To draw a talisman, the talisman pen is used as a medium to integrate the talisman master's own magic power into the spiritual ink, and then lock it in the talisman paper.

This is where the problem arises when refining the treasure talisman.

The strength of Zhou Xun's own magic power is at the level of true elixir, but the talisman pen is only a top-quality magic weapon.

It was impossible to completely transfer Zhou Xun's magic power.

Therefore, after Zhou Xun's drawing was completed and the spiritual power circuits were connected, a conflict occurred, causing the refining to fail.

The requirements for a quasi-third-level talisman are not that high, so Zhou Xun was able to successfully refine it.

When it comes to extremely demanding treasure talismans, even the slightest problem will cause the refining to fail.

"Now it seems that if you want to successfully refine the treasure talisman, you have to find a way to find a third-level talisman pen!" Zhou Xun sighed.

There are very few third-level Talisman Masters, and there are only two from the Yunguang Sect in the entire Xu Kingdom.

If the number of people is small, the demand will be small, and the corresponding treasures will naturally be small.

As a result, even if Zhou Xun wanted to buy it, there would be no place to sell it.

Of course, if he went to find the two third-level talisman masters of Yunguang Sect, they might be forced to sell him the talisman pens due to Zhou Xun's power.

But the problem is, those two people are now on the front line of Golden Ape Valley.

You can't go to the front line of Golden Ape Valley just to forcefully buy other people's talisman pens.

Naturally, this path will not work.

Then there is another way, which is what most third-level talisman masters do - customization!

Find a third-level weapon refiner and customize a talisman pen.

Fortunately, he had a lot of the third-level demon hair needed for the talisman pen.

As for the third-order spiritual bamboo needed for the talisman pen pole, he also has a piece of it in his hand.

The materials are all available, all you need to do is find a weapon refiner.

However, the profession of weapon refiner rarely has a third-level existence.

Because those who can use third-level treasures are all pill-forming monks.

The magic weapons of Danjie monks are often refined by themselves, and rarely are they customized by others.

Without demand, there is naturally no market.

This is the principle of traveling together wherever you go.

Therefore, the entire Xu Kingdom cannot find a third-level weapon refiner.

Only then did Zhou Xun realize how complicated things were.

"Is it possible that we really want to go to the front line of Golden Ape Valley?"

At this moment, Zhou Xun had a flash of inspiration.

He remembered someone.

The monk surnamed Hu who bought a quasi-third-level puppet in exchange for Mu Yuan Ginseng!

That person is able to refine a quasi-third-level puppet with extraordinary combat power. His weapon-refining skills must be extraordinary, and it is very likely that he is a third-level puppet!

"How about I go to Feng Country!"

"Even if it doesn't work, you can still search for it in Fengyuan City. Maybe there will be a ready-made talisman!"

After all, Feng Country is now peaceful and peaceful, unlike their Xu Country, which suffered an invasion from foreign enemies.

But before leaving, Zhou Xun habitually took out the small fortune-telling compass and made a prediction for himself.

"The hexagram indicates good luck, but there seems to be some upheaval!"

"Maybe this trip is not peaceful!"

Zhou Xun murmured, and finally decided to go incarnate.

Soon, half an hour later, a blue spiritual light flew into the sky from the island in the middle of the lake, then found the direction of Fengyuan City and galloped away.

Fengyuan City is hundreds of thousands of miles away from Lake Wangchuan and is extremely prosperous. There are nearly 100,000 monks in the city.

If it were the previous Juntian City, it might still be able to compete with it.

But since the Xu Kingdom was invaded by the beast tide and Tianyumen, a large number of monks were transferred to the front line of Golden Ape Valley.

Today's Juntian City is not even half as prosperous as Fengyuan City.

On this day, outside Fengyuan City, various spiritual lights flew from all directions, and then fell ten miles away from the city gate.

This is Fengyuan City's air restriction.

All monks are not allowed to go more than ten miles near Fengyuan City, otherwise there will be a strong pulling force that will pull you to the ground.

There was once a monk who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and flew straight in with a magic weapon, only to encounter a restricted air restriction.

Caught off guard, he fell straight from the sky and died.

After having such a few examples, the Fengguo monks no longer dared to act so recklessly.

A blue aura came from the north.

It was like a ball of blazing lightning, with a low rumbling sound, like thunder.

Upon closer inspection, a young man wearing white clothes appeared in the aura. The man had a handsome figure and an extraordinary temperament, just like a beautiful jade.

Surprisingly, this spiritual light was not affected by the air restriction and flew until it reached the city gate before slowly falling.

"Why is this person so bold? Isn't he afraid of the air ban?" The people on foot below all looked shocked and looked at the figure in the distance.

"Haha, Fengyuan City's air ban can only affect monks at the Foundation Establishment stage and below. Those who are not affected can only mean that the person who just flew over is a senior at the Pill Formation stage!"

The knowledgeable person next to me explained.

"What, it turned out to be a senior from the Dan Formation stage," everyone was shocked and stretched their necks to get a clear look at this senior's appearance.

After all, Danjie monks have always been aloof and elusive.

Only people with deep blessings can meet each other.

They were able to see it today, so they naturally wanted to see it more so they could brag to their companions when they went back.

Zhou Xun naturally knew what kind of sensation his appearance caused, but he didn't care.

No tiger cares about the noise of ants underfoot.

This is his second time coming to Fengyuan City.

Looking at the hundred-foot-high city walls around him, Zhou Xun secretly compared them with the Baiyun Immortal City back then.

He came to the conclusion that it was completely incomparable!

Every brick on the city wall here has been specially refined. Coupled with the restrictions engraved on it, even a third-order monster will be difficult to break through in a short time.

The two teams of guards at the door are no different from those before.

Even the old man sitting behind the table under the city gate is the same one from back then.

It's just that when he was in his prime, he now had a full head of hair and traces of time carved on his face.

At this time, the old man also noticed Zhou Xun falling from the sky, and his expression suddenly changed.

Yi Gulu stood up, came to Zhou Xun and bowed to give a big salute.

"Juniors have heard of others and have met seniors!"

The two teams of guards also bowed their hands and saluted.

Zhou Xun smiled kindly and asked casually:

"How many years has Xiaoyou Wen been here?"

The old man was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he came to his senses, with a look of reminiscence on his face:

"Senior has really good eyesight. This junior has been guarding the city gate since he was fifty-one years old. It has been more than one hundred and twenty years!"

"Loyal to one's duty, not bad!" Zhou Xun slightly approved.

"Thank you for the compliment, senior!" The old man slightly cupped his hands and asked immediately:

"I think the senior is a bit unfamiliar, but this is the first time he comes to our Fengyuan City!"

Zhou Xungang was about to answer no, but remembered that he came under a pseudonym last time, so he nodded.


"In that case, please come with me, senior, and get a pass token. If you walk in the city without a token, you will be sensed by the formation and will be questioned by the law enforcement monks!"

The old man said respectfully, and immediately led Zhou Xun to the table.

"Senior, please sit down!" The old man wiped the stool where he had sat with his sleeve.

Zhou Xun did not refuse and sat down with a smile. This scene seemed familiar to him.

The old man took out a black token, played a spell, and then respectfully handed the token to Zhou Xun:

"Senior, please inject a little bit of mana, and this token will be activated and used. As long as Fengyuan City is still there, senior can take this token and enter Fengyuan City, no matter how long it takes!"

Zhou Xun took it and hung it around his waist.

"Thank you very much, little friend. There is a second-level high-grade Shouyuan Pill here, so I will give it to fellow Taoist. I hope I can see you when I come down!"

The old man was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly there was a pill bottle in his hand.

Looking back at Zhou Xun, he was no longer there.

"Thank you, senior!"

He has low qualifications and was lucky enough to build the foundation. So far, he has only built the second level of the foundation.

Therefore, he guarded the city gate all his life and was nicknamed "the dog-watching monk" by his colleagues!

Now, someone finally recognizes his hard work!

The old man immediately bowed his head to the ground in the direction of the city. When he stood up, his face was full of tears!

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