Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1895 Scapegoat?

Sure enough, when the word treasure map was mentioned, everyone's eyes immediately changed. Many people came for the treasure map.

Lin Yi, who was sitting in VIP Room No. 1, knew that the process of getting the treasure map would be extremely intense.

He also wanted the first treasure to be auctioned to be the treasure map, so as not to waste time. As for other treasures, unless it was the Nine Transformations of Tyrant Body, he had no interest in them.

Of course, he still had expectations for his top-grade Qiling Pill, hoping that it could bring him some surprises.

But at present, he did not have enough chips.

"Fellow Daoist Fang, why don't you just start auctioning the treasure map? Most of the Daoists present here probably came for it. If you auction the treasure map, everyone won't have to worry about the next treasure."

"Fellow Daoist Fang, this Daoist is right. If you know who is lucky enough to get the treasure map, you won't be afraid to take action when you encounter the treasure you like next time. It will also be good for your Tianshu Tower."


Everyone couldn't wait to speak, and most people agreed to auction the treasure map directly.

Lin Yi, who was sitting in VIP Room No. 1, wanted to speak and agree with most people's ideas, but he still held back.

However, some people naturally don't want the first treasure to be the treasure map. They know very well that they can't get the treasure map.

In this way, they can have more opportunities to get other treasures without spending more money.

"Everyone, Fang understands your feelings, but there will be a specific process for the auction. As for when the treasure map will be auctioned, please look forward to it. I will definitely not let you down."

"Let's not talk too much. The first treasure, I believe you must have heard of it, and a few Taoist friends have even witnessed it with their own eyes."

"Fang Daoyou, it can't be that top-grade Qiling Pill, right?"

Hearing his words, the Qiling Pill immediately emerged in everyone's mind, and someone couldn't help asking.

"Yes, it is the Qiling Pill from Master Lu."

"And Master Lu is around us at the moment. I believe that the significance of this Qiling Pill does not need Fang to elaborate too much. Master Lu sold this Qiling Pill in the hope that it can meet the right person."

"Next, please welcome the first treasure."

A jade bottle floated in the air, and everyone's thoughts temporarily shifted from the treasure map to this.

First of all, it is a top-grade elixir, and it is a seventh-grade elixir. This can already make a sensation in a large domain.

What's more, it came from the hands of a person who created an era in the history of alchemy.

Let alone others, the alchemists present will definitely go crazy for it. With such an opportunity, who wouldn't want to get it?

"There should be quite a few seventh-grade alchemists present. I believe they will definitely fight for it like crazy. We have no chance."

"Not only the seventh-grade alchemists, but also the top forces will definitely not give up. The news that has been circulated so far still has no information about the past of Master Lu. Maybe there is no sect behind him. If Master Lu can join, it will surely soar to the sky."

"It is estimated that there is not much possibility for Master Lu to join. After all, with Master Lu's current influence, if he wants to establish a force, even a Dandao force, I believe that there is no alchemist in the Central Region who does not want to join. Those top forces can use this opportunity to win the favor of Master Lu."


Who among the cultivators present does not want to get this top-grade elixir from Lin Yi's hand? Unfortunately, they also know that there is no chance.

Those who know that they can't get the top-grade Qiling Pill are looking forward to how high it will reach, which may be an extremely scary number.

"Everyone, any treasure has a starting price in the auction, but today, no price can match this top-grade Qi Ling Dan. You can bid your own price and pay the price you think you deserve."

"The auction of the top-grade Qi Ling Dan from Master Lu will start now."

The auction house suddenly fell into a brief silence. None of them expected this opening.

Moreover, Tianshu Tower's behavior is a bit mean.

They all said that no price can match it, so who dares to bid?

Even if you want to bid, how much is appropriate?

The owner of the top-grade Qi Ling Dan is watching among them.

Tianshu Tower wants to take the top-grade Qi Ling Dan for themselves.

Hearing the words of the cultivator surnamed Fang, Lin Yi was also a little annoyed. He also thought of this level. If he didn't want to get more spirit stones to prevent the problem of insufficient spirit stones in the subsequent auction of the treasure map, how could he take out the top-grade Qi Ling Dan for auction.

It seems to be elevating himself, but it is actually disgusting him.

Of course, the people in Tianshu Tower didn't know why they needed to use this Qiling Pill, and they might not have thought of this level.

There was a brief silence in the venue, and no one dared to bid.

Indeed, I didn't know how much to bid, but I didn't want to offend such a terrible alchemist.

"Fang Daoyou, we all hope to get this Qiling Pill of historical significance, but if you auction it like this, how should we bid?"

A voice came from the VIP room, expressing the thoughts of the people present.

"Yes, Fang Daoyou, you should propose a starting price. You don't want Master Lu to put the top-grade Qiling Pill on the auction without anyone paying attention to it. It would be an insult to Master Lu, instead of highlighting his greatness."


More and more people spoke up, and the voices from the VIP room, except for one VIP room, all other VIP rooms spoke up.

"I didn't expect so many top forces to come. It seems that they value the treasure map more than us."

Some people knew which forces they were from the voices of the people who spoke up. So many top forces gathered here.

They definitely didn't come for the top-grade elixir. After all, the top-grade elixir was only born an hour before the auction, and they couldn't have arrived at Tianbao City so quickly.

It was indeed as they guessed. Since they spoke up, they were naturally very interested in the top-grade Qiling Pill.

Or to put it more bluntly, they were very interested in Lin Yi.

"Everyone, Fang originally hoped that you would make the decision yourself, but since everyone has been asking for it, can we ask for the opinion of Master Lu first?"

Everyone naturally had no objection.

When a figure hurried into his VIP room, Lin Yi of course agreed.

He almost missed his big event.

However, Lin Yi was still very unhappy with Tianshu Tower's actions. Isn't this just using him as a shield for them?

It seems as if he asked them to do this.


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