Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2217: Pollution of the Power of Faith

Lin Yi, who was in the center of the vortex, seemed to have lost the ability to resist.

However, the real situation is that the Netherworld Qi that surges into the body is actually mainly the filthy Qi contained in it, which is all swallowed up by the mutated soul.

It will not refuse anyone who comes, and it will naturally not have any impact on the soul. On the contrary, it will be beneficial.

When the filthy air comes, the soul faintly feels an extremely strong desire, in that dark side of the soul.

It seems that in the process of continuously absorbing the filthy air, the soul is developing a feeling of perfection.

It seems that the previous induction was correct. The white side is constantly absorbing the power of faith, and the dark side does not have any nourishment. It may indeed be out of balance.

Lin Yi wanted to know what his soul was now, or whether it was no longer a soul.

The next time you see Old Man Jiuyou, you must ask him no matter what. Anyway, Old Man Jiuyou already knows his situation.

Looking at the continuous flow of filthy energy pouring into his soul, Lin Yi had an idea in his mind.

Looking at the two completely opposite halves of the soul, especially the side of the power of faith, he remembered something.

After the power of faith is contaminated, will it still affect you through your own soul?

Now if I want to isolate the power of faith, it is impossible.

If the power of faith is contaminated again in the future, will a devastating disaster occur to the souls that bear half of the power of faith?

Or, this kind of thing will not happen at all by then, and he has actually solved this trouble. Even if he is contaminated by then, the soul on the other side will swallow up the contaminated power of faith.

Before, he had not thought about this problem. Now that Lin Yi had time, the idea came to his mind while observing.

But for him, it is indeed a troublesome matter.

The latter situation is unpredictable. If it does not happen and half of the soul, the power of faith, is contaminated, the consequences will be disastrous.

It's more dangerous than being in the depths of your mind. After all, even if danger occurs, won't there still be mysterious beads?

The power of faith was previously wrapped in mysterious beads.

But now, if something goes wrong, the other half of the soul cannot swallow it up, and it will be terrible then.

So far, the two completely different halves of the soul have not devoured each other.

Of course, Lin Yi also knew that it was because of the influence of life and death energy that separated them.

If there was no energy of life and death, this extremely weird soul would not be formed.

"Forget it, I can't stop what's coming, just let it take its course."

Now, even if he found a means to carry the power of faith, he could no longer separate it.

Thinking about these things again has no meaning other than increasing worries.

The true fire flows in the body, and although most of it flows into the soul, some still stays in the body, and the true fire burns it out.

Otherwise, if your body is polluted by the filthy air, you will be in trouble.

He also had no idea whether it could be refined using the Yin-Yang Mysterious Poison Technique. It probably wasn't possible.

Time passed, and more than a hundred breaths had passed in the blink of an eye. For Lin Yi, he certainly hoped that the longer the better, it would be completely consumed and the dark and complex runes covering the monk in the Nether Realm would be dispersed.

However, the other party may not be a fool. So far, he has not controlled or swallowed him up, and he will definitely realize that something is wrong.

From the other party's eyes, you can see the doubts in his heart, and he is already suspecting that there may be a problem.

"What's going on?"

"It is impossible to withstand such a long time. Even if he wants to struggle, with his state of transformation into a god, it is impossible to struggle for such a long time."

"Does he have the means to restrain me?"

He was still casting spells, but there was already a trace of panic in his heart, and the dark runes covering his body were quickly dissipating.

In its current state, it will take no more than thirty breaths at most before the Nether Rune will completely disappear.

By that time, if you are already injured and your cultivation strength is suppressed by this world, then you will be really in danger.

In the first fight with Lin Yi, he couldn't tell whether the other party had any reservations about his strength. Although it seemed impossible to him, if he thought about it carefully, he was not a fool. He dared to show up even when there was danger. How dare you be so calm?

Dare you say those words?

What's more, even if he has really exploded to his ultimate strength, he will still not be optimistic when his strength is suppressed.

"If he holds on for a few more breaths, he might be at the end of his strength."


At this moment, the monk in the Netherworld became happy. He sensed that Lin Yi's face had changed, and he gradually began to look pale.

"Haha, it's true. Fortunately, I didn't give up."

The reason why he hasn't given up yet is naturally because he doesn't want to miss this opportunity. If he can kill Lin Yi, it will not only be because he may be a big problem in the hell world, but also because after killing him, he will get something. The harvest will be unimaginable.

For him, or for every monk from hell, it would be an unimaginable opportunity for anyone to kill Lin Yi.

How could he be willing to miss such an excellent opportunity?

Aren't there still thirty breaths left? If there is still no result before the last few breaths, it won't be too late to stop.

As long as the dark and complex runes on his body have not completely dissipated, no one can stop him from leaving.


Seeing the opportunity, he couldn't miss it. He madly chanted the spell and attacked Lin Yi.

Lei Qing, who had not left in the distance, was extremely worried at first, but as time went by, she felt more and more that Lin Yi might really create a miracle.

From the change in the face of the cultivator in the Netherworld, it can be seen that he encountered some troubles.

Moreover, after such a long time, he still couldn't control Lin Yi, which explained the problem.

But at this moment, seeing the face of the cultivator in the Netherworld showing surprise, Lei Qing's face was very solemn.

At this moment, she had to reconsider whether to leave now. Once Lin Yi was controlled by the other party, it would be too late to leave.

Now, if she wanted to leave, the other party would not care at all. All his energy was on Lin Yi.

The main goal is to control or kill Lin Yi.

If she wants to leave, it shouldn't be a big problem.

However, if she leaves and Lin Yi is fine, how will she explain it?

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