Immortal Cultivation: Starting from Improving Spiritual Root Qualification

Chapter 387 The spiritual root sensitivity is seventy-seven points!

“This is where the true heritage of our Tianhan City lies!”

With that said, Master Tianci came to the wooden shelf on the right, picked up the jade slips one by one, stroked them gently, and said with emotion:

"This one. This one records the experience of my ancestors from Tianhan City when they broke through the Nascent Soul!"

"It's a pity that in our Eastern Wilderness, it can only be covered in dust!"

He sighed and put it back again!

Zhou Xun looked at the jade slips, then glanced at the lonely Master Tianci, and smiled in his heart:

"In a few years, maybe you won't say that!"

Tianci Zhenren came to the two fourth-level human beings, took out the token, and then hit it with a spiritual light!

The token flew up and emitted a soft beam of light, which hit the light shield on the left, causing it to open instantly!

A humanoid puppet was revealed, and its appearance was very similar to that of a human being.

"This man is ashamed, and he will be controlled by you from now on!"

"There are seven puppets in total, named after the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper. If they can be gathered together, they can unite to fight against the enemy and use the formation of the Big Dipper to possess great power!"

"It's a pity that we only have three in Tianhan City!"

"The statue in my hand is the 'Tianji', and the one I opened just now is the 'Kaiyang'!"

"What exists inside is the 'fluctuating light'!"

Master Tianci sighed, then waved his hand, and the fourth-level human puppet "Kaiyang" flew towards Zhou Xun.

Zhou Xun waved his hand. A burst of energy flew out, dragging 'Kai Yang' to land steadily in front of him.

"You only need to follow the ordinary method of refining magic weapons to refine this person!" Tianci Zhenren introduced.

"Thank you, Brother Dao!" Zhou Xun nodded and put the treasure into the storage bag with a wave of his hand.

Then the two of them returned to the cave through the original route.

The two of them talked about the way of talismans again!

Tianci Zhenren gave Zhou Xun the third-level high-grade Talisman inheritance he had studied, and then Zhou Xun said goodbye and left.

After that, Zhou Xun went to the 35th floor and the 34th floor respectively.

He bid farewell to Master Dan Ding and Master Tieshan, and finally returned to the cave.

In the training room, Zhou Xun took out the "Kaiyang" that Tianci Zhenren gave to him.

"Kaiyang" was dressed in black robes. If it weren't for the fact that he had no life breath, he would be no different from a real person.

Next, he wants to refine this human puppet!

If it can be refined, it will be a very important increase in combat power for Zhou Xun!

Zhou Xun sat cross-legged on the ground, separated a ray of spiritual consciousness, and penetrated into the human puppet.

Without any obstruction, this divine consciousness melted in,

Then Zhou Xun made secrets with both hands and played out the secrets one after another. It went smoothly and a divine mark was generated.

At this time, a vague connection came from the human puppet.

This human puppet has no master, so there will be no obstacle to Zhou Xun's refining.

However, the connection just now was not enough for Zhou Xun to activate. He still needed more in-depth refining.

I saw Zhou Xun spread his consciousness and wrapped the person.

Then he made a secret and beat him.

As soon as it touches the surface of the human puppet, it sinks in.

Under the shroud of divine consciousness, the human puppet "Kaiyang" began to emit a faint light, as if it was resonating with Zhou Xun's soul.

As time passed, the air around Kaiyang began to ripple, as if there was an invisible force surging.

Zhou Xun also had a strange feeling in his heart. He seemed to be able to feel every texture and every place of the human figure.

I do not know how long it has been.

Suddenly, the human figure shines brightly.

Zhou Xun's mind moved.

With a buzzing sound, the figure hung in the air.

"Finally, the refining was successful!"

The feeling of controlling a human puppet is similar to that of controlling a magic weapon. With a thought, the human puppet can start a magic battle.

"Try your power!"

Zhou Xun murmured, then patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a piece of third-order iron essence the size of a millstone!


Zhou Xun's mind moved slightly, and "Kaiyang" turned into an afterimage, hitting Tie Jing hard.

Directly penetrate this third-level spiritual material!

"Such power."

Zhou Xun took a breath, at least it was the power of the late stage of pill formation!

And this is just a casual blow from it.

I am only at the early stage of pill formation, yet I can urge people to exert such power!

No wonder Tianci Zhenren relied on this puppet to be able to intimidate the Eastern Wasteland.

Thinking about it, with his peak Dan-forming magic power, the power that Renxin can exert is probably not much different from that of a real Nascent Soul monk!

"It's just that this consumes a lot of money!"

Zhou Xun flashed a look of heartache!

It turns out that the five high-grade spiritual stones placed by Zhou Xun have already been consumed a lot!

The five high-grade spiritual stones have all dimmed a lot!

The subsequent blow just now was worth at least 10,000 spirit stones!

Zhou Xun couldn't help but sigh,

"It seems that if you want to control it for a long time, you have to find opportunities to find the best spiritual stones in the future!"

The spiritual energy contained in the top-grade spiritual stone is a hundred times that of the top-grade spiritual stone, which is enough to support a person fighting for a long time!

After the refining was completed, Zhou Xun put it into his storage bag!

As a person with a great reputation in Donghuang, Zhou Xun had no intention of taking it out unless it was absolutely necessary.

He opened the door to the training room and strode out!

Song Yiqing has packed her things and is ready to go at any time!

So Zhou Xun came to Xuanyunzi Cave and called him. When they came, they made an agreement to return together!

Half a quarter of an hour later, in the south of Tianhan City, two spiritual lights flew into the sky, speeding towards the direction of Xu Kingdom!

Four months later, Zhou Xun returned to Wangchuan Lake after a year and a half absence!

This year, Zhou Xun is eighty-five years old!

During this year, when Zhou Xun's incarnation was practicing the Fu Dao skills with the God-given real person, his body was constantly practicing.

At this time, his alchemy and talisman making skills have successfully broken through to the third level of low-grade!

As for the formation method, because the promotion time is still short, although it has been guided by Master Nanyue, there is still a short distance to advance!

The training room at the bottom of the lake,

Zhou Xun and the Avatar sit cross-legged!

During the more than a year since he was out, the natal spiritual plant contained in his body has once again advanced to the fourth level of low-grade.

I saw the incarnation point towards me, and then a foot-high grass with emerald green body, crystal clear body and aura surrounding it flew out and hung in front of me.

"Fourth level low-grade wind spirit grass!"

Looking at this elixir, Zhou Xun didn't hesitate too much.

He skillfully ran the formula of "Ningchun Sutra" and then pointed at the wind spirit grass.

Not long after, a green light ball the size of a thumb flew out.

extremely bright,

He carefully controlled the light ball and leaned towards the main body.

Next, there is a familiar warm package, and then there is a feeling of sublimation.

After an unknown amount of time, this feeling slowly subsided, and Zhou Xun slowly opened his eyes.

Then he took out the Ouija board without hesitation and placed it in front of him.

Then put your hands on it and activate it.

"The wood spirit root sensitivity is seventy-seven points!"

"Sure enough, it has improved a bit!"

Now, he is only two points away from the ultimate Earth Spiritual Root.

According to the previous improvement rate, it will only take two years!

Then, he condensed the fourth-level mid-level "Tiangang True Flame Lotus" into a natal spiritual plant, and then used the spirit-absorbing secret technique to upgrade it to the fourth-level top level!

By then, his body will be able to ascend to the Heavenly Spiritual Root!

Even if you reach Central Continent, you can still be called a genius!

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