Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 177 Why don't you go and rob

The steward emphasized again, "The Xingyue Merchant Alliance only recognizes the jade slips but not the people. Fellow Taoists must not lose them."

"Good guy, even if someone else picks it up, it's useless. If you lose it, you will still have to spend the spirit stones. This business is really good."

Lin Yi said: "Thanks for the reminder!"

The steward seemed to have seen what he was thinking. In fact, many monks who rode in the Xingyue Merchant Alliance had this kind of reaction. He said to Lin Yi: "The reason why only monks who can drip blood can use it, the same is true for the Xingyue Merchant Alliance." In order to protect the distinguished guests of the Merchant Alliance."

"In the past, Jade Slips could be used by everyone, but after the monks who came to the Xingyue Merchant Alliance purchased the escort quota, they could not board the ship immediately and leave. They had to wait for a while. During this period, many people were used by them. The unscrupulous monks targeted him and killed him. "

"These monks who commit murder and swindle goods then sell the jade slips they obtain to other monks in need at a price lower than the price of the Star-Moon Merchant Alliance."

"Later, it became more and more serious. Many monks did not dare to come to the Star-Moon Merchant Alliance to buy. In order to prevent such a thing from happening again, the Star-Moon Merchant Alliance decided that it could only be used by the Blood-bleeding monks. Since then, there has never been a similar incident. This also protects the guests of the Xingyue Merchant Alliance in disguise."

After hearing this, Lin Yi thought to himself, "Oh, it's not for the benefit of the Xingyue Merchant Alliance. Why not implement it from the beginning? Only after the interests of the Xingyue Merchant Alliance are harmed, do you think of this strategy."

"Return a distinguished guest", Lin Yi looked unbelieving.

Regardless of what Lin Yi was thinking, the steward continued: "Fellow Taoist, after taking the merchant ship of the Xingyue Merchant Alliance, don't throw away the jade slips. The jade slips have other functions."

"As long as the Taoist friends consume spiritual stones in the Star-Moon Merchant Alliance, the Star-Moon Merchant Alliance will record the corresponding information in the jade slips. When the consumed spiritual stones accumulate to a certain level, the Taoist fellows will become the VIPs of the Star-Moon Alliance, and the consumption The more members there are, the higher the VIP level will be, and the higher the benefits and services provided by the business alliance will be."

"The Xingyue Merchant Alliance is not only engaged in escort business, fellow Taoists will naturally understand it when they arrive at Xingyue City."

Lin Yi just spent 500 spirit stones on a trip to Star-Moon City. He regarded him as a rich man, and wanted to trick him into spending spirit stones in the Star-Moon Alliance. As for the accumulation of jade slips, If you accidentally lose it one day, it means everything is in vain.

The Xingyue Merchant Alliance is such a good deal, I wonder who the expert came up with it.

Lin Yi said: "Okay, thank you!"

The steward saw that Lin Yi was a little impatient and said no more, "Fellow Taoist, don't miss the time, otherwise it will be invalid."

Lin Yi nodded and walked directly towards the attic door without listening to the steward's nonsense.

There were still three days left, so he had to find a place to stay first, so Lin Yi randomly found an inn.

Standing in front of an inn, I walked in.

The monk at the inn was squinting when Lin Yi came to him and knocked on the table.

This cultivator heard the sound of knocking on the table, opened his eyes and looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was very speechless, how does this business work, and said: "Hello, I want a guest room."

Perhaps he had just woken up, and he said to Lin Yi in a daze: "Do you want a lower-class guest room, a middle-class guest room, or a upper-class guest room?"

Lin Yi didn't expect that the guest rooms were divided into different levels and asked, "What's the difference?"

At this time, the cultivator slowly woke up, looked at Lin Yi and said: "Sir, the difference is huge. Of course, the lower-class guest rooms have the worst conditions. There is nothing except a bed. The upper-class guest rooms not only have rich aura inside , and there is also formation protection, so you will never be disturbed while practicing inside."

"As for the medium-sized guest rooms, although there are simple formations, the aura inside is the same as here."

Lin Yi didn't expect that the room in this inn actually had a formation. If there was a formation for protection, he wouldn't have to worry about other monks breaking in.

Lin Yi was naturally very curious about this and asked: "How many spiritual stones are needed for a superior inn?"

Lin Yi didn't know if this cultivator was a store owner. The cultivator replied: "It depends on how the guest lives. If he lives directly for more than a year, of course he will be given the best price, five hundred spiritual stones a year."

Lin Yi was confused when he heard the number five hundred. Why another five hundred? Of course, he couldn't live there for as long as a year.

Then I listened to what this cultivator said, "Of course, the price for half a year is also discounted. If you stay for half a year, you will get 300 spiritual stones. If you stay for a month, you only need 60 spiritual stones."

After saying that, he stared at Lin Yi and asked: "I wonder which one to choose, sir? I suggest you choose it for one year, which can save a lot of spiritual stones."

Lin Yi thought that if he spent five hundred spiritual stones a year to stay in an inn, his head would really be in trouble. If it was a retreat, it would be better to dig a cave for convenience and save spiritual stones.

Lin Yi asked: "What's the price for a day?"

When this cultivator heard Lin Yi talking about a day, his face immediately dropped and he casually said, "Five spiritual stones a day."


When Lin Yi heard that he needed five spirit stones a day, he really wanted to curse. He only needed sixty spirit stones a month, but five spirit stones this day. The difference was too big. After three days, fifteen spirit stones would be gone.

Lin Yi thought that he had almost three thousand, which was a lot. At this rate of spiritual stone consumption, how long could he last?

Regardless of whether this repair shop belongs to the store, Lin Yi said: "The store is too expensive. Lin is going to stay for three days in a row and pay up to ten spirit stones."

The shopkeeper refused without hesitation: "Sir, the price is clearly marked. It is impossible for ten spiritual stones."

Hearing his answer, Lin Yi did not waste any more time and turned to walk towards the door. There were so many inns in the town, he did not believe that there was no suitable one. Anyway, he had plenty of time now, so he could just look for it slowly.

As soon as Lin Yi stepped over the door, the storekeeper's voice came, "Sir, ten spirit stones are ten spirit stones, just treat it as making a friend."

"Good guy, this friend is really expensive."

Lin Yi thought to himself, and at the same time stopped moving forward and turned back to the table.

Lin Yi joked: "Shopkeeper, since we are making friends, of course it is most appropriate to do it for free, which can reflect sincerity."

The storekeeper looked at Lin Yi blankly, you really dare to climb up, and laughed: "Sir, you are really joking."

Without talking nonsense, Lin Yi followed the storekeeper to the third floor, which is the top floor of the inn.

The shopkeeper pointed to the guest room in front of him and said, "Sir, this is the room. After you see it, I guarantee that it will be worth your money."

Lin Yi nodded and said nothing. He would know only after seeing it.

The shopkeeper took out a jade slip and injected a stream of spiritual energy into it. The room was shining.

"Sir, please come in."

Lin Yi walked into the room and was greeted by a strong spiritual energy. The shopkeeper was indeed not lying. The spiritual energy here was about three times stronger than outside.

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