Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2076 White Dragon

This may be his real gain.

Accomplishing the golden spirit body is very important. This is the first step for him to successfully cultivate the fifth transformation, and it lays a solid foundation for whether he can survive the killing calamity next.

But this mysterious and complex pattern is also very important. In the future, he wants to impact the Void Stage, and he can't leave it.

At the same time, there are three more patterns. If you want to successfully transform the other three spirit bodies, you can open them.

As for the last pattern, you will solve it in the future.

At least, the current difficulties have been overcome.

However, next, there is still a problem to face, the lack of a complex and mysterious pattern.


Lin Yi only paused for a dozen breaths and started the next journey again.

For him, it is indeed a journey. Successfully transforming the golden spirit body is not the end, but just the beginning.

Next, he needs to open the water spirit body.

However, for Lin Yi, as long as he does not encounter the missing complex and mysterious pattern, it will not hinder his steps.

I believe that the process of transforming the water spirit body will not be much different from that of the golden spirit body.

With the changes of the Nine Transformations of Tyrant Body, this space seemed to enter a water world.

The gold element disappeared, and the water element was born, which also rushed into Lin Yi's body like crazy.

Passively accept this process.

Taotie no longer has any worries about what happened.

I believe that it will not be tortured again in the future.

It should be very smooth, just follow the steps.

Even if it encounters the previous scene and various crises emerge, I believe it can be solved naturally.

Before, whether for it or for Lin Yi, it was a process, everything ahead was unknown, and they needed to explore.

Now, knowing what will happen next, there will naturally be no more competition.

After the first transformation of the gold spirit body, there will be no more worries about Lin Yi's will.

It must be more resilient, and there will be no crisis because of problems with willpower during the transformation of the water spirit body.

After taking a step, when you look back, you will find that it is not that difficult.

Unless you choose to escape, the steps ahead will always be an obstacle in your heart.

It will be even more difficult to step over.

Stopping and standing still, when others are moving forward, you are also a step backward.

Cultivation is like this, life is not like this, it is such a process of growth, encountering problems, do not escape and face them bravely, your steps will get higher and higher.

Taotie is very comfortable at this moment, and can observe the whole process of Lin Yi's cultivation with a relaxed attitude.

Isn't it a beautiful enjoyment.

It's like experiencing a life and death test with Lin Yi, and for it, it is also a growth.

In the future, when facing various dangers and life and death tests, I will also think of this scene and will not give up easily.

Time passes~

In this process, there are indeed scenes of the transformation of the golden spirit body.

However, unlike the last time, it is not just Taotie's mentality, Lin Yi's mentality will no longer be anxious and doubtful.

With a stronger willpower, he can smoothly pass through dangers.

However, Lin Yi still maintained absolute concentration and did not dare to be careless.

Although the crisis may be smaller than before, any slackness may destroy himself.

When he saw a complex mysterious pattern emerge, although he had some psychological preparation, Lin Yi was still a little excited.

First, it was right as he had guessed before, and the four complex mysterious patterns hidden deep in his body would really appear one by one.

Second, he did not encounter the missing mysterious pattern when cultivating the water spirit body.

At least the current level was successfully passed.

Its appearance can also make Lin Yi feel a lot more at ease.

Next, there should be no more problems in successfully transforming the water spirit body.

Taotie and Lin Yi's mentality are naturally different. It does not know that Lin Yi still has some worries.

The whole process is very easy.

"Well, it's started!"

Seeing that Lin Yi's face gradually began to twist, Taotie knew that the transformation process of the water spirit body had officially begun.

Until now, it has taken several months.

Moreover, the process of transformation of the water spirit body seems to take longer than that of the gold spirit body.

However, for Taotie, it is not worried at all, and believes that Lin Yi's willpower will not have any problems.

The only worry is whether the inner demon will be born like before when the water spirit body is about to be transformed.

This may be the only dangerous factor.

The inner demon cannot be controlled. Even if it is predicted in advance, the inner demon may be born next, but the inner demon takes many forms.

It is happening without you knowing it, and people naturally fall into it.

You think there is no problem and you can reach the other side smoothly.

In fact, the inner demon has swallowed you up without knowing it.

However, it is not necessary to worry now, because the process of transforming the water spirit body is still a long time.

The appearance of the inner demon should be in the most difficult stage, that is, before the transformation of the water spirit body.

Of course, the inner demon may appear in the middle, after all, the inner demon is unpredictable.

"It would be great if the master could seize the soul bead. The inner demon wants to threaten the master, don't even dream about it."

"Unfortunately, I don't have the Soul Calming Stone either, otherwise, the master could have successfully cultivated the fifth transformation."

Time passed, and a few months passed in a flash. The transformation process of the water spirit body is indeed much longer than that of the gold spirit body.

Before, the cultivation process of the gold spirit body took more than nine months, but now it has exceeded eleven months.

One year is coming.

At this moment, it is roughly estimated that when the one-year period arrives, the cultivation can almost be successful.

In the past few months, the inner demon has indeed not occurred, which Taotie can clearly feel.

At this time, it really began to worry.

Of course, Taotie would not try to remind Lin Yi at this time, believing that he knew better than himself.

Avoid disturbing Lin Yi's transformation.

However, unlike Taotie's worries, his worries have long passed. At the moment when the complex and mysterious pattern appeared, he no longer had to worry about any huge crisis in the transformation process of the water spirit body.

The inner demon could not affect his life and death.

It is extremely rare for a demon to appear in the fifth stage of practicing the Nine Transformations of the Tyrant Body.

After all, when he broke through the great realm, at least so far, there has been no demon.

The power of faith protects his clarity.

It will not be eroded by the demon.

Unless the demon destroys the power of faith.

Unfortunately, the power of faith is its nemesis.


"The fairy mist is ethereal, and the mountains and rivers are upside down in the sky."

"Oh my God, are there white dragons in the fairy mist?"

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