Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1828 Kill Lin or Yi?

After all, who wouldn't want to control the body of pure yin, and the same goes for those big shots.

It may not work now, but you can cultivate the other person until it does.

Naturally, the first step was to control it.

Maybe it really is the cause of the Yin-Yang soul beast. Seeing that Luo Bingyan is in a crisis, and it is currently unable to resolve it, he will tell True Lord Taiyin about Luo Bingyan's pure yin body, and he will personally recruit disciples from the lower world. Take him away.

"Ming Yuan, don't say that I won't give you a chance. If you don't want to be attacked by True Lord Taiyin, kill that Yi Shuihan. Then I will say a word for you to ensure that you are fine, and the Sanyuan Sect will also Nothing will happen."

How could the Yin Yang Soul Beast miss the perfect opportunity?

The originally unfavorable situation was resolved because of the exposure of Luo Bingyan's pure yin body, allowing them to escape smoothly.

Ming Yuan looked at the Yin Yang soul beast, and he was really struggling in his heart. He was not sure whether True Lord Taiyin would be furious, take action against him, and destroy the Sanyuan Sect.

"Fellow Taoist Mingyuan, don't listen to what he says. If you think he will let you go, he just wants to use us to kill each other."

"As for the matter about True Lord Taiyin, it is completely made up by him. Those words he just said, True Lord Taiyin will definitely not let it go. When it enters the holy realm, it will be time for True Lord Taiyin to take action."

Yi Shuihan couldn't let Ming Yuan's heart waver, so he spoke quickly before he made a decision.

"Yi Shuihan, stop struggling. If I hadn't begged for mercy, not only your clone, but also your true body would have been dead long ago."

"At that time, I asked True Lord Taiyin not to kill you. Only the master can take your life."

"The future owner will personally remove your dog's head."

"However, I don't need you to be grateful, because I have already said that the master will personally take your dog's head."

"Ming Yuan, if you believe it or not, ask yourself, a single thought can be the difference between life and death."

The yin and yang soul beast seems to be in control of the overall situation and sits firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"Oh, and you, Master is not joking. Whoever can kill Yi Shuihan will join him."

The Yin Yang Soul Beast said to the Master of Xuanzhi Cave.


However, some people were whispering. Now that they know Luo Bingyan's identity, will anyone take the risk for Lin Yi?

No one knows whether the Taiyin True Lord will take action against him. Once he does, recruiting Lin Yi into the sect will not only be a happy event, but will also become the source of the sect's destruction.

Those forces in the dark that have not shown up may just retreat and no longer want to participate.

As for the Yin-Yang Soul Beast, they would not believe it entirely. If it was not the case, they would be in trouble.

But I dare not not believe it.

That's why Taoist Ming Yuan hesitated.

"Master Xuanzhi Cave, how do you decide?"

Taoist Ming Yuan conveyed that one decision could completely change his fate, or even the fate of the Sanyuan Sect, so naturally he did not dare to make a decision easily.

Things have become too complicated. I originally thought that I came to compete for a peerless talent. Once the other party joins the sect, the sect will most likely skyrocket because of the other party in the future.

But instead of soaring into the sky, it became the beginning of trouble.

The origin of everything turned out to be a sentence hundreds of years ago. If he knew the situation at that time and would definitely fight to the end with Yi Shuihan, how could he give up Luo Bingyan.

It would be nice if it was clear from the beginning that Lu Bingyan was a pure yin body.

But at that time, knowing that Luo Bingyan was a pure yin body, would he still have the same mentality now?

The Master of Xuanzhi Cave was in a similar situation to him and wanted to ask him how he decided.

"Fellow Daoist Mingyuan, it doesn't matter what decision I make, your own decision is the key."

How could the Master of Xuanzhi Cave tell the other party what he was thinking? His situation was very different from his own.

Although the matter of Luo Bingyan caused Lin Yi to become somewhat hostile towards them, the matter of exposing the pure yin body had nothing to do with him.

I don’t want to get involved with fellow Taoist Ming Yuan and suffer disaster together.

This was the time to separate the relationship, and he had tried to speak as tactfully as possible.

I believe Taoist Mingyuan knows what he means.

"Master Xuanzhi Cave, do you think we can clear up the relationship now? That Lin Yi has developed hatred towards us because of Luo Bingyan's incident. Now that Yin-Yang Soul Beast has spoken and asked us to make a decision. Do you want to talk to me? It’s too late to sever the relationship.”

"We should be realistic and quickly come up with countermeasures and how to act in order to resolve this crisis as much as possible."

When Taoist Ming Yuan inquired, he knew that he might face such a situation, so he naturally would not back down and came up with a way to persuade the master of Xuanzhi Cave, or directly force him.

He had no other choice.

Not only the Yin Yang Soul Beast, but Lin Yi spoke early in the morning and let them make a choice.

If Master Xuanzhi doesn't take action, can this grudge be resolved?

Do you dare to kill Lin Yi now?

One was the identity of the Yin-Yang soul beast, and the other was that after obtaining Luo Bingyan's pure Yin body, they didn't know exactly what the True Lord Taiyin had decided.

If they kill the wrong person with the wrong intention, they will be completely ruined.

"Then I would like to ask fellow Taoist Mingyuan, what do you think?"

The Master of Xuanzhi Cave thought for a while and found that he really couldn't get rid of it, but he couldn't directly express his thoughts. He let Ming Yuan make a decision first and then consider how to act.

"Weighing the pros and cons, I tend to take action against Yi Shuihan."

"Fellow Daoist Mingyuan, you must also be aware of the consequences of attacking Yi Shuihan."

"Then what should we do? Kill Lin Yi, but do you dare to do it?"

"Fellow Daoist Mingyuan, don't talk nonsense. I didn't say I wanted to kill Lin Yi."

"Master Xuanzhi, don't waste time. They won't give us too much time."

"Make a decision quickly."

"We are now grasshoppers tied to the same boat. If something happens to me, it will be even more difficult for you."

"Should I kill Lin Yi or deal with Yi Shuihan? Give me a straightforward answer."


The scene was extremely quiet, and everyone was waiting for the decision of the two.

The other two people who directly invited Lin Yi had quietly withdrawn.

They didn't want to get involved, and the current situation had changed drastically.

"Senior Yin Yang, the Yi Shuihan we saw was just a clone?"

Bai Ke was extremely shocked, and at the same time he understood why Yi Shuihan's cultivation level was so terrible, so how terrifying was his original body?

He asked Yin Yang Soul Beast through voice transmission.

"You have so much nonsense to say. I don't have time to deal with you. Go away."

"My patience is limited. If you don't make a decision after ten breaths, don't say I didn't give you a chance."

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast gave the two people an ultimatum, while Lin Yi, the person involved, was just a spectator.

"I have made a decision." Taoist Mingyuan said.

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