Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1968 The Third Brother

"Stop talking. It took a lot of time to calm down. Then Lin Yi will really get angry."

"Don't look at him smiling. If he gets angry, he's not a human being."

"Master, it scolds you for not being a human being."


The yin and yang soul beast cursed the eighteenth generation of Taotie's ancestors in his heart.

"Master, don't listen to its nonsense. How could Xiaobai scold you? Xiaobai's original words were that if he wanted to prevent it from causing trouble again, he wanted to use the power of the master to frighten it."

"The original words at that time were, don't look at the smile of the master, if he is really angry, he is not a human being."

"Master, listen, Xiaobai is scolding you."

"To me, it sounds like you are scolding the master."

"Shut up!"

Lin Yi looked at them quietly and said, "It seems you haven't said enough yet. Continue, I'll give you a chance."

With that said, Lin Yi took out a futon and sat cross-legged on it.

"Master, what a great thing!"

"What are you doing?"

The Yin Yang Soul Beast quickly stopped him. Taotie was going to step forward directly. He was still angry when he didn't see Lin Yi.

"Go ahead, Master, your futon is not simple."

Taotie stared at the futon under him, his eyes gleaming.

"Lao San, you know the origin of this futon."

"Master, I don't know either... No, Master, why am I the third child?"

"Four-eyed bug, you admit it yourself, and it was given by the master, so you won't regret rejecting it, right?"

"Big Mouth, it's none of your business here, go ahead."

"Master, can you not call me Laosan? Why don't you give me a name?"

"I didn't give you a name before, so you don't want it yourself."

"Master, I was confused for a moment, how about you take it again?"

"Xiao Hei."

"Master, I am not evil either."

Taotie was extremely conflicted about this name. It was not black at all, and it was white and rosy.

"Xiao Hei, yes, yes, master, your name is indeed extraordinary."

"Xiao Hei, the third child is Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei is the third child."

The yin and yang beasts danced and cheered excitedly.

"Third brother, Xiaobai also thinks Xiaohei's name is excellent."


Taotie gritted his teeth and wanted to kill them.

"What, you are not satisfied with the master?"

"Big Mouth, just wait for me."

"Master, can you change it to another one?"

"If you don't want it, just pretend I didn't say it. Of course, if Xiaobai and the others have good suggestions, they can put them forward at this moment."

"Master, I don't want them to have names."

"How about, Master, what do you think about me naming it myself?"

Lin Yi nodded, but did not refuse.

Taotie thought for a while and said, "Master, how is the boss?"

"You mean, you want me to call you boss from now on?"

Before the Yin Yang Soul Beast had its attack, Lin Yi said calmly.

"No, no, no, Master, that's not the case. Just let them call me. Master, you can just call me Taotie."

When Taotie heard Lin Yi's words, a chill ran down his back.

"Master, I'd better kill him. You can see it, right? He's still rebellious and wants to sit on your head and shit."

"Big mouth gun......"


The two of them were going back and forth again, so Lin Yi simply closed his eyes and let them say enough at once, taking advantage of this opportunity to adjust first.

"Master, I've thought about it. I don't want a boss or a little black guy. From now on, the name Taotie will be my name."

"Master, what do you think?"

"Third brother, you just have to decide."

"Master, can you not call me Laosan?"

"The rules cannot be broken. If you want to leave in the future, of course there is no problem, but for now, you are still my master spirit beast, and everything must follow the order of recognition."

"If you think you can't accept it, there's no problem. I'll give you a choice. You can terminate the master contract now."

Lin Yi said seriously, he was really not joking.

He really didn't have much interest in Taotie, but if the master-recognition contract was terminated, Taotie's fate would not be determined by it.

It's certainly incomparable to now.

After all, it was impossible for him to let Taotie go.

There is nothing else. Lin Yi still has one thing that he has not completed, which is the most important thing next, practicing the fifth turn of the Nine Turns of Hegemony.

Taotie is needed to assist in cultivation.

"Four-eyed bug, don't be confused. Following Lin Yi is definitely your greatest opportunity in this life. This time, I'm not kidding you."

The yin and yang soul beast hurriedly sent a message to Taotie, fearing that it would not be able to withstand the temptation and would really agree to it and release its master.

"And do you know what it will mean once you are unconfessed?"

Taotie's heart skipped a beat and he said hurriedly: "Master, I have absolutely no intention of relinquishing my acknowledgment of my master."

"I won't do it now, and I won't do it in the future. I will follow my master for the rest of my life."

"Master, please don't abandon me."

Taotie hurriedly lay down in front of Lin Yi and even cried a little.

There is no need for the Yin-Yang Soul Beast to remind him, it knows more things than the Yin-Yang Soul Beast.

Practicing the Nine Transformations of Hegemony, there is no way Lin Yi would let him go.

He acted as if he couldn't live without Lin Yi.

"Four-eyed bug, why didn't I see you being so shameless before?"

"Big Mouth Cannon, shut up first, you don't know what time it is now, you really want to kill me."


The Yin-Yang Soul Beast did not choose to transmit the sound again, it also knew that this moment was related to the fate of Taotie.

"Master, I accept the third brother, I will be the third brother in the future, the third brother who will never change."

"Big brother!"

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast was stunned, it was too sudden, and it didn't react for a while.


"Second brother, no, second brother!"


"Third brother, Xiaobai has nothing to give you a gift, in the future, Xiaobai will definitely do his duty, who dares to bully you, is bullying Xiaobai, Xiaobai will definitely fight him to the death, of course, you are not allowed to make the master unhappy again in the future."

"Second brother, don't worry, the third brother remembers, and will definitely not provoke the master again, today is a brother, and forever is a brother."

"Big brother, shouldn't you express something?"

Taotie looked at the Yin-Yang Soul Beast, the meaning was very clear.

"Oh, Third Brother, as the boss, of course I have to protect you. Don't worry, whoever bullies you is just picking on Xiao Bai."


Several people stared at the Yin-Yang Soul Beast in unison.

"Oh, a slip of the tongue, just picking on Xiao Bai."

"Boss, no actual expression?"

"Then you have to wait a while, I have given all my treasures to the master."

"Master, how about you...Oh, Xiao Bai remembered, there is another treasure."


After solving these things, Lin Yi can finally break the seal of the storage ring without interference. He is also very much looking forward to the treasures in the storage ring.

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