Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1269 Big Harvest

The two of them had the same destination and continued to travel together. A few days later, they arrived not far from Qianlingfang.

Looking at Mu Wanyi, Lin Yi said, "Fairy Mu, have you never shown your true face in front of outsiders?"

Mu Wanyi smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Lin, Wanyi has never disguised herself in front of you. It seems that fellow Daoist is not in the ranks of outsiders you mentioned."

Lin Yi did not respond to her words. Who knows if the Mu Wanyi he met at the beginning was also a disguise?

For Mu Wanyi, Lin Yi never completely let down his guard. Deep in his heart, he remained vigilant.

After a month of getting along, Mu Wanyi had very few opportunities to make a move. Her real trump card had never been revealed, and her depth had not been explored.

Seeing that Lin Yi did not respond, Mu Wanyi continued, "In fact, it is just to reduce some unnecessary troubles, nothing else."

Lin Yi nodded. After the two entered Qianlingfang, he went straight to the transaction location.

"Fairy Mu, we have already come to Qianlingfang. Do you still want to follow me?"

Mu Wanyi said: "Anyway, I have nothing to do. Maybe I can get unexpected gains by following you."

"Fellow Daoist Lin, you don't mind, do you?"

Lin Yi wanted to say that he really cared, but would it be useful?

Lin Yi also knew Mu Wanyi's direct purpose, hoping that he would agree to refine the elixir, but he was not sure about the sixth-grade elixir. He would never speak casually about things he was not sure about.

"Let's go!"

The two came to the trading point, where there were many stalls. These stalls were not only used to exchange spiritual objects, but other treasures could also be traded.

But the most important purpose, they never forgot, was to get the spiritual objects they needed.

"Fellow Daoist, what treasure do you need to buy?"

Lin Yi came to a stall and saw that the stall owner wanted to exchange a spiritual flower for spiritual objects, which happened to be what he needed, so he stopped naturally. The stall owner asked first.

Lin Yi said, "What kind of spiritual object does Shenglinghua want to exchange for?"

Lin Yi did not beat around the bush and asked directly.

The stall owner said, "I don't know what spiritual objects you have collected. Can you tell me? If you have the spiritual object I need, I will exchange it with you immediately."

Lin Yi said, "I only have one Blood Flame Sand. If it is what you need, we can trade. Otherwise, it will be a pity."

Of course, he could not tell this person about the spiritual objects he had. Mu Wanyi, who was standing by his side, stayed quietly beside him. After entering the trading point, she did not say anything.

"Blood Flame Sand, it's a pity that I already have it. If you have other spiritual objects and don't want to miss Shenglinghua, you can send a message to me. I will keep it secret for you."

Lin Yi looked at this person as if he was a fool. He was not afraid that he had other thoughts, but he just didn't want to spend time dealing with such people.

If he really didn't know what was going on, don't blame him then.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Sorry, there is no more. I am very sorry."

As he said that, he was about to leave.

"Daoyou, wait!"

At this moment, a nearby stall owner said.

Lin Yi looked at the man.

"Daoyou, I have a portion of Star Moon Soil. If you need it, I am willing to exchange it with you for Blood Flame Sand."


Lin Yi smiled. Star Moon Soil was also what he needed. After the exchange, he had 16 spiritual objects on him.

Lin Yi believed that he could definitely exchange for other spiritual objects at the trading point.


"Daoyou, I traded with you first, Blood Flame Sand, I also need it."

Just as they were about to trade, the first stall owner said.

Lin Yi ignored him and immediately completed the transaction with the stall owner. The first stall owner was furious, but he couldn't make trouble here.

Making trouble at the trading point would have extremely serious consequences, and he could only watch the transaction completed.

He glared at Lin Yi fiercely.

At this moment, Lin Yi completed the transaction, turned around and looked at this person, and said, "Do you still want to trade?"

"Do you have extra blood flame sand?"

"If you want to trade, don't ask too much."

"Since you choose to trade with others, the living flower will never give it to you. Go."

Lin Yi did not linger at all, and left directly and went to other stalls.

Two hours later, when the two left the trading point, Mu Wanyi said in a voice transmission: "Congratulations, fellow Taoist, you have collected 23 spiritual objects."

"But Wanyi still reminds fellow Taoist that time is running out. It is a bit difficult to gather the remaining spiritual objects."

At the trading point, Lin Yi did not expect to get eight spiritual objects.

Before, he spent more than a month for those ten spiritual objects, and now he got eight spiritual objects in just a few hours.

Lin Yi also knew that the reason why it was so fast was the result of the accumulation of the previous month. If he did not get those ten spiritual objects, there would be no extra spiritual objects to exchange.

Lin Yi really wanted to wait at the trading point. He still had some remaining spiritual objects. If other cultivators needed them, they could exchange them immediately.

Lin Yi also decided that he would not leave Qianlingfang in the next few days.

Lin Yi said, "Fairy Mu, I will be in seclusion for the next few days. You don't want to go into seclusion with me, do you?"

Mu Wanyi's expression did not change, but she ignored Lin Yi and left.

Soon, her figure appeared in a cave, and two figures appeared beside her.

"Junior Sister Mu, this kind of scoundrel should be forced to surrender by force. Moreover, we have made great progress. Han Jing's tone has changed. There is a high possibility that he will agree to this."

Mu Wanyi said: "Second Senior Brother, don't act rashly. This person can only be made friends, not enemies."

"Junior Sister also believes that he will definitely agree and not choose to cooperate with us. It is harder for him to collect all the spiritual objects than to ascend to heaven."

"There is not much time left for him."

Wangu didn't take Lin Yi seriously at all. He said: "Although he is powerful, he can escape from the palm of the senior brother and resist the three of us."

"We should act as soon as possible. If we don't make pills for him, we should also ask for the whereabouts of the Tianji Turtle Shell."

"The importance of the Tianji Turtle Shell to our Qianji Sect is not unknown to you."

"If Master is here, he will definitely agree with my opinion."

Mu Wanyi was about to speak, but Senior Brother Yao Bai took the lead and said: "Let's leave this matter to Junior Sister Mu."

Wangu could only nod and agree.

Mu Wanyi was still worried and said, "Second Senior Brother, you must not act on your own. Once your relationship with Lin Yi becomes strained, it won't be easy to restore it."

"Also, if you go alone, you will get to know his strength over this period of time. No matter who the other party is or what their status is, he will not hesitate to take action and eliminate the threat."

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