Frost Wuhen slowly opened his eyes.

In front of her was a person who looked exactly like her.

Leaf half.

She is looking at her.

The moment the two looked at each other, Ye Ziban turned his eyes away in embarrassment.

Frost Wuhen sighed:

"You weren't even afraid of it at first, but now you're starting to be afraid again, as if I was the villain."

"Is not it?"

Ye Ye said half-seriously:

"I said earlier, let me be the mother, you are the daughter, you have to be bigger than me."

"Go away!!!"

Frost Wuhen can't wait to kick Ye Ban, the shameless guy, with one foot.

The next moment, the two of them couldn't help but burst out laughing again.

Turning his head to look, Ye Liang's eyes were looking at the sky outside the window.

"Ye Qixuan, what are you thinking?"

Frost Wuhen asked Ye Liang.

"I was thinking, shouldn't Tang Yuning have arrived earlier?

Ye Liang replied:

"It's been so long, there's a problem."

"What could be wrong.

Leaf said half casually:

"Since you already know everything, then you should know that she is on a different time line from us. Do you think she will come soon, maybe she will tangle her hair after ten thousand years?"


Hearing this, Ye Liang said:

"Maybe... it's around 100 million years. 93


Frost Wuhen and Ye Ban could not help but be speechless.

A million years?

This is still too long for them who have no hardships.

"Okay, it looks like I have to take the initiative to pick her up. 99

Ye Liang said:

"However, before that, we have to convene a big surprise and ask you to hold a welcome party together. My mother-in-law is about to come, so we have to let everyone celebrate together."


Hearing this, Frost Wuhen and Ye Ziban were both speechless.

Ye Liang, does he really intend to completely throw away his integrity?

This kind of thing, he didn't tell Daxiang one by one in private, but also planned to gather everyone together and hold a welcome party?

It really has him-!!!

Regardless of the strange expressions of the two girls, Ye Liang thought about it and pulled the Seven Profound Immortal Palace in the universe to the vicinity of the earth.

However, the Seven Profound Immortal Palace was his private residence, and he did not intend to let too many people see the existence of that thing.

He just planned to treat the Seven Profound Immortal Palace as a place for gatherings.

Immediately, a line of divine thoughts spread out to the girls on the earth, telling them to end the question at the place they guided.

The women naturally responded.

"The master called us, it's great—!!!"

"Well, let's go quickly, but Dad thinks we're being neglected."

The two girls who ran the most actively were Lu Tianer and Langji.

Because the two of them knew that their status was the worst among the girls, so naturally they had to be more attentive at this time.

Then, there was the Red Moon Empress.

At this time, Empress Chiyue was the most confused among the girls.

During this period of time, she just wandered around by herself, and when she came back to her senses, she had become an Immortal Venerable.

It's totally unclear what's going on.

As soon as he leaves the main character's plot, he completely becomes invisible.

Even people with Immortal Venerable cultivation are not at all compelling in front of Ye Liang.

This time, she must ask Ye Liang carefully.

How can he be so great.

When Huang Yuyurou heard Ye Liang's call, she didn't hesitate, just pulled Yang Liuyan and went into the universe.

At this time, Xu Yingbing was being pestered by her own people to ask about immortal cultivators, but when she heard Ye Liang's call, she didn't explain anymore, and also flew up.

In an instant, on the earth, several streamers rose into the sky.

Although they have different origins, their destination is the same.

"Well, Immortal Venerable Lingbo, what are we calling Ye Liang for?

Tang Pinru was dragged by Immortal Venerable Lingbo and flew into the universe, but he couldn't help but be puzzled.

Because she really didn't understand, what was Ye Liang's purpose for telling her to go to the universe.

She is just an ordinary person.

Even if he has a cultivation base now, he still doesn't understand what Ye Liang wants to do.

"do not know.

Immortal Venerable Lingbo said casually.

It's just that she has a bad feeling about it.

The Purple Heart Empress was originally in the universe, and she was still dealing with things in the Ziji Xianxing and did not come back.

Hearing Ye Liang's call, he naturally put down what he was doing and came over from the Seven Profound Immortal Palace.

For a time, the powerful breath in the sky formed a beautiful divine light, and the entire earth was covered under the beautiful divine light.

With such a vision, people on earth are naturally used to it late.

Everyone looked at the sky, not knowing what was going on.

However, it must have nothing to do with them.

Immortal things, they can only watch the fun.

But Ye Liang, Bing Shuang Wuhen, and Ye Ziban who were sorting their clothes were the first to arrive at the Seven Profound Immortal Palace.

Looking at the brilliance of the earth, all the girls came with the fairy light, like fairies in the sky, each with their own beauty and very seductive.

...for flowers.....0

People on earth can only see the sky full of immortals now.

"Master. 99


As soon as they arrived here, Lu Tian'er and the two girls, Lang Ji, were the first to greet Ye Liang.

Seeing that the wolf princess was addicted to calling her father, Ye Liang was speechless for a while.

He asked Wolf Princess:

"You call me dad, you know what?

"So what if he knows, how dare he care about me?"

The wolf princess had a righteous look on her face.

I didn't see him taking care of her when he was stocking her before. Don't you think it's too late to take care of her now?

"Master, why did you call us here?

- Lu Tianer asked Ye Liang again.

"It's nothing.

Ye Liang said:

"I'll talk about it when everyone comes.


Before Ye Liang spoke, all the women had already arrived.

In the crowd, Ye Liang even saw Tang Pinru being pulled by Immortal Venerable Lingbo.


Looking at the people present, Tang Pinru couldn't help but let out a sigh.

It is really……

Too much.

Does this guy Ye Liang have any collection hobby?

Also, how come there are two leaf sheep here?

Could it be that there is also a past life of Ye Ziban?

However, just when she was thinking so, Yang Liuyan shouted to Immortal Venerable Lingbo in surprise:

" do you look exactly like Huang Yurou? Could it be that you are Gai Yurou's clone?!!

Hearing this, all the girls looked over at Immortal Venerable Lingbo.

The fact that Lei Yu Yurou was the reincarnation of Immortal Venerable Lingbo had not even been known to some of the girls.

Hearing this, before Immortal Venerable Lingbo could speak, Huang Yurou came to her side proudly and said to the girls:

"Let me introduce, she is my previous life, Immortal Venerable Lingbo, although everyone is an Immortal Venerable, but I want to say that if I hadn't met Ye Liang, my compulsion would be very high— !99


Hearing this, all the girls couldn't help but be stunned.

Of course, it means women who don't know it yet.

When they heard that Huang Yurou's previous life was actually an Immortal Venerable or something, they couldn't help but exclaim.

Indeed, the reincarnation of Immortal Venerable, this status is indeed very high.


Immortal Venerable's force in front of Ye Liang... not at all.

It's too late for her to show off.

All the brute force was meaningless in front of Ye Liang.


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