Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1173 Mysterious Man

Leaving Qingxuan Territory as soon as possible is the top priority at the moment. As for what to do after escaping Qingxuan Territory, Lin Yi has already made a plan.

In the following journey, there was no more trouble, and the four people were at peace. It even seemed that the four people were like one person, regardless of each other, and cared about each other wholeheartedly, but the real situation was probably only known by themselves.

During this period of time, they saw many cultivators who were also on the way to Qianqin River Basin. Some cultivators wanted to invite them to join, and some cultivators wanted to join their team, but none of them agreed.

The current situation itself is already quite complicated. If new elements are added, there is a great possibility that the result will not be what they want.

"Friend Lin, you can leave Qingxuan Territory in another day."

At this time, seven months have passed since the last quarrel. Fortunately, during this period of time, no cultivators from Danqing Sect and Danxuan Sect were seen, and no danger was encountered.

Lin Yi will finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief. In one more day, he will be able to leave Qingxuan Territory. By then, the crisis will be greatly reduced, and he will be able to get rid of some of the constraints.

However, so far, he has not left Qingxuan Territory. In the next day, anything can happen, so he still needs to be very vigilant.

The spirit boat is speeding in the sky, like a meteor, holding up a long tail, but this tail is not a flame, but more like a condensation of spiritual energy, or it seems to provide the power for the spirit boat to move forward, and the long tail pushes the spirit boat to speed.

The spirit boat looks a little lonely in the sky, and the lonely back uses the long tail to release loneliness.

At this moment, beside the spirit boat, a strange spirit boat emerges, and it goes with it, accompanying it, making it seem less lonely, and never leaving.


In the spirit boat, Lin Yi and others naturally saw the accident, especially Lin Yi's heart tightened, and he would soon leave Qingxuan Territory, so he must not have an accident here.

The spirit boat came with them, and they didn't know their purpose. After seeing that they never left, Lu Tianpeng said, "Daoyou, I don't know why you followed us?"

"Daoyou, I have no ill intentions. I just happened to meet you here. Are you also going to Qianqin River Basin?"

In another spirit boat, a voice came, relaxed and casual, and didn't take it to heart at all, which made Lin Yi alert instantly.

At present, it is unknown how many people are in that spirit boat. If there is only one person, it will be even worse.

"Daoyou, you are joking. We are not going to Qianqin River Basin. If you are in a hurry, don't waste time because of us."

"No delay, no delay!"

Lu Tianpeng and others also saw something wrong, and naturally they were very alert. They controlled the spirit boat and increased its speed again, but the spirit boat was always with them. No matter how much the speed of the spirit boat was increased, they could not get rid of it.

After the speed was increased to the limit, there was no possibility of further increase, but the spirit boat was still accompanying them easily, and their spirit boat could not always maintain the limit speed. First, the consumption was extremely terrifying, which they could not afford, and second, it was a huge loss for the spirit boat.

They knew that the other party's spirit boat was not as simple as the aura it exuded. It was definitely not just a mysterious weapon, and it was very likely to be a ground-level spirit boat.

In front of such a spirit boat, there was nothing they could do about it, so they naturally slowed down the speed to a suitable range.

"I am Lu Tianpeng, may I ask what your name is, fellow Taoist?"

Since he could not get rid of it, Lu Tianpeng naturally tried his best to understand the other party's information before making a judgment.

"It's just a wandering wild crane, not worth mentioning."

At this moment, Lin Yi's heart was extremely alert. Wandering wild crane, I'm afraid that even a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage would not dare to say this?

It seems that the cultivator in the spirit boat has an unimaginable cultivation strength. What does he want to do, or does he come for him and has discovered his existence, but it is not easy to take action at the moment?

Lin Yi's heart was filled with sadness. He was about to leave Qingxuan Territory, but this crisis appeared again, and it was beyond his control. If it was really as he thought, he would be slaughtered by the other party.

However, Lin Yi tried his best to calm his fluctuating emotions. So far, everything was just his guess. Who knew if it was true? Don't make things worse and expose your true colors.

The four people looked at each other. From each other's eyes, they could see that they were helpless against that cultivator. As for taking the initiative, no one had the courage to do so.

The spirit boat was always following and did not leave. They did not speak again, nor did they dare to show any dissatisfaction. If he wanted to follow, let him follow. Anyway, he could not get rid of it. If he wanted to take action, he would have done it long ago.

Time passed, and a day passed unknowingly.

This day was probably the most frightening day for the four people since they set out. The spirit boat never left and followed them until they left the Qingxuan Territory.

Originally, Lin Yi could breathe a sigh of relief, but now he felt like a fishbone stuck in his throat.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, it will probably take two years to enter Weiyang Domain at our speed, but..."

At this point, he looked at the spirit boat outside. If the spirit boat followed him all the time, he didn't know whether it would be good or bad, whether there would be danger, and whether he could successfully leave Weiyang Domain?

Everything that happened next was unknown, and even fate was out of his control.

Lin Yi just said: "Daoyou Lu, I believe we can successfully reach the Qianqin River Basin."

After saying this, he didn't say anything more. What else can he say? If the spirit boat doesn't leave, they will lose their freedom.

Half a month later, Sun Haoqing couldn't bear it anymore. The spirit boat always accompanied them, making them unable to calm down. If they continued like this, they might collapse. Not every cultivator is like Lin Yi, who often experiences such crises and tribulations to train his mind. He asked: "Senior, what is your reason?"

"Haha, little guy, you are quite polite and well-educated. You come to my spirit boat first."

Sun Haoqing almost vomited blood when he heard this. Let him go to the man's spirit boat alone, and he would still be alive. His first reaction was to refuse without hesitation, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

If he refused directly, would he be furious? There was no point in pretending to be polite, and he would become the one who got caught.

Sun Haoqing said: "Senior, how about you come to my spiritual boat?"


Hearing this, Lin Yi and the other three were stunned. This was not what they thought...

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