"Yes, disciple, I obey!"

Zhou Jinsong and others nodded in agreement.

"How dare you, disciple? I have one more question!" Zhou Jinsong hesitated for a while and then continued to ask.

This was the question they all decided to understand when they were in the living room.

"Say!" Zhou Xun picked up the spirit tea, blew it gently, then took a sip, closed his eyes and was intoxicated.

"I wonder if the quality of Master's condensed inner elixir is a top-grade true elixir?" Zhou Jinsong felt uneasy in his heart.

When the others saw Zhou Jin loosen his mouth, they also looked at Zhou Xun nervously.

Generally speaking, monks who have condensed high-grade true elixirs will most likely be able to practice to the late stage of elixir formation in the future.

Such people, looking at the entire Donghuang, belong to the top few.

With such a powerful person in charge in the future, the future of Wangchuan Lake is extremely bright, and their status will also rise accordingly.

If Zhou Xun had only condensed ordinary true elixirs, even though their Wangchuan Lake would be extremely brilliant, it would only be as good as Baiyun Immortal City at best.

Although it is also very good, it is still more than one step behind.

At the same time, we must rely on the breath of Yunguang Sect.

However, Zhou Xun's answer made them happy.

"Yes, it's top quality!"

Zhou Xun nodded slightly.

With his current status, he no longer needs to show off to attract others' appreciation like he did when he met Master Baiyun.

It would be a better choice to save one hand.

If an enemy wants to deal with him and prepares him as a top-grade true elixir, then he will definitely be able to give the opponent a big surprise.

Moreover, high-grade true elixirs can be regarded as the top quality inner elixirs in today's Donghuang, which is enough to intimidate some young people.

On the other side, Master Yun Yi did not return to the front line of Golden Ape Valley after leaving Wangchuan Lake.

Instead, he went straight back to the Yunguang Sect's mountain gate.

Yunguang Hall.

As the place where the leader of the Yunguang Sect handles daily affairs, Master Yun'an usually sits here.

Suddenly, he sensed an extremely strong spiritual pressure approaching and couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

"Senior brother?"

"Why is he back!"

So he quickly got up and walked out of the hall.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Master Yun Yi also cast his light.

"I've met senior brother!"

Master Yun'an bowed his hands in greeting.

The two came from the same house and had a very close relationship.

Master Yun'an's ability to become the sect leader has a lot to do with the support of Master Yun Yi.

Otherwise, why should the dozen or so fake elixirs from the Yunguang Sect let him be the leader of this sect.

"Junior brother, long time no see!" Master Yun Yi immediately returned the greeting with his hands in hand.

"Senior brother is back for Master Fengyue's business!" Master Yun'an said, walking into the hall with Master Yun Yi.

"Exactly!" Master Yun Yi nodded.

"How do you plan to deal with this, senior brother?" Master Yun An asked.

After Master Yun Yi received the message from Master Yun An, he went directly from Golden Ape Valley to Wangchuan Lake. Therefore, Master Yun An did not know that his senior brother had finished handling the matter.

I thought he went directly back to Yunguang Sect.

"Brother, this matter has been resolved!" Master Yun Yi hesitated for a moment, and then replied.


"If senior brother takes action, Zhou Xun will definitely be captured without any help!" Master Yun An nodded.


Master Yun Yi sighed and continued:

"Brother Wei now regrets his previous decision!"

"Regret?" Master Yun'an looked surprised when he heard this.

The two have known each other for hundreds of years, and I know the character of this senior brother very well.

He is definitely a master who speaks his mind and kills decisively.

Now he can actually say the word "regret".

Could it be that there was something going on that he couldn't understand, so he asked curiously:

"How do you say this?"

Hearing this, Master Yun Yi looked sad and was silent for a while before speaking:

"We all underestimated Zhou Xun!"

"This person is even scarier than the real Baiyun back then!"

"That day I received your message and learned that Junior Sister Maple Moon had died, so I immediately set off from Golden Ape Valley and headed for Lake Wangchuan!"

"When I got there, do you know what I saw?"

"What?" Master Yun An asked curiously.

"The strange phenomenon of forming pills!"

"The vision of pill formation that just ended!"

Master Yun Yi spoke very slowly, with a look of recollection, and his expression was extremely complicated.


Hearing this, Master Yun An was shocked.

"Could it be that when Junior Sister Maple Moon died, he had not yet formed an elixir and was still a foundation-building monk?"

"Use the foundation-building body to counterattack the true elixir!"

"This this."

"I'm afraid those ancient geniuses recorded in the classics are nothing more than this!"

"Many of those people eventually became great monks, and some even reached a higher level!"

"Could it be that Zhou Xun is also such a person this time!"

Master Yun An's face was filled with disbelief. He looked at Master Yun Yi with his eyes wide open, and his voice involuntarily rose.

If outsiders saw it, they would be shocked.

The usually calm and dignified sect leader actually had such a side that lost his moral integrity.

"Most likely yes!" Master Yun Yi's tone was filled with regret.

On that day, Master Jin Hong tried his best to persuade him to win over Zhou Xun.

If only that were the case.

What a sight it would be if a Dan-Jie cultivator who was less than seventy years old joined their Yunguang Sect.

How prosperous the Yunguang Sect will be in the future!

But now, it's all in vain.

"Then what did you do next, senior brother?" Master Yun An asked hurriedly.

"Later, I thought that he had just broken through and might not have enough fighting power, so I went to invite him to fight!"

"What's surprising is that Zhou Xun actually agreed this week, and then I had a big fight with him!"

Master Yun Yi continued to answer.

"Then what's the result?" Master Yun'an asked, but he could guess a bit from his senior brother's expression.


Master Yun Yi smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Brother, I'm still old, and I couldn't even get a single pill he just broke through!"

"What, even you, senior brother..."

Master Yun'an's face changed drastically.

As the leader of the Yunguang Sect, he has extensive knowledge and naturally knows what a monster it is to be able to fight against a mid-level pill-forming monk just after breaking through.

"Could it be that what Zhou Xun condensed this week turned out to be the Immortal Golden Pill!!!"

"How is this possible? Our monks in the Eastern Wasteland who have not condensed golden elixir for thousands of years have appeared. How is he possible?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"You know, the real person Tianci is only half a step into the golden elixir. He has the spiritual root!"

God-given real person, the number one monk in the Eastern Wilderness cultivation world, with peak pill-forming cultivation.

He is a famous Tianlinggen monk in the Eastern Wasteland, and his inner elixir quality is half-step golden elixir.

"It should also be a half-step golden elixir!"

"In addition, he is a Lei Xiu, and his combat power is beyond the same level. With the combination of the two, he is on a par with me!"

Master Yun Yi's eyes were naturally sophisticated, and he still saw Zhou Xun's true identity.

"Then where should our Yunguang Sect go? This person has already formed an elixir, and with his status as a Lei Xiu, even if we gather the power of the entire sect, I am afraid it will be difficult to keep this person."

"And with this person's talent, within half a year, it will probably be a disaster for the Yunguang Sect!"

Master Yun An saw the crux of the problem at a glance, and his expression was extremely ugly.

"Junior brother, don't worry, I have reached a deal with this person, and preserving my Yunguang Sect inheritance will not be a problem,"

Seeing this, Master Yun Yi said with relief.

"Oh, seriously, I wonder what conditions my senior brother will offer?" Master Yun An breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, Master Yun Yi repeated his conditions to his junior brother.

"Senior brother is very wise. Xueying is talented and intelligent. She is really the best person to inherit the legacy of senior brother."

"Without further delay, I think senior brother you should return to Golden Ape Valley quickly and take Xueying into your sect."

"As for those elixirs and spiritual stones, I will arrange for them to be sent there!" Master Yun An was full of joy at this time, and even had a hint of joy.

He didn't feel bad at all for the sect to come up with so many heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

"That's fine, I'll leave the Wangchuan Lake to my junior brother. I'll return to the Golden Ape Valley right now!"

After Master Yun Yi finished speaking, he no longer stopped and soared into the sky, turning into a long yellow rainbow and galloping towards the Golden Ape Valley.

At the same time, Wangchuan Lake.

After getting the exact information from Zhou Xun, Zhou Jinsong and others spread the news that Zhou Xun had successfully condensed an elixir and condensed a high-grade true elixir.

The first one to get the news was naturally Wangchuanfang.

At this time, Wangchuanfang burst into cheers.

In order to celebrate Zhou Xun's successful elixir formation.

Wangchuanfang will reduce the rent of all shops and spiritual fields for one year, and in the next year, all stalls set up in Wangchuanfang will be free of charge.

Four first-level high-grade cultivation arts inheritance gates are open, including alchemy, talisman making, qi training, and spiritual cultivation.

At the same time, a spiritual testing tower was established, and every new person coming to Wangchuanfang could test their spiritual roots for free.

"Senior Zhou is righteous!"

"The island owner is wise!"

The establishment of a workshop for the inheritance of hundreds of cultivation arts and a spirit-measuring tower was something Zhou Xun did intentionally.

Today, Wangchuanfang’s foundation is still shallow and it lacks a large number of talents in all aspects.

Now that these inheritances are open to the public, he can select some talents who are truly talented in this area.

As for the other party not joining Lake Wangchuan, that would be even simpler.

The subsequent inheritance of these skills is in Zhou Xun's hands. If they still want to make progress, they are not afraid of not joining.

The Spirit Detection Tower is to select some cultivation geniuses with outstanding spiritual roots and qualifications for him.

Zhou Xun started from the bottom.

He is very clear that there are countless monks with outstanding spiritual roots who fall into the mouth of monsters after practicing Qi for one or two levels in order to survive because they are at the bottom.

On the other hand, the Song family shop.

At this time, the shop opened by the Song family in Qingyuefang also served as the communication hub between the Song family and Zhou Xun.

The person in charge of this shop is Song Chengyuan, a third-generation disciple of the Song family and Song Yiqing's biological brother.

When he heard the news about Zhou Xun's pill formation, he didn't believe it at first, and then he wrote to Song Yiqing for confirmation. After receiving Song Yiqing's confirmation, Song Chengyuan was overjoyed.

Then he quickly spread the news back to his family.

Scenes like this happened in many corners of Wangchuanfang.

Since Zhou Xun killed the Tianyumen monks, most of the forces in the western part of the Xu Kingdom have established strongholds in Wangchuanfang as the family's back-up.

As a result, the news that Zhou Xun had condensed the elixir and had condensed the high-grade true elixir quickly spread to every corner of the Xu Kingdom.

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