Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Improving Spiritual Root Qualification

Chapter 350 Wangchuanfang? No, Wangchuan Fairy City!

One day half a year later,

Wei Qiuxin was sitting in the cave of Lingyu Island practicing.

Suddenly, the spiritual energy of the entire Wangchuan Lake rioted.

Just like a tide, one tide follows another, continuously!

Sensing this, she immediately stopped exercising and walked out of the training room to check.

As the manager of Wangchuan Lake, she has the responsibility to understand all abnormalities and select the important ones to report to Zhou Xun.

He patted his storage bag, took out a white flying boat, and jumped onto it.

The mana surged under his feet and turned into a spiritual light, quickly flying over Lingyu Island.

Only then did she realize that a white figure was standing in the air not far away, holding a flag and waving it.

"Meet the island owner!"

Wei Qiuxin flew to Zhou Xun's side to greet him.

"It's Qiu Xin. Can you see any changes?"

Zhou Xun smiled slightly and asked.


Qiu Xi then spread her consciousness and sensed it carefully.

Soon, her face turned into surprise:

"Reiki. It's Reiki!"

In her perception, the spiritual energy like a tide was sweeping in continuously.

As time goes by, the concentration of spiritual energy in the entire Wangchuan Lake area seems to be slowly rising.

"The concentration of spiritual energy is rising!"

Wei Qiuxin's face was filled with shock.

Originally, in the entire Wangchuan Lake area, only the island in the center of the lake had a second-level mid-grade spiritual vein.

Her Spirit Fish Island is a top-grade one.

As for the lake area, there are only low-grade first-level ones. If you are far away, you can't even reach the first-level.

At this moment, she sensed something!

The aura concentration in the entire Wangchuan Lake area has reached the first-order mid-grade level, and is still rising.

"Island owner. What is this?"

Hearing this, Zhou Xun smiled slightly and said

"Under my island in the middle of the lake, I found a third-level spiritual vein!"

Regarding this news, Zhou Xun had no intention of hiding Wei Qiuxin.

Furthermore, she could also guess when the spiritual energy concentration in the entire Lake Wangchuan area increased to level three.

Hearing this, Wei Qiuxin nodded in agreement.

"The island owner is extremely lucky, it is normal to have such good luck!"

After Zhou Xun transformed into an elixir, many of the monks below complained about why Zhou Xun didn't use another place as a dojo.

After all, except for the island in the center of the lake, the rest are only one level.

Some people even encouraged Wei Qiuxin to persuade Zhou Xun to move.

However, Wei Qiuxin refused verbally and dealt with all these people. In her opinion, Zhou Xun naturally had deep meaning in choosing this place.

Now her suspicion has come true.

As time goes by, the aura of the entire Wangchuan Lake area becomes more and more intense.

It’s not just Wei Qiuxin.

Wang Shun, who stayed on the island in the middle of the lake, also discovered something strange here.

Soon he also came to Zhou Xun's side.

"I've met Master,"

"Why did this spiritual energy suddenly become stronger!"

Zhou Xun smiled and said nothing.

Suddenly he remembered what Zhou Xun said to him half a year ago, but he didn't understand its meaning at first.

Now it seems that fortunately, I listened to Zhou Xun's words and postponed the time to attack the foundation building period.

It was obvious that his master had found a way to increase the aura concentration of the entire Lake Wangchuan.

The Forgotten Lake Formation has the ability to gather spirits.

When the spiritual energy of Lake Wangchuan was not high before, it was able to increase the concentration of spiritual energy in that cave to the second level in a short period of time.

Judging from the current situation, level three is possible!

Master really gave himself a surprise.

Reiki improvement is a slow process.

On the second day, the spiritual energy of the entire Wangchuan Lake area was upgraded to the first level.

On the third day, second-level low-grade.

By the tenth day, the entire Wangchuan Lake area, covered by Zhou Xun's mountain-protecting formation, had all been upgraded to the third-level low-grade.

As for the island in the middle of the lake, it has reached the level of third-level mid-level.

And Wangchuanfang also benefited from this.

In many caves in Fang City, the spiritual energy concentration has been raised to the second level, which is enough to attract some foundation-building monks to settle here.

Now, the spiritual energy problem has been solved, and next to it is the dojo for future monks in the later stages of pill formation.

Come to think of it, it won't be long before Wangchuanfang will be upgraded to Wangchuan Fairy City!

After his spiritual energy improved, Wang Shun immediately entered the cave specially prepared for them to build their foundation.

In the past six months, Wang Shun had read the classics here several times.

There are methods to deal with every process of breaking through the foundation building period and any problems that may be encountered.

"The preparations are so complete, and there is a third-level foundation building place, and there are also high-quality foundation building pills. If you can't break through with such conditions, you will really be speechless in facing the master!"

Wang Shun murmured, then took out the pill bottle given to him by Zhou Xun, poured the Foundation Establishment Pill into the palm of his hand, and stuffed it into his mouth.

A few days later, over the island in the center of the lake,

The spiritual energy gathered together to form a vortex more than ten feet in size.

Such visions instantly alarmed Zhou Xun, who was studying the art of puppetry in a nearby cave.

Then he sent out his spiritual consciousness and probed towards the spiritual vortex.

The spiritual energy in the vortex is numerous and orderly, all flowing towards the center of the vortex according to a certain pattern.

"The spiritual energy vortex is scattered and orderly, which shows that Shun'er's breakthrough is very smooth. If Er Niu finds out, I'm afraid he will be extremely happy!"

Zhou Xun smiled slightly.

At this point, the three levels have basically passed, and only ten drops of liquid mana have to be condensed to officially enter the foundation building stage.

Live for two hundred years.

As time goes by, the vortex gradually disappears and everything becomes calm.

His third disciple, Wang Shun, succeeded in building the foundation!

Three days later, the cave door opened.

A young man with a handsome face who resembled Lin Xue'e walked out.

At this time, Wang Shun's face was full of high spirits, and a spiritual pressure from the foundation building stage seemed to be there or not.

"Disciple pays homage to Master!"

Arriving at Zhou Xun's cave, Wang Shun kowtowed and kowtowed three times.

"Disciple Wang Shun, I am very fortunate to have lived up to Master's expectations and successfully broke through the foundation building!"

"Well, that's right. Don't slack off in the future and practice hard. If you can practice to the peak of foundation building, how can you be a teacher and begrudge a pill-forming spiritual object!"

Zhou Xun nodded with satisfaction and encouraged him.

When Wang Shun heard this, his chest was filled with excitement.

"Master encourages me, all disciples must live up to Master's expectations and strive to reach the pinnacle of foundation building with all their strength in order to break through the core formation and stay with Master forever!"

"Go ahead, I believe in you!"

"Yes, disciple, resign!"

Zhou Xun didn't expect that Wang Shun's spirit would be stirred up with just a few words.

"It seems that I need to motivate them more!"

At the same time, the Tianyu Mountains are millions of miles away from here.

The door of a certain cave that had been sealed for a long time opened, and an old man with gray hair and refined eyes came out.

This man's whole body was filled with mana, and a faint aura surrounded his body. He exhaled turbid air and condensed it into three feet of white practice.

"Haha, I have been in seclusion for nearly ten years and finally achieved something!"

The sound is loud and powerful, like a newly built bell!

This person is none other than the great elder of Tianyu Sect.

Previously, he had feelings on the front line of Golden Ape Valley, so he returned to the mountain gate of Yan State and retreated to break through.

After more than ten years, I finally succeeded and became a late-stage pill-forming monk!

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