"Fellow Taoists, you are polite. I am here, Feng Yue."

The young man approached and took the lead in bowing his hands in greeting.

Zhou Xun's spiritual consciousness swept away and revealed that this person was in the middle stage of alchemy formation.

"It turns out to be fellow Taoist Feng. I don't know what I can teach you." Zhou Xun returned the courtesy with his hands in hand.

"Oh, it's nothing else. The flying spiritual beast I just saw my fellow Taoist riding on seems to be the Red Flame Luan?"

The young man said with a smile and a little meaning.

"Fellow Daoist Feng has good knowledge. My flying spirit beast is none other than Chiyan Luan, but it is of a slightly lower grade." Zhou Xun replied calmly.

Hearing this, the young man's eyes lit up, his eyes shone brightly, his face showed great joy, and he hurriedly said:

"This is great, I have a heartfelt invitation."

"Feng has been looking for this Red Flame Luan for decades, and today he finally found it. I wonder if my friend can give up his love, but I am willing to pay a lot of money to buy it."

Zhou Xun frowned when he heard this.

This Red Flame Luan is his flying spirit beast, with a top-grade ultimate bloodline. In addition, it has been raised for decades, and it has a good relationship with him and Song Yiqing.

In addition, Zhou Xun had previously killed many monks of the same level and gained a lot. He had millions of spiritual stones on his body, so he was not short of money at all.

Naturally, he has no idea of ​​selling his flying spirit beasts in exchange for spirit stones.

Song Yixin on the side heard this, and her heart suddenly tightened. She had raised this Red Flame Wanluan for a long time, and her relationship was extremely good.

Naturally, he would not be willing to sell it like this.

So he pulled Zhou Xun's sleeves.

Seeing this, Zhou Xun patted Song Yiqing's hands gently to reassure her.

Then he turned to Feng Yue and refused without hesitation:

"I admire your fellow Taoist's mind!"

"It's just that I've been following Chi Yanluan for a long time and I'm very affectionate. I really have no intention of selling it. Please forgive me, fellow Taoist."

Seeing this, the young man felt anxious and continued:

"Fellow Taoist, don't rush to refuse. Why don't you listen to my conditions first?"

"I'm willing to give you 300,000 spirit stones, and in addition to compensating fellow Taoist with an egg of a high-grade bloodline flying monster, what do you think?"

300,000 spirit stones can already buy some low-grade magic weapons.

Coupled with the flying monster eggs he compensated, his sincerity is not low.

But Zhou Xun really didn’t lack spiritual stones, so he still shook his head:

"Fellow Taoist's conditions are indeed very high, but I really have no intention of selling it. I'm afraid I'm going to reject the good intentions of fellow Taoist!"

"Five hundred thousand, I can increase it to five hundred thousand spirit stones!"

The young man thought Zhou Xun was selling at a price, so he continued to increase the price.

"Fellow Taoist, I have made it very clear, I will not sell this Chi Yanluan!"

Seeing that the young man was still pestering Zhou Xun, he couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied with his tone, and even his tone became colder!

The young man seemed to hear Zhou Xun's impatience and was a little impatient.

"How about fellow Taoist offer a price. As long as Feng can come up with it, I will do my best!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xun said nothing, took Song Yiqing's hand and turned around to leave.

The young man kept chasing after him, shouting after him: "Fellow Taoist!"

"Fellow Taoist, stay!"

Zhou Xun and others ignored him and walked straight towards the city gate.

Seeing this, the young man stopped chasing and stopped where he was, staring at the retreating figures of Zhou Xun and others.

The fierce light in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

Immediately, he patted somewhere on his waist and asked softly: "How do you remember the auras of those people?"

"Don't worry, Master, I have memorized all the auras of those people. Even if they are thousands of miles apart, I can find them!"

It turned out that when the young man stopped Zhou Xun and others, he had not really thought about exchanging the spirit stones.

Instead, he secretly arranged his own strange beasts to collect the auras of Zhou Xun and others.

Then perform the act of cultivating the calamity.

"Very good, then Feng will let you, the barbarians of the Eastern Wilderness, see what a true pill-forming monk is!"

The walls of Tianhan City are hundreds of feet high and are made of specially refined black stone.

There are various restrictions engraved on it, and it is extremely difficult for even a third-level demon to forcefully break through.

This is the foundation of Tianhan City.

Zhou Xun and others walked below, looking extremely small.

The city gate is more than ten feet high, with a team of ten guards on each side, each with peak Qi refining skills.

Wearing green-black standard spirit armor and carrying a long sword, Zhou Xun could tell at a glance that they were all of the highest grade.

"Tianhan City is indeed rich and wealthy, and the ordinary guards are all wearing high-grade spiritual armor,"

You should know that this kind of standard spirit armor can often communicate with each other and form a formation to fight.

Regardless of the fact that they are all monks in the Qi Refining Stage, if they really faced off, even if they were in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, they would probably not be able to match their team.

What's more, the leader who dressed up as the captain was also a foundation-building monk.

Coupled with the restrictions at the city gate, unless the Danjie monks took action, there would be nothing they could do in a short time.

Zhou Xun and the others came to the city gate to register.

The person in charge of registration was a middle-aged man with a white face and no beard.

Seeing Zhou Xun and the others coming over, their expressions instantly became respectful.

"I have met this senior before. This is the first time for senior to come to our Tianhan City!"


Zhou Xun nodded.

The middle-aged Wen Yan didn't say anything. He put his hand on his waist and took out three blue-black tokens.

"This is the pass token of our Tianhan City. Please refine it, senior!"

Zhou Xun and the others took it in Wenyan and held the token in their hands.

“How much does the toll cost?”

Zhou Xun pointed at the young man who had just passed by.

"Ah, senior is a pill-forming monk, so entry into the city is naturally free!"

The middle-aged man replied respectfully.

Zhou Xun nodded when he heard this, and immediately walked into Tianhan City with Xuan Yunzi and Song Yiqing.

Beyond the city gate is a street more than ten feet wide, paved with bluestones.

This is the main road of Tianhan City, with a huge flow of people, and it climbs up Tianhan Mountain.

There is an endless stream of monks coming and going.

Old people, children, young people, strong men.

Some are dressed as Confucian scholars, some are wearing Taoist robes, some are carrying long swords, and some are riding spiritual beasts, all kinds of colors!

"It is indeed one of the three great fairy cities in the Eastern Wasteland, it is indeed extraordinary!"

The Baiyun Fairy City and Fengyuan City that Zhou Xun had seen could only be regarded as small villages in comparison.

Walking along the main road, there are various buildings on both sides, row upon row, with high eaves and teeth, each competing for the terrain, all majestic.

"Tianxing Pavilion"



"Drunken Immortal Tower"

One after another, extremely prosperous.

"Husband, Hancheng today is really majestic. It would be great if our Forgotten City could be as prosperous!"

Song Yiqing's eyes were opened!

Pedestrians were coming and going on the road, most of them were in the advanced stage of Qi training or above, and even the foundation-building monks would meet one every once in a while.

Even if it was a rare alchemy master, Zhou Xun saw several of them at this time!

"It seems that I can buy something good this time!"

Zhou Xun brought enough spirit stones this time!

After that, Zhou Xun and others didn't waste any time and went to find an inn to stay.

Unexpectedly, the Tianhan City Festival was so popular. At this time, all the major inns in the city were full!

Just as the three of them were smiling bitterly, a very familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

"Junior Brother Zhou!"

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