Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 223: Abandoning the car to save the king

"Feng Guanshi must be verified on the spot. This is not too much to ask, right?"

Manager Feng: "..."

Alchemist Xie Tian: "..."

Lin Yi: "It's over!"

Several people did not expect that such an incident would happen again. If this was verified on the spot, wouldn't it be revealed?

Alchemist Xie Tian quickly took out a transmission talisman and said, "Hurry up and get me here."

The other party hasn't had time to reply.


Master Xie Dan was so angry that he threw the transmission talisman to the ground.

He hurriedly headed in one direction.

"Alchemist Xie Tian, ​​what's wrong?"

Xie Tian walked around anxiously and said, "What's wrong with me? I want to ask you, did the person who arranged the bidding have enough spiritual stones with him?"

The visitor was naturally Manager Xu. Manager Xu was confused and said, "Why are you bringing spiritual stones that are your own things?"

At this time, Xie Tian completely lost his elegance as an alchemist and cursed loudly: "Fart, this is my top-quality elixir. Who and you belong to my own family?"

Manager Xu was a little confused for a moment. He was busy with other things just now and didn't pay attention to the situation here.

He asked cautiously: "Master Xie Alchemy, what happened to make you so angry? Please calm down first."

Xie Tian calmed down at this time and said: "Didn't you repeatedly guarantee that nothing would happen to the elixir? Now that this situation occurs, how will you solve it?"

Only then did Manager Xu explore the auction hall and get a rough idea of ​​what was going on.

He said: "Master Xie Alchemy, don't be impatient. Just find a reason to excuse it. This was not done before."

Xie Tian said: "I don't care what method you use, if the elixir doesn't get into my hands, it's your fault."

The auction hall was extremely quiet at this time. All the monks were staring at Feng Bujue to see how he would answer.

So far, VIP Room No. 10 has not said anything except asking for a price.

Feng Bujue said: "If this fellow Taoist agrees to verify the spirit stone on the spot, Zhenbao Pavilion will certainly not object."

After saying this, he directly faced the monk arranged by Zhenbao Pavilion and pretended to say: "Do you agree to verify the spiritual stone on the spot?"

The monk immediately spoke up and said: "I agree to verify the spirit stone, but I don't want my treasure to be exposed in front of so many monks. I request to do it in a private space, and the Treasure Pavilion can bear witness."

"If you don't agree, you must verify it on the spot."

The monk immediately spoke up and said forcefully.

Feng Bujue said: "Fellow Taoist, according to the rules of Zhenbao Pavilion, the request made by the guest officer is in compliance with the conditions. Of course, Zhenbao Pavilion will carefully verify the reputation of Zhenbao Pavilion, so Taoist friends should be aware of it."

The other monks also nodded. This kind of thing didn't happen once or twice. Most of them did this.

If you call for three million spiritual stones, you don't have to pay with spiritual stones. If the spiritual stones are not enough, other treasures can be used to make up for the spiritual stones after being appraised.

No monk would take out his treasures in full view of the public. Wouldn't this be causing trouble for himself?

But the monk still firmly disagreed and said, "Oh, do you dare to swear to God with the Treasure Pavilion?"

Feng Bujue's face darkened and he said, "Feng seems to think that you are not here for the auction, but that you are here to cause trouble in Zhenbao Pavilion."

The monk walked out of the VIP room directly, "Why, Zhenbao Pavilion wants to do something to me."

Feng Bujue didn't know who this cultivator was, so he was probably disguised.

Said: "No matter who you are, if you dare to act wild in Zhenbao Pavilion, you know the consequences."


After saying that, his figure changed and returned to its original appearance.

Sun Xuan exclaimed, "You are Senior Yun Yazi's eldest disciple, Hong Ji."

Listen to what Sun Xuan said.

Many monks also reacted.

"Yes, I was lucky enough to meet Master Yun Yazi once. This person was right next to Master Yun Yazi at that time. It must be right."

Another monk said: "That's Senior Yun Yazi. Not only has Senior Yun Yazi's cultivation reached the golden elixir stage, but more importantly, he is a fifth-grade alchemist."

"Yes, yes, senior Yun Yazi never participated in the disputes in Shuiquanzhou. He only focused on cultivation and alchemy."

"Senior Yun Yazi, as a casual cultivator, has achieved such achievements. He is truly a role model for our generation."

When Lin Yi heard this, it seemed that Yun Yazi had such a high image in the minds of these monks.

It turns out that he is also an alchemist, and a fifth-grade alchemist at that. No wonder he wanted to buy this elixir.

Lin Yi also wanted to see how the Zhenbao Pavilion would resolve this matter in the end, but the elixir would definitely not return to Master Xie.

Just now, because I had exchanged spiritual stones from Master Xie twice, there was always something stuck in my heart, but now I feel much better.

You must know that he only exchanged one million spiritual stones, but now this spiritual elixir was sold for more than three million, and it also came with a top-quality Bigu Pill. No matter how you look at it, he suffered a big loss.

Since it was a gift, Lin Yi didn't care, as long as he had a clear conscience.

Feng Bujue was stunned for a moment. Yun Yazi's eldest disciple, let alone him, not even the Zhenbao Pavilion, or even the loose cultivator alliance behind him, dared to touch him.

Speaking of this matter, Zhenbao Pavilion was at fault.

But it is naturally impossible to verify it on the spot.

The original intention of Zhenbao Pavilion to auction this top-quality elixir was to expand its influence, rather than to greatly damage the reputation that Zhenbao Pavilion had accumulated over a long period of time.

It would be scary to think about it if this thing were to be revealed.

Just when Feng Bujue was in a dilemma and at a loss.

A voice sounded in his mind.

Feng Bujue said: "Okay, but in order to protect the privacy of the two Taoist friends, select a few seniors who are trusted by everyone to testify on the spot. What do you think?"

As soon as the voice fell.


A shrill scream came.

The monks looked in the direction of the sound, but their sight was blocked by the VIP room and they could not see what happened.

A loud voice came, saying: "Dear Taoist friends, the monk who bid just now wanted to escape, but was discovered in time by the Treasure Pavilion and killed on the spot."

"After checking, there are only a few hundred spirit stones in the storage bag of this thief, and he deserves to die."

"He who admonishes the monk who wants to disrupt the auction here will end up like this."

Lin Yi sighed in his heart. An innocent monk was abandoned and killed just like this.

This is also the way that the Treasure Pavilion sacrificed the car to save the driver. They could only use this little person as a scapegoat to preserve the reputation of the Treasure Pavilion. In the end, they might even have to give up the top-grade elixir of Master Xie.

Such a thing happened in front of Lin Yi, and Lin Yi became more determined. No matter how the other party promised in the future, he must not believe it completely, otherwise this might be his fate.

Fortunately, he did not use his real identity. Although the foundation-building cultivators can see through the original face, fortunately Lin Yi was cautious and put on a mask.


Author's words:

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