Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 20: The past of the clan leader

Old Fei is becoming more and more mysterious. I hope I can see him again before I leave. This is Lin Yi's biggest wish.

"That's all I know about Old Fei."

"Thank you, Master!"

No more talk about this matter.

Master Fu asked, "Lin Yi, you are seventeen years old this year, right?"

"Yes, Master, I am seventeen years old."

"Are you married?"

"I am still young and have never been married."

Master Fu showed his joy, "Lin Yi, you are also at the age of marriage. You should consider starting a family. Do you have a crush on someone?"

Lin Yi shook his head, "A good man should be ambitious and should not be bound by love, so I have not considered this matter yet."

Master Fu's face became serious, and he said solemnly, "Of course a good man should be ambitious, but he should also have a stable rear, a family. It is your most stable rear. "

Lin Yi really didn't want to dwell on this matter too much, and said: "Wandering around, I don't know when I can return to my hometown. That is the farthest direction. Don't delay anyone."

Master Fu's eyes revealed loneliness, and he said earnestly: "If you have expectations and thoughts in your heart, no matter when and where you are, even if you encounter desperate situations, you will think that there is someone waiting for you to go home silently, and your faith will be unwavering and you will never give up."

Lin Yi saw Master Fu's expression, as if he was talking about his past, with pain, separation, and perhaps happiness.

"Master, have you experienced all this?"

Master Fu nodded, as if he had found someone to talk to about the things buried deep in his heart, and slowly told his past.

"Qing'er is my junior sister. She is so beautiful that she attracts everyone's attention in the crowd."

"Qing'er is very quiet, but she is rarely heard talking. Her taciturn personality makes people think that she is very lonely and even a little autistic."

"Before I was with Qing'er, I secretly looked at her for a long time. To be honest, I didn't understand why I had to secretly look at her every day, even for a glance."

"She is always alone and likes to stare at the sky in a daze all day long."

"One day, Qing'er accidentally bumped into a senior sister and was slapped. Qing'er silently endured it and left."

"I will never forget the way she left. My heart felt like it was pierced by a needle. From that moment on, I made up my mind to protect her and never let her be hurt again. a little hurt."

"But it was really hard to get in touch with her. At the beginning, Qing'er ignored me, but I didn't give up. I finally opened my heart and everything was different."

"Maybe she felt that she could really entrust her life to me. From then on, she, who had been staring at the sky, put all her thoughts on me and began to smile. She finally did it."

"We lived a happy and happy life."

"Until I was 25 years old, I suddenly felt that in my youth, I should go far away instead of being sentimental every day."

"That night, I hid it from her and took advantage of the night to quietly start my journey to the distance alone."

"What I didn't know was that Qing'er had seen it when I had the idea, but she didn't stop me. When I left, she stood in the corner and Watching me disappear into the night. "

"With longing, I traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, saw the colorful world, and temporarily forgot about the back of my home."

"Along the way, I saw different cultures, made friends with people from different regions, and visited many sects. The journey was very smooth."

"Until one day, I offended a playboy and fled desperately, but at that time there was really no way to go to heaven or enter the earth, and I was at the end of my rope. At this time, I thought of her in the distance. I haven't shared what I have seen and heard in these years with her. Qing'er is even waiting for me silently. I must not give up."

"Finally broke through the siege, but it also paid a great price. The injury was very serious, but I didn't care about these at the time. I rushed to the direction of home without stopping. I have never wanted to see her so much. "

"The closer I am to home, the more I was looking forward to it, and I wanted to appear in front of her immediately and tell her loudly, 'Qing'er, I'm back! '"

"But when I got home, it was a thunderbolt. Qing'er was gone and I would never see her again. My heart stopped beating completely at that time. I couldn't believe it all. I hoped it was a dream and I would wake up from it quickly, but the dream was slow to wake up. Qing'er was really gone, gone forever, and I lost her forever. "

"It was not until later that I knew that she sat at the door every day, looking in one direction, staring blankly, and died of depression. "

"Isn't that the direction I left home that night? It turned out that she knew everything, but she didn't say a word to herself to stop it, not even a word. "

"When I was desperate, she gave me hope to survive, but I failed her and forgot the promise I had made. "

"If I could discuss it with her at that time and let her know when I would come back, wouldn't it give Qing'er hope? "

"I, I really hate myself. "

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