Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 14 Qi Training Level 1

According to previous experience, he slowly guided the spiritual energy into the meridians. When the spiritual energy came into contact with the meridians, suddenly the spiritual energy from the other thirty-five meridians quickly converged on this meridian. Lin Yi panicked, lost consciousness for a moment, and quickly reacted. , guiding the huge spiritual energy to slowly enter, the pain hit again, and it was more than ten times the previous one. Fortunately, I had experience before, and I could grit my teeth and hold on.

But it is unbelievable that such a huge amount of spiritual energy entered at the same time. The meridians here were not torn apart and were still washing away the blocked meridians. The painful process was very torturous. As the spiritual energy continued to enter, the advancement speed was very slow. It was several times more difficult than any previous meridians. Lin Yi tried to speed up the entry of spiritual energy. He almost couldn't hold back the severe pain and screamed, so he could only stop this risky move quickly.

At this time, Lin Yi also understood the difference between the big Zhoutian and the small Zhoutian. The small Zhoutian is equivalent to a small stream, and the large Zhoutian is equivalent to thirty-five small streams that finally merge into the thirty-sixth one. On the main trunk, it finally leads to the distance from the main trunk. Now I am looking forward to what will happen after the thirty-sixth meridian is unblocked?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help but start to look forward to it, and he was a little nervous in the anticipation, because he already felt that there was only the last little bit left, and it would penetrate the entire meridian. Suddenly there was a soft click, and the surrounding spiritual energy rushed in crazily. , but there was no pain. On the contrary, the whole body felt extremely comfortable, enjoying the feeling of fish entering the river and lake, swimming to his heart's content. At this time, Lin Yi's body was like a bottomless pit, frantically absorbing spiritual energy and flowing into his Dantian.

At first, the Dantian was just a small dot. As the spiritual energy came in, it gradually began to grow. At the same time, the Dantian was constantly compressing the spiritual energy, allowing it to store more spiritual energy. At the same time, the spiritual energy gathered in the Dantian also began to nourish at this moment. Every cell in my body felt numb and uncomfortable.

When the spiritual energy can no longer enter, the Dantian is as big as a lake. Lin Yi clenched his fists and felt that he had endless strength. If he stood in front of him before practicing, he would be more powerful than squeezing an ant to death. Simple, is this the power of the first level of Qi training? The gap between monks and mortals turned out to be so huge, it was really a world of difference.

At the same time, Lin Yi felt that his lifespan seemed to have increased. If there were gods in the world, they would live as long as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon would shine together. Lin Yi believed that as his cultivation level increased, his lifespan would still be the same. It will continue to increase. I don’t expect to be like an immortal, but at least I will live longer than most people.

Lin Yi gradually became familiar with the current power. If he communicated with others at this time, he was really worried that he would hurt innocent people, so he had to try his best to control it freely. He slowly realized the different feelings brought about by becoming a monk. Lin Yi began to stabilize Cultivation is also about adapting to the impact of becoming a monk.

Time passed unknowingly, and Lin Yi gradually adapted. At this time, Lin Yi forgot the time and where he was. He was absorbed in it and enjoyed the fun brought by cultivation. When his cultivation was stable, he made some adjustments. Lin Yi did not hesitate and took this opportunity to attack the second level of Qi training.

It is said that everything is difficult at the beginning. With previous experience, this time it was surprisingly smooth. The first meridian on the second level of Qi training was quickly unblocked. Perhaps the previous pain made Lin Yi stronger, so let Lin Yi looked very relaxed. As expected, as long as he persists, looking back, there is no shortcut to success, only persistence.

Gradually, under Lin Yi's methodical control, the meridians were unblocked one after another. I believe that in a short time, they will be able to successfully break through the second level of Qi training. Observing the meridians, Lin Yi found that the meridians corresponding to the second level of Qi training were obviously It is wider than the meridians at the Qi training level, which requires more spiritual energy. The last meridian may have to bear the impact of a huge amount of spiritual energy. With this discovery, Lin Yi was mentally prepared.

At some point, Lin Yi's face twisted into a knot, and his brows furrowed. Unexpectedly, he still underestimated the last meridian. The pain it caused was too severe, even Lin Yi could not bear it. Drop after drop of cold sweat broke out from his forehead, and his body seemed to be cut by thousands of sharp knives, like a raging wave. Wave after wave, Lin Yi's body was gradually shaking, his hands were clenched, and his nails were embedded in his flesh. There was no feeling at all. Although I had noticed and expected it before, I never thought the pain would be so heartbreaking.

The pain was about to exceed the limit of his will, and his consciousness had begun to blur. If this continues, the breakthrough will be interrupted. Interruption is not terrible. What is terrible is the consequences of interruption. It is too serious and Lin Yi cannot bear it. Suddenly, there is a click, and finally After breaking through to the second level of Qi training, spiritual energy poured in, but at this moment, Lin Yi had fallen down, motionless, and fell into a coma. The technique started running automatically, and spiritual energy continued to pour into the Dantian.

At some point, Lin Yi, who had fallen on the ground, moved his fingertips slightly and slowly woke up. The moment he woke up, Lin Yi was frightened and frightened. He hurriedly checked his body. Fortunately, at the last moment, he had broken through to the second level of Qi training. But he found that there was still a sense of hunger in his Dantian. He looked inside and found that his Dantian had doubled in size, but the spiritual energy had not filled it up. He ran his exercises, but there was no more spiritual energy around him for him to absorb.

He clenched his fists, his body was a little out of control, and he couldn't control the current power at all. It seemed that he was really impatient for this breakthrough. He had just started practicing, and he thought about constantly breaking through his cultivation and gaining more powerful power, but it was counterproductive. A little goes a long way.

Because he had just broken through in cultivation, his physical body had not been fully nourished by spiritual energy, so his physical body was still at the previous level and naturally could not withstand more powerful power.

After this lesson, Lin Yi understood that before breaking through, he should not only temper his will, but also match his body. Only in this way can he avoid such a thrilling scene during the breakthrough. Not every time he is so lucky.

Slowly adapting to the power brought by the body, there is no spiritual energy here, and it is impossible to stabilize his cultivation. It is time to find a way to leave. Although it is still pitch black, after Lin Yi broke through to the Qi training stage, the surroundings are clearly visible. I don’t know what this ability is called, let’s call it spiritual consciousness.

This is the first time that Lin Yi has looked at the surrounding environment. The cave is not big, about 13 or 14 meters in diameter. Except for a small river, there are bare cliffs all around. Looking up, even if you can sense a distance of more than 50 meters, you still can’t see the light. You can imagine how deep the cave is and how high the rock wall is. It is impossible to go up from the rock wall.

Looking at the stream, maybe he can only move forward along the direction of the water flow, hoping to find a way out, otherwise he will be trapped here.

Looking at the narrow cave entrance, it was just enough for Lin Yi to crawl forward. He used his spiritual sense to observe the front constantly. Although he still couldn't see the exit, he could at least continue to crawl forward. The road ahead was not interrupted, and there was always hope.

He turned over the thick weeds with force. When the first ray of sunlight shone in, it stung his eyes and he couldn't open them. Lin Yi excitedly left the cave entrance and stood up, shouting loudly, "I'm out!" The long-suppressed mood was completely released. The warm sunlight fell on his face. He closed his eyes slightly and enjoyed it very much.

A foul smell woke Lin Yi up. He opened his eyes and looked at the dirt piled on his body. There was mud in the cave, but more of it came from the impurities overflowing from his body after breaking through his cultivation. He jumped into the stream in front of him and washed his body. He felt refreshed.

After putting on the washed and dried clothes, he looked at the Golden Sun Grass in his hand, and felt a lot of emotion in his heart. If he hadn't picked it, he wouldn't have fallen off the cliff. However, he would have died, but he had a chance to become a cultivator. This was a blessing in disguise.

Looking at the Golden Sun Grass now, it was completely different from when he picked it. I don't know if it was nourished by spiritual energy when he broke through. The medicinal properties were many times better than before. Maybe it was no longer an ordinary herb, but a spiritual medicine.

It also made Lin Yi know why there were only some ordinary herbs in the mountains. It turned out that the spiritual energy was very meager and could not make them change qualitatively. At the same time, he also understood why he had never heard of the existence of cultivators in all these years. It turned out that this place was not suitable for cultivation at all, so how could there be cultivators?

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