Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1835 Blurred Figure

The smile on Master Shengmu's face suddenly became stiff, for fear that Lin Yi would say, "Master, would it be an honor for me, this junior, to join your sect?"

Before, the communication was through voice transmission. If he said this directly now, how would he reply?

If you refuse, you will definitely offend him.

Agree, it definitely won't work. I have already given my answer before.

The pressure from True Lord Taiyin is there, who dares to agree to this easily?

He can't do it either.

I prayed in my heart that Lin Yi would not say it out loud and let him make an embarrassing decision.

Naturally, he didn't want to see Lin Yi offended. Who knew what would happen in the future.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Master, are you...?"

"Little friend Lin, I suddenly remembered that there is one more important thing that needs to be dealt with, so I just want to accompany you. We will meet again if there is a chance in the future."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, it was almost as he expected, and he couldn't help but shudder in his heart. Before he could say anything, he interrupted him directly, wanting to escape from here first.

But don't ask him to make a decision in the end. Leaving now is the best result.

"Leader, you may have misunderstood. Is this junior trying to say that you don't want to travel together for a while?"

"This junior has just come to the Central Territory and is a little unfamiliar with the Central Territory. If I can travel with the leader for a while, I believe that through the leader's introduction, I will definitely have a general understanding of the Central Territory."

"Of course, if the leader is willing."

"However, since the leader has something urgent to do, I don't want to disturb him."

Seeing Leader Shengmu preparing to leave, Lin Yi explained.

He still has some favorable impressions of Leader Shengmu. As for joining Leader Shengmu's Mysterious Immortal Cult, Lin Yi no longer insists on it.

I don’t want to cause him too much trouble, and there is a high probability that the other party will not agree.

Even if it is in full view of the public, it is estimated that the other party will consider the safety of the sect and refuse the matter directly.

In this case, it is very likely that the leader of Life will be pushed to the opposite side, so why add a powerful opponent.

There are actually two purposes for asking the leader of Shengmu. I hope to leave with him. In this way, I can rely on his influence and strength to get rid of possible crises in the dark.

Second, what he just said was indeed to ask about something, and the most important thing was of course the misty forest.

As the leader of the top force in the Central Territory, I believe that Leader Shengmu must have a very deep understanding of the Central Territory, and he may be aware of things in the Misty Forest.

There is no need to waste time exploring and looking for clues in the misty forest.

Quickly go to the misty forest and get the training method for the fifth turn of the Nine Turns of Tyrant Body Technique.

However, Lin Yi didn't force it, but he was confident.

Leader Shengmu would probably agree.

After all, he didn't force himself to join the Mysterious Immortal Sect, so there was no need to embarrass him.

Isn't that why he couldn't wait to interrupt his words?

"Just walking together for a while?"

"That's right, let's go together for a while. Since the leader doesn't have time, it's natural for this junior not to disturb me."

Lin Yi nodded, his expression seemed to be thinking about the other party.

"Little friend Lin, you are too polite. It doesn't matter if we go together for a while, there is no problem."

"But Master, don't you have something important to deal with?"

"Actually, it's okay to waste a little time. I wonder where are you going to go next?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "Junior has just entered the Central Territory. There is no specific destination. How about this? Anyway, leader, don't you have important things to deal with? Junior will follow the senior there, so it will not delay you, senior. Time, do you think it’s feasible, senior?”

"Of course no problem."

Leader Shengmu agreed generously, but in his heart, he said, this leader has something important to do, you can't do it on purpose.

Follow yourself and leave, letting everyone think that you joined the Mysterious Immortal Cult in this way.

However, if you have a thousand tricks, I have a wall ladder, so it would be better if I don’t take you to the Mysterious Immortal Sect.

"Thank you, senior!"

Then, Lin Yi said to the others: "Since there is no invitation from the sect, I will stay here soon. I hope to meet you again in the future, and even have the opportunity to become a fellow sect."

Lin Yi must leave as soon as possible, Yi Shuihan might return at any time.

At least, the two Taoists Ming Yuan may still be able to contain it. As for other secret crises, isn't there Master Shengmu?

Leave immediately.

He would never force himself to join the sect. It would be best if he joined, and it wouldn't matter if he didn't.

"Senior, please!"

After saying that, Lin Yi said to Leader Shengmu and asked him to lead the way and leave together.

However, just after saying this, I suddenly felt an inexplicable crisis rising from the bottom of my heart.

Lin Yi's expression immediately became solemn, sensing his surroundings. It was impossible for a crisis to arise for no reason. It was very likely that someone was secretly trying to attack him.

But there was no clue as to where the crisis was.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

The Yin Yang Soul Beast was right next to Lin Yi. Naturally, he noticed something was wrong immediately and asked quickly.

"If there is a crisis coming, it is likely to be in the dark."

Lin Yi informed briefly, still on guard and not daring to relax at all.

To be able to give him such a strong feeling indicates that the other party's strength must be extremely terrifying, even a terrifying existence in the Dongxu stage.

"What, someone wants to attack in secret."

The yin and yang soul beast was furious and began to sense strange movements around it, trying to find out the person in the dark.

However, it did not find anything.

Others naturally noticed that something was wrong with Lin Yi and the others, especially the leader of the Shengmu sect. He was about to leave, but when he saw Lin Yi standing there motionless, even with a solemn expression, he estimated that the matter was not simple.

"Little friend Lin, what happened?"

The leader of the Shengmu sect took the initiative to ask, hoping that it was not what he expected.

"Thank you for your concern, it's nothing."

Lin Yi naturally would not tell him about his own situation, and his face showed a smile again, and he said easily.

Let's follow the leader of the Shengmu sect and leave first.

The leader of the Shengmu sect would not explore it. This was Lin Yi's own business and he didn't want to get involved too much.

"Then let's go."


But when Lin Yi was about to agree and leave with the leader of the Shengmu sect.

His eyes subconsciously looked to the right front. He didn't see any figure in the right front, but Lin Yi had a feeling that someone was coming.

Seeing Lin Yi's reaction, the leader of the Shengmu sect also looked in that direction, with some confusion on his face. There was nothing, what was Lin Yi observing?

"Look, someone is coming."

Soon, someone suddenly spoke, and a blurry figure came towards them step by step.

The blurry figure seemed to be close, but also seemed to be far away. Each step was ordinary, but it gave them the feeling that they were wandering, crossing thousands of miles with one step.

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