Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 143 Continuous Breakthroughs

Originally, the plan was to break through to the third level of Qi training and end there, but the situation has changed. With the hope of breaking through the fourth level of Qi training, it is natural not to give up easily.

Just after arriving in the world of cultivation, such a change happened before arriving at the sect. With the improvement of cultivation, the strength will naturally be stronger. When encountering danger, the chance of survival will also be greater.

Next, continue to invest in the refining of Dantian spiritual energy.

Sure enough, it is still like the second level of Qi training. When all the spiritual energy in the Dantian is refined once, the Dantian will increase by one point.

This makes Lin Yi more motivated and confident, but compared with the second level of Qi training, the spiritual energy consumed by the third level of Qi training is really too much.

Unknowingly, a whole piece of giant tiger meat was eaten by Lin Yi.

And the Dantian has not reached the limit yet, so he can only take out another piece to continue.

Lin Yi didn't know how much time had passed. He devoted himself to refining the spiritual energy in the Dantian and completely forgot the passage of time.

When only half of the second piece of tiger meat was left, the spiritual energy in the Dantian had reached its limit, and the space in the Dantian could no longer be increased.

As the tiger meat was injected into the body, it was constantly changing the body's qualifications, making the body stronger.

The width and toughness of the meridians became much stronger, and Lin Yi was more confident in choosing a breakthrough.

Without hesitation, the spiritual consciousness directly found the meridians of the fourth level of Qi training, operated the Wuwei Jue, guided the spiritual energy into the first meridian, broke through the layers of obstacles, and successfully dredged the first meridian.

It was easier than expected, and it seemed that the probability of successfully breaking through the fourth level of Qi training was very high.

I don't know how long it took, the spiritual energy in the surrounding space suddenly gathered towards Lin Yi.

I saw a spiritual energy vortex formed around him. The spiritual energy vortex seemed to have suction, and the nearby spiritual energy was constantly pulled over by this vortex and then entered Lin Yi's body.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of nearby monsters, some of whom were avoiding and fleeing, and some were watching this side.

Some of them were still eager to move in the direction of the spiritual energy fluctuations.

Lin Yi knew nothing about the changes in the outside world, and he was looking at his Dantian with all his heart and soul.

At this time, the Dantian was more than five times larger than when he was in the third level of Qi training. The spiritual energy rolled violently in the Dantian, which looked very magnificent.

The Ziyang Sword also rolled with the spiritual energy, as if it had consciousness and played freely.

I didn't expect that after breaking through to the fourth level of Qi training, the Dantian would increase so much.

What he didn't know was that the first to third levels of Qi training were the early stages of Qi training, and the fourth level of Qi training had entered the middle stage of Qi training, like crossing a threshold.

Many cultivators in the third level of Qi training stayed at this level of cultivation for their entire lives and could not step over this bottleneck.

However, Lin Yi successfully broke through the fourth level of Qi training in one go. You should know that the breakthrough to the third level of Qi training was just the last moment.

Although he didn't know the reason, he couldn't hide his inner joy. The larger the Dantian, the better the foundation, and the more spiritual energy it could accommodate.

In a life-and-death fight, the spiritual energy in the Dantian is often more than that of the opponent. Whoever persists longer is often the one who laughs last.

Observing the changes in the meridians, the thirty-six meridians corresponding to the fourth level of Qi training do not correspond to the other 108 meridians, but only form a separate cycle.

It seems that the previous guess was correct. It is indeed the 108 meridians that form a larger cycle.

Watching the endless spiritual energy flowing from the meridians into the Dantian, I found the problem. The spiritual energy of the giant tiger meat has been absorbed. Where does the spiritual energy come from now?

The consciousness exited the mind and found that a spiritual energy vortex formed around me, and the surrounding spiritual energy was constantly attracted here.

I didn't expect that breaking through to the fourth level of Qi training would have such benefits.

Since this is the case, I may not miss such an opportunity.

Running the Wuwei Jue, the speed of the spiritual energy vortex around the body rotated faster.

A larger range of spiritual energy was attracted.

I didn't expect it to be effective. Seeing this situation, I no longer hesitated and ran the Wuwei Jue with all my strength.

The speed of the spiritual energy vortex increased several times, and the pulling force of the spiritual energy vortex seemed to increase several times, pulling a larger range of spiritual energy towards the vortex.

Gradually, Lin Yi disappeared in the vortex, completely wrapped by the spiritual energy vortex, and his figure could not be seen.

The monsters that were about to rush over here stopped when they saw the noise getting louder and louder.

The louder the noise, the more dangerous it was, and they finally retreated.

Lin Yi did not expect that the noise he made would allow him to escape a crisis.

About ten minutes later, the spiritual energy vortex around Lin Yi dissipated, and the spiritual energy in this space was much thinner.

Feeling that there was no spiritual energy injection, looking at the Dantian at this time, every space in the Dantian was filled with spiritual energy.

This time, the absorption of spiritual energy saved a lot of tiger meat. I wish every breakthrough or practice would have such an effect.

Thinking about this is impossible, it is really greedy.

The question now is whether to choose to continue or stop.

Looking at the tiger meat in his hand, this is the third piece, and there is still 70% left, if it weren't for the sudden spiritual energy.

This piece of tiger meat may not be enough when the Dantian is filled.

Giant tiger meat is a good thing, use it a little bit, use it at the critical moment, and don't use it to quench spiritual energy.

Moreover, after continuous breakthroughs, the cultivation is already a bit unstable, and it needs to be polished slowly later to gradually adapt to the current cultivation.

The cultivation has come to an end for the time being.

Put the tiger meat in your hand into a storage bag. The storage bag can be stored for a long time.

Otherwise, without a storage bag, the tiger meat will rot quickly.

I don’t know what kind of material this storage bag is made of, but it is so convenient.

He didn't understand this aspect even more and didn't think about these things again.

Now that the cultivation level has broken through to the fourth level of Qi training, the most intuitive manifestation of whether there is any change in spiritual consciousness is the farthest distance that can be seen.

Spiritual consciousness extends from the entrance of the cave into the distance.

one hundred meters

two hundred meters

three hundred meters

Three hundred meters is the farthest distance that can be reached on the second level of Qi training. Now it seems to be reached easily without any feeling of difficulty.

four hundred meters

five hundred meters

six hundred meters

At 600 meters, it has doubled the previous value. Now I feel a little regretful. How far can the furthest distance of spiritual consciousness be seen at the third level of Qi training? This question may never be known, it can only be an approximate distance.

At 600 meters, although it is a little more strenuous than 300 meters, I haven't felt the limit yet.

seven hundred meters

eight hundred meters

By this time, Lin Yi felt very strenuous. If he moved forward any further, his head would explode.

It seems that after breaking through to the fourth level of Qi training, spiritual awareness has also been greatly enhanced.

The benefits of enhanced spiritual awareness are obvious, as dangers can be discovered faster and responses can be made in a timely manner.

The spiritual consciousness was maintained at a distance of 800 meters for a while, and the spiritual consciousness felt like it was being consumed rapidly.

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