Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 1989: Killing

The Yin-Yang soul beast was stunned again. It was really possible that while his cultivation level was declining, his lifespan would be exhausted and he would die.

But there is no other way.

Lin Yi looked at Taoist Huang Yuan and said: "Tell me, what is there in the land of opportunity? There is only one last chance."

He did not directly ask about the longevity of the other party. There was no need for it. Moreover, if he asked, Taoist Huang Yuan would definitely know that the other party would attack him mercilessly.

"Unless you promise to spare my life."

Taoist Huang Yuan also knew that this might be his only chance to survive, so how could he say it so easily.

It can also be seen that the other party has already shown a hint of interest.

Lin Yi's face turned cold, and the sword energy pressed against Taoist Huang Yuan's eyebrows instantly entered Taoist Huang Yuan's mind.

"I said..."

Taoist Huang Yuan's eyes changed with shock, and he was extremely frightened. He did not expect Lin Yi to kill so decisively, and thought he saw hope, but the other party did not give him any chance at all, and he did not hesitate to take action.

When he wanted to open his mouth to tell the situation, there was no chance. The sword was twisted into his mind, and there was no chance to resist.

His own soul power was exhausted, making it even more impossible to stop him. His soul was instantly destroyed, and the sword energy was too terrifying to resist.

Taoist Huang Yuan's eyes fell into a void. After the sword energy destroyed his mind, it did not stop. It also began to destroy his physical body, destroying all his vitality.

A top being who stood in the middle realm ended his life in this way.

Lin Yi searched for all the treasures on his body, mainly to find the treasure map, which was the most critical thing to him.

Looking at Taoist Huang Yuan's body lying on the ground, Dan Fire emerged, and Lin Yi incinerated it completely.

"Master, don't you want to get that chance?"

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast also did not expect that Lin Yi would strike so decisively and decisively, not giving the opponent a chance and not even considering the opportunity.

"Do you think he will tell the truth? Besides, I don't want to search for souls. There is no benefit to me. What's more, if he chooses to search for souls, will he directly destroy this part of his memory?"

"Instead of doing this, it is better to kill him directly. Anyway, I have no intention of letting him go, and it is impossible to leave unnecessary trouble for myself."

"As for the opportunity, I don't know what it is anyway, so why should I care."

Lin Yi was free and easy. After dealing with Taoist Huang Yuan, he stopped thinking about these things.

"Master, have you found the treasure map?"

The Yin-Yang soul beast no longer dwelled on the matter and asked immediately.

Lin Yi only has a storage ring in his hand, which is also the only treasure that can be seen on Taoist Huang Yuan's body. I believe that all his treasures should be in this storage ring.

A person with a peak net worth should not let him down.

However, there is a prohibition seal on the storage ring. Although the owner is dead, the prohibition seal is still there.

If you want to crack it, it will take a certain amount of time.

But Lin Yi can be sure that the treasure map must be in the storage ring. For this, he does not need to worry and move the storage ring to Piantiantong.

"Xiaobai, you guys think of a way to crack it."

At this time, it is definitely impossible for Lin Yi to directly enter Piantian Tong, and there is no such opportunity.

Didn't you see the seven sword energies surrounding him, six of which were extremely terrifying?

He has not yet controlled the six sword energies, nor can he control them.

If each sword energy was the same as the sword energy that just killed Taoist Huang Yuan, and it required a large amount of sword energy to be swallowed, he would simply not be able to bear it.

At least, it's unbearable for now.

On the contrary, he did not dare to stop operating the Destruction Sword Technique, fearing that the sword energy would directly attack him.

"Master, don't worry, Xiaobai will definitely try his best to crack it."

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast has a storage ring. However, it is not an easy task for it to crack a storage ring from a peak cave void stage powerhouse.

It would have been a piece of cake if it was at its peak, but now it's extremely difficult.

"Third brother, come here, I'll leave this task to you."

"You talkative, the master asked you to take action, and you have already agreed. What are you doing?"

"Third brother, the master asked me to take responsibility, including you of course. Stop talking nonsense and take action quickly. The master is still waiting."

Among the people present, Taotie's cultivation was the strongest, so the Yin-Yang Soul Beast would definitely make it more appropriate for him to take action.

Lin Yi didn't care about these things. Now his task was how to get rid of the remaining sword energy.

It would be best if they could be controlled.

The sword energy that killed Taoist Huang Yuan has disappeared, and it can easily kill a Peak Cave Void Stage. For Lin Yi, the attraction is too great.

Without this scene, Lin Yi might not have such high expectations, but it's different now.

If you can control the remaining six strongest sword energies, you may have six chances to save your life.

However, it may be impossible to think about how to control them now, but to restore current consumption first.

Before, he was almost exhausted for the first sword energy, but now he is constantly depleting himself. Fortunately, the depletion speed has slowed down, but if he continues, he will still be exhausted.

Lin Yi looked in a certain direction and just watched quietly.

There was indeed a figure hiding in the darkness in that direction. When Lin Yi looked at him, his expression changed.

The figure immediately disappeared into the darkness. How could he dare to stay? He had witnessed the killing of Taoist Huang Yuan.

Of course, the other party had already confirmed that Lin Yi was the body of Old Man Jiuyou.

Lin Yi shifted his sight. In this dark space, Jianxin did have a huge advantage.

He could sense farther than others with extremely weak induction.

He looked in another direction. There was also another person in that direction.

When he saw the other party looking at him, he also fled in shock and did not dare to stay for a moment. As for attacking Lin Yi, he would not have such thoughts.

It was good that Lin Yi did not attack him.

What was more terrifying was that he could find himself, which made them even more frightened.

The horror of Old Man Jiuyou was beyond their expectations.

They all underestimated Old Man Jiuyou.

More importantly, the current environment was more favorable to Old Man Jiuyou. The situation in Jiuyou Domain did not seem to be much better than here. In addition, Old Man Jiuyou got the inheritance of Yin-Yang Taoist with Lin Yi's identity, so he had a greater advantage here.

They would definitely worry whether Elder Jiuyou would attack them in the next period of time.

Lin Yi sensed that the other party had left, so he could recover with all his heart and soul.

Otherwise, there would always be someone spying in secret, and he would definitely not be able to rest assured.

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