Zhou Xun looked at the set of talismans in Huang An's hands, touched his chin, and his expression moved slightly.

"The power of a third-level high-grade talisman, even if it has not been cultivated, is comparable to a strike from a late-stage pill-forming monk!"

"This thing just makes up for my attack skills!"

At this moment, a clear sound sounded!

"Four hundred and fifty thousand spirit stones!"

Zhou Xun moved when he heard the words. This voice was very familiar to him. He seemed to have heard it somewhere before. He inadvertently pressed his fingers on the table. Suddenly,

"Yes. Feng Yue!"

This was the young man he met when he entered Tianhan City that day.

The voice of foreign monk Feng Yue!

After confirming this, Zhou Xun naturally couldn't let him take the picture of the talisman!

Otherwise, you will use it against yourself when the time comes!

It's better to buy it yourself and use it to deal with him!

At this time, the price of these six third-level high-grade talismans has increased to 500,000 spirit stones!

Zhou Xun then changed his voice slightly and opened his bidding:

"I'm offering you 600,000 spiritual stones!"

Xuan Yunzi and Master Nanyue couldn't help but look sideways when they heard this. They immediately understood Zhou Xun's intention and couldn't help but admire him.

Those who know how to hide their clumsiness at a young age will live longer in the future!

Zhou Xun raised the price by one hundred thousand, causing everyone in the venue to be quiet for a moment, but it only lasted for a moment, and the bidding soon became lively again.

"Fifty-one million spirit stones!"

"I'll pay 550,000!"

"I'll give you 600,000 spiritual stones!"

"Seven hundred thousand spiritual stones!" At this time, Feng Yue's young voice rang out again.

Seven hundred thousand spiritual stones can already buy two ordinary low-grade magic weapons!

The number of bidders suddenly became very few!

After all, the market price of a third-level high-quality talisman is about 100,000 spirit stones!

Feng Yue smiled slightly, thinking that he could win this third-level high-grade talisman.

"The barbarians of the Eastern Wasteland also want to compete with me for financial resources!"

Their spiritual energy environment in Zhongzhou is better, and various spiritual stone minerals are naturally more abundant!

At this moment, a hoarse voice sounded again:

"Eight hundred thousand spirit stones!"

This is exactly what Zhou Xunxu did.

"Isn't it worth it to buy six third-level high-quality talismans for eight hundred thousand spirit stones? If you really want it, you can buy it from Master Tianci. It doesn't have to be so expensive!" Master Nanyue advised from the side.

Zhou Xun shook his head,

It's a joke. If it were normal, it would be no problem to let this set of talismans go out. At this time, he had a bigger purpose, which was to stop Feng Yue.

Feng Yue on the other side heard the price, frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment and continued to bid:

"Eighty-one thousand spirit stones!"

Hearing this, Zhou Xun smiled softly. He knew that Feng Yue was hesitating, so he immediately raised the price by another level:

"Nine hundred thousand spirit stones!"

Huang An, the real person below, was overjoyed when he heard this and said loudly:

"Nine hundred thousand spiritual stones, is there anything higher?"

Feng Yue snorted coldly and said:

"Since Fellow Taoist wants it so much, let me give this treasure to you!"

Zhou Xun didn't say anything.

Soon, a middle-aged man dressed as a deacon came up with this set of talismans to trade with Zhou Xun.

Zhou Xun took out ninety high-grade spiritual stones and put six high-grade talismans into his storage bag.

Below, the auction continues.

Zhou Xun continued to fall into a state of boredom!

Magic weapons and high-level materials emerge in endlessly.

"Next, is the last lot of this auction!"

Master Huang An looked serious, and suddenly made a secret.


Around the high platform, a golden translucent light curtain suddenly rose up, protecting him.

In the auction house, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Even Zhou Xun was interested in this last auction item.

Master Huang An looked solemn, carefully held out a foot-high sapphire vase, and said in a deep voice:

"A bottle of the rare item of heaven and earth, 'Xuanhan Ice Marrow Liquid', can increase the probability that monks who have perfected the elixir formation will survive the inner demon tribulation when they condense the Nascent Soul!"

"At the same time, it is rumored that this item is one of the main ingredients of the 'Huaying Dan'!"

"What, Xuanhan Ice Marrow Liquid?"

After hearing this, Feng Yue suddenly stood up, his expression extremely moved, and he stared at the jade bottle in Huang An's hand with a hint of greed.

He was extremely lucky that he had not taken pictures of the six talismans, otherwise he would have lost hundreds of thousands of spirit stones and would have easily fallen short in the competition for this infant-condensing spiritual object.

In addition, almost all the monks present lost their manners and were dumbfounded: "It's actually a baby spirit!?"

Make a baby!

It is a more difficult pass for cultivating immortality than forming a pill. Once the formation of a baby is successful, you can be called your ancestor and live for a thousand years!

Putting it in the Eastern Barren, it is unrivaled as the number one, and there is no problem in dominating the Eastern Barren.

Of course, there are some people who understand and quickly calm down and sneer at this.

"Fellow Daoist Huang An, there has not been a Nascent Soul cultivator in the Eastern Wasteland for six thousand years. This infant-forming spiritual object is useless in our Eastern Wasteland!"

After hearing this, Master Huang An's expression did not change, he cupped his hands and said with a smile:

"All fellow Taoists also know the function of Xuanhan Ice Marrow Liquid. As for whether or not to use it, it is your own business. The base price of this item is two million spirit stones, and each increase in price must not be less than one hundred thousand spirit stones!"

Although there has been no Nascent Soul cultivator in the Eastern Wasteland for six thousand years, there are still many immortal cultivators who are willing to give it a try.

Especially Feng Yue, this person comes from outside the Eastern Wasteland!

I saw him making the first bid without hesitation:

"Two million and one million spirit stones!"

Immediately afterwards, an old man with a purple robe and long beard made a bid.

"I want to win this thing for 2.1 million, so I offer 2.6 million spiritual stones!"

This person is Fu Yunzi, the number one casual cultivator in the Wei Kingdom, who has cultivated in the late stage of pill formation.

"Three million spirit stones!" As soon as he finished speaking, another middle-aged man spoke. It was the Great Elder of Aurora Palace, Master Ji Xuan.

Aurora Palace is one of the top forces in the Zhao Kingdom.

Hearing this voice, Fu Yunzi frowned slightly. Although both of them were in the late stage of pill formation, he was a casual cultivator. If he really competed for financial resources, he would probably not be the opponent of Ji Xuan.

So he said:

"Fellow Taoist Ji Xuan, your Jiguang Palace family has a great cause, so why bother to rob it with a bad old man like me? If you can give in, I am willing to owe Jiguang Palace a favor!"

"Fellow Taoist Fuyun, are you serious about this?" Zhenren Jixuan's eyes also moved. He was just trying to bid for the Xuanhan Ice Marrow Liquid.

If you can take a picture, that's fine. If you can't, there's no loss.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain. You must know that the favors of monks in the late stage of pill formation are very valuable.

"That's natural!" Fuyunzi gritted his teeth and said!

"Okay, then I will give this bottle of 'Xuanhan Ice Marrow Liquid' to fellow Taoist!"

Zhou Xun is also quite interested in this, but he plans to take a look first and then take action in the end!

At this moment, Feng Yue spoke:

"Three million and one million spiritual stones!"

Fuyunzi's face darkened, and a burst of mana from a late-stage pill-forming monk spread out, and he said in a deep voice:

"Do fellow Taoists insist on going against Mr. Lu?"

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