Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1823 Today, it’s either him or me

"Master, you are too mean."

"But Xiaobai likes it, and revenge will not be delayed overnight."

Others did not know Lin Yi's intention, but Yin Yang Soul Beast naturally knew it, and said in a voice transmission.

Lin Yi said in a voice transmission: "Xiaobai, you are talking nonsense. If one of them really killed Yi Shuihan, I would really join the other party."

"Master, come on, Xiaobai doesn't know what you think."

However, the two of them are just briefly communicating now, and they still need to wait for their responses.

After hearing Lin Yi's words, Xuanzhi Cave Master and others looked at each other.

Xuanzhi Cave Master said: "Daoyou, I still don't know how to call you?"

"Lin Yi!"

He did not hide it. Even if he knew his true identity, what would it matter? This is the Central Region. Even if someone knows him, it is estimated that there are very few people.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, if it were any other situation, we would naturally try our best to meet your conditions, but Yi Shuihan's situation is a little different. The Yi Shuihan standing in front of us is just a clone. There is no point in killing him."

"Besides, it may not be easy to kill him. His original body is extremely powerful. He should have a very strong life-saving trump card."

"Fellow Daoist Lin, with your talent, plus the resources of my Futian Sect, I believe you will be able to advance to the Void Stage soon. There is no need to take risks at this moment."

"Not attacking him is also to prevent him from hurting you."

The master of Xuanzhi Cave said earnestly, hoping that Lin Yi could change a condition. Some of his words are indeed true.

It is not so easy to kill Yi Shuihan. It may cost a huge price, and it is only to kill one of his clones.

If he hadn't caused the Tianchi to descend, he would never have offended Yi Shuihan because of Lin Yi.

Just like the situation of Luo Bingyan.

Of course, if they knew that Luo Bingyan had a pure yin body, it might be another answer.

The others had roughly the same opinion. Didn't they see that Yi Shuihan remained calm and composed when Lin Yi told them to deal with him?

He had no intention of escaping.

He was sure that these people would not dare to attack him.

Lin Yi said, "I know that this request is a bit embarrassing for you seniors, but I only have this one condition. Whoever kills Yi Shuihan, I will join the other party."

Originally, he did want to use this matter to let Futian Sect and Sanyuan Sect attack Yi Shuihan, which was also indirectly avenging Luo Bingyan.

However, the current situation seems to be very difficult.

But he can't miss this opportunity. If he can't deal with Yi Shuihan, his life in the Central Region will be very uncomfortable in the future.

Being watched by Yi Shuihan all the time, he may attack at any time. He can't leave the sect he joined, and then there will be big problems.

After arriving in the Central Region, the first thing to do is to find the Misty Forest and get the practice method of the Overlord Nine Transformations.

But in the current situation, Yi Shuihan is always watching him, how can he have the opportunity to leave alone?

But he couldn't wait, as it had been a long time since he was promoted to the Spiritual Transformation Stage.

It took him nearly seven hundred years to climb the Heavenly Ladder alone, and the first killing calamity could come at any time.

There was no time left for him to waste, and he had to find the Misty Forest immediately to find the Nine Transformations of Tyrant Body and practice the fifth transformation to deal with a life-and-death calamity.

The fact that the four major sects were not prepared to take action did not mean that other sects would have the same answer.

In the dark, there were still many terrifying auras, and I believed that someone would choose his condition and kill Yi Shuihan.

"Friend Lin, are you sure you must kill Yi Shuihan?"

The Xuanzhi Cave Master asked very seriously.

"Today, there will be no me or him."

Lin Yi replied loudly.

The Xuanzhi Cave Master looked at Yi Shuihan, and was still weighing whether it was worth it for him to take action.

"Xuanzhi, don't bring disaster to the Futian Sect."

Seeing that the Xuanzhi Cave Master had the idea of ​​taking action against him, Yi Shuihan said coldly.

"Yi Shuihan, no one in the Central Region can threaten my Xuanzhi, not even you."

"Since you want to attack me, then come on, I hope you won't regret it."

"You think he has good intentions, remember the woman who brought a peerless figure to the land?"

"The relationship between that woman and him is not ordinary, in the Lower Region, they all assume that they are Taoist partners."

"And for what you did, do you think he doesn't have any resentment?"

"In the Lower Region, you will know that this person will take revenge, not to mention that it was because of Luo Bingyan, how could he let it go? Even if he joins your sect, it will only be a tiger that is raised for trouble."

"You will reap what you sow sooner or later, and don't think that even if he is promoted to the peak of the Void Stage, he will not threaten the safety of your sect, then you underestimate him too much."

"Will the person who can be favored by me, Yi Shuihan, be an ordinary character?"

Yi Shuihan naturally didn't want to fall into a passive situation. While threatening the master of Xuanzhi Cave, he was also provoking the relationship between them.

His words were not without reason. Didn't Lin Yi have any research on this aspect?

Several people looked at Lin Yi, especially Xuanzhi Cave Master and Mingyuan Taoist. They dared not disbelieve what Yi Shuihan said.

If the two of them were really in a Taoist relationship, the situation would be very different.

It is very likely that it was really as Yi Shuihan said. Not only did they offend Yi Shuihan, but after recruiting him into the sect, it became the death knell of the sect.

"Seniors, Yi Shuihan is obviously trying to sow discord. I believe you all know clearly that I don't need too much explanation."

"In the Lower Domain, Yi Shuihan has been attacking me, but he has never succeeded."

"After coming to the Central Domain, Yi Shuihan will definitely try every means to attack me again. You have also seen that even if all the seniors want to invite me, he did not back down. It is not only because of his strength, but also because he has great ambitions for me and will never let me go."

"Now it is very obvious what he wants to do by sowing discord between us."

Lin Yi explained.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, is it true that he said that you and the woman Luo Bingyan are in a Taoist relationship?"

"Definitely not a Taoist relationship."

Lin Yi said with a very firm look in his eyes.

"Then do you dare to swear in front of the Taoist friends present?"

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast hurriedly transmitted the message: "Master, don't rush to deny that you are Taoist companions. Although you are not Taoist companions in the lower realm, you may be Taoist companions in the future."

"Master, don't rush to refute and deny Xiaobai's words. Nothing is absolute in the world."

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast was really afraid that Lin Yi would swear. What if they really got together in the future?

The oath is not a joke, and it has been promoting good things for the two of them.

The future Luo Bingyan may be of great help to Lin Yi.


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