Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2019 The Ultimate Secret

How could Yi Shuihan not be excited? It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a heaven-defying opportunity.

If he had known earlier, he would definitely not have waited until now.

In fact, if Lin Yi had not destroyed his body, he would not have tried to seize Lin Yi's body at all.

He almost missed the opportunity to change his fate.

"In this century, I am the master."

Yi Shuihan was very excited. He had imagined a beautiful picture in the future where he sat on the top of the cloud, looked down at all living beings, and the world was under his control.

Yi Shuihan's fusion speed was getting faster and faster, and Lin Yi could be said to be cooperating to the extreme.

"Lin Yi, since you keep your promise, I promise you that I will never hurt them."

Fearing that Lin Yi would go back on his word, Yi Shuihan's voice echoed in the soul sea at the last moment.

The more Lin Yi cooperated, the more perfectly he could integrate this body with unlimited potential.

I hope that my words will make Lin Yi firm in his confidence and avoid any accidents.

"I hope you will do what you said."

"Don't worry, I have never broken my promise. Although our interests are not the same, you have won my respect at the last moment, and I will not break my promise."


Lin Yi did not say anything more. At this moment, he seemed to be indifferent to everything and no longer had the fear of leaving this world.

"There are still a few breaths, haha, I Yi Shuihan will become the protagonist of the current century."

"Feng Zu, the day when I Yi Shuihan reaches the top will be your doomsday."

Yi Shuihan was extremely excited at this moment. The infinitely bright future was right in front of him and could be realized soon.

After successfully taking over Lin Yi's body, he will practice silently until he reaches the top and shocks the world.

"Lin Yi, go, leave them to me..."

"Ah, what the hell?"

"How could it could it could it be it?"

Yi Shuihan's soul was terrified to the extreme. He had one last breath, and he could perfectly control Lin Yi's body.

But who would have thought that he would encounter the most terrifying thing in the world.

Yi Shuihan wanted to break free and escape from this hell.

However, the flickering light firmly attracted him to the surface of an extremely mysterious bead.

The light radiated on Yi Shuihan's soul, and a trace of soul power was being stripped away invisibly.

Yi Shuihan's soul was being feasted on by the mysterious bead.

"Lin Yi... Lin Yi, I was wrong."

"Spare my life, I swear I will never trouble you again in the future."

"Lin Yi, I was really wrong, spare my life."

Yi Shuihan was terrified. He wanted to explode and break free from control, but he couldn't do it at all.

In front of it, there was no ability to resist.

He could only watch himself being swallowed up mercilessly.

At this moment, he really felt the powerlessness, his fate was out of control, and he was at the mercy of others.

Yi Shuihan never thought that Lin Yi would get such a heaven-defying opportunity, right in his mind.

He actually chose the path of taking over the body.

If he knew, he would not choose to take over the body if he was given ten thousand choices.

That's a road of no return.

But it's too late to say anything now.

No wonder Lin Yi didn't resist at all. It's not a short time to release him. How could he give up easily?

It's even more impossible for him to cooperate with me.

I should have noticed it in advance, but at that time, facing such a great opportunity, how could I still think about it?

The greater the opportunity, the deeper the trap.

I understand this truth, but when I face it personally, I will only be swallowed by desire, and there is no absolute rationality.

All Lin Yi's performance is a disguise for him to see, so that he will be more deeply involved and will not consider these.

"Haha, Yi Shuihan, welcome to my world."

Lin Yi said with a faint smile.

"I, Lin Yi, want to kill you. Do you think there is no way?"


"However, since you choose the stupidest way, I will naturally help you."

"You can also save a trump card, so that you can deal with other people in the future."

"Kuang Zhan's trump card, but he will not pose any threat to my soul at all?"

"Haha, Yi Shuihan, Kuang Zhan's trump card, you mean this, it's just Qingyun Jushi fooling you."


A jade talisman appeared in front of Yi Shuihan's soul, but it was just an ordinary jade talisman.


Yi Shuihan's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect that he was fooled by them.

"However, Yi Shuihan, I didn't lie to you in that sentence. If I want to kill you, I can kill you at any time."

"Did you see it?"

Another jade talisman appeared in front of Yi Shuihan's soul. This jade talisman came from Yin Yang Taoist.

Before, when Yin Yang Soul Beast asked Lin Yi to release the seal in the jade talisman to kill Yi Shuihan's soul, Lin Yi said that he had been restricted.

It was just random nonsense.

Since Yi Shuihan chose to take over another body, how could he waste a trump card?

Moreover, Lin Yi could not determine the power of the sword energy sealed in the jade talisman, and whether he could be sure to kill Yi Shuihan's soul.

But the mysterious bead was different, there would be no accidents. This was his strongest trump card, and it was also because of it that he entered the path of cultivation.

Moreover, refining Yi Shuihan's soul would also be good for the divine bead, and he would not miss this opportunity.

Naturally, it must be more obvious, so as not to make Yi Shuihan have any doubts.

If the Yin Yang Soul Beast and others show any abnormality, they may miss the opportunity.

"Yi Shuihan, this space can be regarded as my home ground. I have seen the Yin Yang Taoist a long time ago. He asked me to come here to take the treasures he left here. The moment you entered this space, you have already taken the initiative to end it."

"Of course, if you don't take the initiative to come and provoke me, I can't do anything to you at present."

"What a pity, you can provoke anyone else, but you choose me."

"Don't worry, I will personally send your body to meet you in hell in the near future."

Lin Yi is not afraid that what he said will be leaked. In his mind, it is absolutely safe.

The God Pearl guards everything and shields everything.

Yi Shuihan's Yuanshen did not have any experience when he was a millimeter away from the God Pearl. How terrifying.

In fact, Lin Yizi's cooperation was not expected before, but there was no way. He knew everything about the outside world.

Who would have thought that the three bastards would be so foolish that Taotie actually wanted to attack his body and destroy it.

It was possible that he would be destroyed by him. The injuries to his body had not recovered, and he did not want any accidents to happen.

He thought of cooperating with Yi Shuihan to merge his soul sea.

"Lin Yi, spare me. I swear that I will never go against you again."

"Heh, I only believe in the dead."

"Besides, you know my ultimate secret."


"You want to kill the master?"

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