Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1808 Opportunity

Arriving at the third floor, Lin Yi sat down cross-legged and continued to operate Wuwei Jue - Qi Training Chapter.

Time passes.

I'm afraid even Lin Yi doesn't know how many years have passed. Instead of comprehending the Five Elements, he has been re-cultivating the Art of Inaction.

Suddenly, a golden light emerged in the ladder space, and the entire space seemed to become a golden world.

The figure sitting cross-legged in the space seemed to have no feeling at all. He still closed his eyes tightly and was running the Wuwei Art.

However, from his physical body, there seems to be a sense of harmony between heaven and earth.

Maybe it's an illusion.

The golden light became brighter and brighter, and when it reached its peak, the light dissipated instantly.

An extremely mysterious and complex golden pattern can be seen floating in the air.

Slowly came to hang above Lin Yi's head.

At this moment, Lin Yi opened his eyes, Wuwei Jue stopped operating, and he naturally sensed the mysterious pattern hanging above his head.

It instantly sank into the top of his head. Lin Yi did not stop it, but gained a little more understanding.

He finally smiled.

The direction he chose did not disappoint him. As expected, Wuwei Jue was the key part.

The golden mysterious lines entering his body did not allow him to understand the golden path, but provided him with an opportunity to realize it.

There is another gain, re-cultivating the Wuwei Art has indeed made his foundation stronger.

Before, I felt that my cultivation was perfect, but only after I truly practiced it again did I realize that there were too many flaws.

This time make up for it one by one.

In the future, flaws in cultivation will not become a shackle for one's pursuit of immortality.

"Ninety-nine levels of the ladder to heaven, re-cultivation of Wuwei Jue - Qi training chapter."

Lin Yi murmured to himself.

At this time, Lin Yi was on the ninety-ninth floor of the ladder, almost one-third of the way to the end of the Wuwei Jue - Qi Lian chapter.

However, everything is worth it. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and he has successfully taken a crucial step.

I have solved my biggest problem, the avenue of perception.

Although I didn't really feel it, I already got the opportunity.

He hides it deep within himself, waiting for it to take root and sprout.

Next, we will rebuild the foundation period and the next realm...

Lin Yi stepped towards the 100th step, which was also the end point he could reach at the Babel Tower.


"It's been a hundred years. Alchemist Lin Yi has stayed in the Boundless Screen Realm for a whole hundred years. It's incredible."

"Is he really trapped in the boundless world and unable to leave?"

"A peerless evildoer never expected to end in this way."

Everyone felt sorry for Lin Yi. For a hundred years, he failed to pass the test and did not return to the lower realm, which showed a problem. He was really trapped.

There is probably only one final fate: death by exhaustion of life span.

Perhaps, not until the moment when his longevity is exhausted, Lin Yi can no longer hold on and ends up transforming into a Tao.

After all, who can bear such a blow?

"Bing Yan, you can't enter the Borderless World yet. No one knows what happened in the Borderless World now. Maybe it's because the environment of the world has changed again. From the moment Lin Yi entered the Borderless World, There is no longer a way to the Central Realm.”

"Like Lin Yi, he will be trapped in the boundless world."

When Luo Bingyan headed for the Boundless Territory, Sudan Yang must have been worried and followed him along.

It had been such a long time and the waiting was so long that Luo Bingyan couldn't sit still anymore. She wanted to enter the boundless world in person, and she was qualified to do so.

But how could Sudan Yang be relieved and tried his best to stop it.

But can he stop it?

Naturally, it was impossible. In the end, Luo Bingyan disappeared into the boundless world under the gaze of everyone.

The Borderless Monument changed again, and Luo Bingyan's name emerged.


"Senior Luo Bingyan actually broke Taoist Qinglian's record. He successfully passed the test and entered the Central Realm almost at the moment his name was revealed. How is it possible?"

Everyone stared at Luo Bingyan's name on the Borderless Monument and stood there, staring at this scene in disbelief.

They are also speculating that something is wrong with Borderless Borders.

But what is going on now?

"Could it be that the rules of the Boundless Screen Realm have changed? A powerful deity can enter the middle realm without any hindrance. The next monk who enters will be trapped in the Boundless Screen Realm. Alchemist Lin Yi is right behind Taoist Qinglian. Will he be trapped?"


If, as they had guessed, Luo Bingyan successfully reached the Central Realm, then the next powerful deity who entered would definitely be trapped in the Boundless Realm.

Who dares to enter?

Unless someone forces one to enter, one person can then go to the Central Territory smoothly.

A turbulent undercurrent may have begun to surge in the Lower Domain at this moment.

There are too many people who want to enter the Central Realm as gods, and they will definitely do everything they can to gain the qualifications to enter the Central Realm.

Now that the opportunity has arisen, how could they not be tempted?

Regarding Luo Bingyan's departure, Sudan Yang felt extremely complicated at this moment.

He naturally hopes that Luo Bingyan can successfully leave the boundless screen and enter the middle realm, and does not want him to be trapped in it and unable to escape.

Considering Luo Bingyan's current situation, it would be too dangerous if someone knew about her situation if she entered the Central Territory.

But it was useless to think any more now. He could do nothing but pray that Luo Bingyan was safe and sound.

Sudan Yang did not stay any longer, but returned directly to Qingxuan Domain.

"Boy Lin Yi, it's been a hundred years. It seems that you have no chance to enter the Central Realm from the ladder."

"Hey, I didn't expect that I was right. The more likely someone is to pass, the more impossible it is."

"I can't keep wasting my time here. Boy Lin Yi, I hope you can come to the Central Territory smoothly and see you again one day in the future."

The Yin Yang Soul Beast came to the Central Territory very early and waited in Tianchi. Unfortunately, it turned out to be extremely disappointing.

It’s time for it to go after the past hundred years.

"Well, someone else has passed the ladder test and landed in the Central Territory."

Just when the Yin Yang Soul Beast was about to leave, someone said excitedly.

"Is it Mr. Lin Yi?"

"Huh? Why is it that girl Luo Bingyan?"

The moment the Yin Yang Soul Beast saw the figure, he was happy at first, but his expression soon changed, which was not a good thing.

Once Lu Bingyan's identity is known and her pure Yin body is leaked, endless trouble will follow.

But it can't ignore it.

If something happened to Lu Bingyan, Lin Yi wouldn't pull out its skin after seeing it.

What's more, I have a good relationship with Luo Bingyan, so I can't pretend I didn't see him.

"Hey, boy Lin Yi, tell me... why is Xiaobai's life so miserable?"

The moment the falling ice smoke appeared, colorful glow appeared in the sky.

The colorful rays of light scattered around the body, like a fairy from the Nine Heavens descending to the mortal world.


Not only did the Yin Yang Soul Beast not think it was a good thing, but it was even more detrimental to Luo Bingyan.

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