"It's really Fairy Zuoqiu."

"There are also people from the Dao League. It seems that the Dragon Clan can't block it."

Everyone looked around after hearing the reputation, and when they saw Zuoqiu Yinren, their eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

Those present, although many people have heard the name Zuoqiu Yinren and Zuoqiu Fairy.

But there are very few people who can see Zuoqiu Yin people face to face.

Seeing him now, his eyes couldn't help but become a little hot.

Really beautiful, worthy of the name of fairy.

When Ao Huang saw Zuoqiu Yinren, his face darkened again.

Last time in the Sea of ​​Nothingness incident, Ao Yan suffered a big loss in the hands of Zuoqiu Yinren. Not only did he fail to complete the task, he was also blackmailed by Zuoqiu Yinren.

This is slapping the Dragon Clan in the face.

But soon, his gaze shifted to Chen Mo.

Chen Moyou's portrait was passed on to the Dragon Clan, everyone in the Dragon Clan has seen it, and Ao Huang is no stranger to it.

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