"If I remember correctly... in Yan Qing's memory, Tang Yuning and I should have died in a car accident."

On this day, Ye Liang was taking care of Tang Yuning, who was about to give birth.

But in his mind, he recalled what Yan Qing had said.

Although it was completely unnecessary, he had to make a detour for what had happened, no matter how small it was.

If he doesn't do it, and the gears of fate turn on their own, things will definitely get out of hand.

He also had to arrange the known - everything.

The car accident, the tomb, the empty map to go to the Yuanwu world, and the book on postpartum care, all these, he must prepare.

It seemed that after this, he and Tang Yuning could no longer appear in front of Yan Qing.

He thought so.

After Ye Liang made all the necessary preparations, Tang Yuning's due date was approaching.

Today, he was on his way to the hospital with Tang Yuning and Yan Qing.

As before, although it is completely unnecessary, it is to promote the established fact.

In fact, Ye Liang didn't think about it, perhaps, what he's going through now is actually a changed history.

In fact, before he changed history, all the things he encountered were all tragedies.

But, these things, there is no need to think about it.

Anyway, now he has contributed to a history that satisfies him, and it doesn't matter to him whether the history has been changed.

The family of three sat in the car, with Ye Liang driving in front, and Yan Qing watching over Tang Yuning from behind.

Little Loli looked at Tang Yuning's bulging belly beside her with curiosity in her eyes.

"Mom, you say, is this born a younger brother or a younger sister?"

She asked Tang Yuning.

Tang Yuning "Go back to the garden with my hands." Gently stroked her stomach and said with a smile:

"Do you want a brother or a sister?

Whether you want a brother or a sister, I will give birth to you. 33

"Wow one!

Hearing this, Yan Qing's eyes widened:

"Then I want a brother.


Hearing Yan Qing's words, Ye Liang couldn't help but laugh and ask.

"By the way, husband, what do you think is a good name for our child?

At this time, Tang Yuning suddenly asked Ye Liang.

"What name? You choose.

Ye Liang thought about it, he had so many women, it was a bit unfair to everyone, and the right to name the children was left to them.

"Really? Thank you, husband."

Hearing this, Tang Yuning said happily.

"Why, judging from your appearance, did you name your child long ago? 39

Ye Liang asked Tang Yuning.

"Hee hee, you'll find out later."

Tang Yuning laughed.


Suddenly, a look of embarrassment appeared on Tang Yuning's face.

"What's up?"

Yan Qing asked Tang Yuning with concern.


Tang Yuning shook her head, "This little guy just kicked me in the stomach.

"Huh? The little baby is really bad."

Hearing this, Yan Qing looked at Tang Yuning's belly with innocent eyes, and said:

"Good baby, good baby, if you are good, mother won't be so uncomfortable.


Seeing Yan Qingxiao Loli like this, Ye Liang and Tang Yuning couldn't help showing a smile.

However, Tang Yuning didn't see that Ye Liang's eyes had a hint of evil in his eyes.

No matter how innocent and cute the little girl looks now, but in the future, she will also be someone by Ye Liang's side.

Think about it, you are really perverted.

Just as Ye Liang was thinking a little proudly, Tang Yuning took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, Little Leaf, I'm about to give birth... are you free to accompany me?

"...What?! I'll be right here—!

A very surprised voice came from the other side.

Hearing the voice of the person on the phone, Tang Yuning's eyes showed a relieved smile.

Ye Liang's expression was a little weird.

But, at this moment...

Outside this world, a ray of light suddenly condensed out, broke through the wall of the world, and charged towards Tang Yuning's belly.

And at the moment when the ray of light appeared, Ye Liang's figure disappeared.

The car originally driven by Ye Liang suddenly lost control and rushed to a distant road platform.

Boom one-!!!

With a loud noise, the car, which was originally quite valuable, was directly scrapped.

Yan Qing in the back seat was directly stunned.

On the other hand, Tang Yuning exuded an aura that protected her well.


The sudden change made Tang Yuning very surprised.

She did not understand how Ye Liang disappeared.

However, now her stomach is tumultuous, and she is about to give birth.

The matter exceeded Ye Liang's expectations, and Ye Liang had already made all the preparations.

However, fate does not seem to need his preparations.

His time was obviously not used up, but he suddenly disappeared here.

And the reason was naturally because the aura that had passed through the wall of the world and appeared in Tang Yuning's belly.

On the police side, it is natural to say nothing about Ye Ziban's experience during this period of time.


Although Ye Liang had reminded Tang Yuning countless times, he must not tell Ye Zixuan the name of Ye Qixuan.

However, these things are really superfluous.

Because the established fact will not change with what he does.

Ye Ziban always missed the opportunity to know Ye Qixuan's name by chance, and even if it was placed in front of her forehead, she couldn't see it.

And this powerful twisting force of fate made Ye Liang feel strange.

This kind of feeling... It's like there is a powerful force, forcibly causing some unreasonable things to happen.

He knew that all these ignorance came from the sword in his hand.

The wheel of time, the scabbard of destiny.

With these two things, I can continue to notice all the irresponsible things that happen around me.

All the ordinary things in this world are the result of miracles.

If a person wants to fall on a stone, he needs how many times the stone is hooked in front of him by chance, and how many times the person has to go through reincarnation before falling on the stone.

Everything, if they are regarded as accidental, is naturally ordinary.

If everything was doomed, it would be a terrible miracle.

And because there are so many miracles happening every day, these things are regarded as ordinary...

He has a normal relationship with Ye Ziban.

So, everything that should have happened has already happened.

However, that day, when he said that he was Ye Qixuan, Ye Ziban was still too shocked, tangled, and uncomfortable, to the point that... She directly explained some things that happened with Ye Liang. removed from her mind.

I want to deceive myself through such means and tell myself that I am still pure.

However, after she deleted those memories, a strong sense of loss persuaded her to strike.

She regretted it.

She didn't know what she had lost, but she desperately wanted to be with Ye Qixuan.

However, when she wanted to find Ye Qixuan again, Ye Qixuan completely disappeared in front of her eyes and never appeared again.

Until then, she continued to finally receive a call.

The child of her best friend Tang Yuning was finally born.

Although he is now in a state of brokenheartedness, but the birth of his best friend's child, Ye Ziban felt that he had to come to condolence anyway.

I don't know if she gave birth to a boy or a girl.

Although she hates children a little, but if it is a child of a good friend, she still doesn't mind hugging.

However, just when Ye Ye was about to take a taxi to the hospital, she suddenly felt a burst of heart palpitations.

"This feeling... is something wrong with Yuning——!!!

The next moment, her expression changed drastically, and she instantly disappeared in place.

But when Ye Yeyang arrived at the scene, he saw the scene of the car accident.


"Impossible, Yuning——!!!"

Ye Ye was in a hurry, and she didn't care to hide her identity as an immortal cultivator in front of ordinary people. She rushed forward and tore the door off with one hand.

Then, she saw that Tang Yuning happened to be sitting in the car, holding a newborn baby in her arms that had not yet been cleaned.

Beside her, a little girl was fainting there.

It seems that it should be the daughter Yan Qing adopted by Tang Yuning.

Although the relationship between the two is good, Ye Ziban has not officially met Yan Qing.

"Yuning, are you... alright?"

She looked at Tang Yuning in surprise.

Tang Yuning also looked at Ye Ziban in surprise. Didn't expect Ye Ziban to come over so quickly?

Moreover, her hand had just tore off the car door beside her.

"Little Leaf, you... why did you come so quickly? Besides, you... have such great strength... are you an immortal cultivator?

Tang Yuning asked Ye Zihan in surprise.

"You know Immortal Cultivators?"

Hearing this, Ye Zihan looked strange.

"Hmm 99


Tang Yuning nodded, handed the child in her hand to Ye Ziban, and said:

"In the future, I will ask you for my child, and I will name him Ye Liang.

"Hey Hey hey--!!!

Holding a child in his arms, Ye Ziyang was dumbfounded on the spot.

What kind of drama is this?!!

She yelled at Tang Yuning:

"I'm not married yet, what do you mean by giving me a child? You don't want to bring it yourself?


Hearing this, Tang Yuning hesitated for a while, and then said:

"I have no time to know. 99


Holding Xiao Yeliang in his arms, Ye Ye tilted his head halfway, huh?

"There's no time for what?


"Little Leaf, since you are an immortal cultivator, you should know that there are many rules in this world, and these rules together form a world and maintain the operation of a world. 35

Tang Yuning said:

"A cultivator's cultivation of immortality is to escape the control of these rules, or, in other words, to use these rules as a weapon to strengthen oneself. To put it a little higher, it is enlightenment."

"Well, so what? What does this have to do with throwing your baby at me?

Leaf was half speechless.


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