Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2381: Facing death with equanimity

But it has also relieved the huge pressure on the Yin-Yang Soul Beast.

Facing an attack from one being is much less stressful than facing two.

"Old Three, be ready to respond at any time, and pay attention to the surroundings. If there is an emergency, take action immediately."

When the Yin-Yang Soul Beast performed the Yin-Yang Heavenly Art, it was also transmitting the message to Taotie. At present, facing the attack from a cultivator, for it, the pressure was much reduced.

There is absolutely no problem in buying five breaths of time for Lin Yi without any unexpected situation.

In this case, let Taotie pay attention to the surrounding situation.

"Mouth Cannon, don't worry, leave the rest to me, I will never let them succeed and hurt the master."

Taotie said very solemnly.

At this moment, it also looked extremely solemn, knowing that it was an extremely dangerous moment.

What will happen to its future destiny may be in the next few breaths.

Moreover, the person behind Shi Kui has not made a move yet, maybe it is really the one who cut Juexue.

Although it has never seen Zhan Juexue, can the person who is regarded as the Soul Devouring Dark Lord by the master and Yin Yang Soul Beast be a simple person?

If he is really the reincarnation of the Soul Devouring Dark Lord, or if he is the Soul Devouring Dark Lord himself, for them, the real crisis has not yet begun.

In this case, how can Taotie not be nervous?

Always pay attention to the situation around, once an accident occurs, he will take action at the first time, hoping to resolve it.


The power of Yin Yang Tian Shu in the hands of Yin Yang Soul Beast is getting stronger and stronger. As the Yin Yang Soul Beast's cultivation becomes stronger and stronger, the control of Yin Yang Tian Shu may become more and more terrifying, and the power that can be released is naturally more powerful.

At this moment, it seems that this space is cut into countless fragments of space, and it feels like there are layers of space between them. It seems to be in front of you, but in fact it is a world away.




Unfortunately, the cultivation level of Yin Yang Soul Beast is still too weak in front of the strong man in the peak cave void period.

No matter how terrifying the Yin-Yang Heavenly Art was, without the support of the realm of cultivation, it was just some illusion in front of these strong men.

The terrifying power destroyed it in an instant, as if the space in the illusion was broken.

The space fragments disappeared.

The attack was about to approach the Yin-Yang Soul Beast, ready to bombard its huge body.


However, the Yin-Yang Soul Beast would naturally not give up, and once again burst out the Yin-Yang Heavenly Art, and the divided space appeared again, blocking the power in front of itself.


Suddenly, a decayed breath burst out violently, coming from Sanyuanzi.

At this moment, he no longer had any scruples, and completely put his life and death aside, blocking Ye Shuxue's full-strength burst.

At this moment, he also rescued the Yin-Yang Soul Beast.

He was also trying to get a chance for Lin Yi. At present, miracles have gradually emerged. As long as he can buy time for Lin Yi, maybe he can really buy a glimmer of hope for their Sanyuan Sect.

Sanyuanzi naturally did not care about anything about himself, and he exploded without reservation. The decay on his body was even more intense at this moment.

His lifespan was being consumed rapidly, and he was probably getting closer and closer to leaving the world.

Perhaps during the fight with them, his lifespan might be exhausted and he would die.

But Sanyuanzi no longer cared.

He had only one goal in mind, to strive for a chance for Lin Yi, so that he could have the hope of being promoted to the Void Stage.

He also knew that even if the Yin-Yang Soul Beast was stronger than the same level, its cultivation was still too weak compared to the peak Void Stage.

Being able to hold on for a few breaths was already a miracle among miracles.

But the consumption of the Yin-Yang Soul Beast was extremely terrifying, and it soon became exhausted and could no longer attack.

At this moment, it must explode to fight for a chance for Lin Yi.

As for whether there were other people who would attack Lin Yi again, he could not care so much.

It was not something he could control.

"Sanyuanzi, your kindness will not only be remembered by the master forever, but also by me."

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast was very moved and grateful for Sanyuanzi's actions.

Although it blocked one of his attacks, it was already an extremely dangerous moment for the Yin-Yang Soul Beast.

Every time it attacked, it would use up all its strength, which was extremely horrible for it.

If it attacked two or three times, it would definitely be exhausted.

And two or three times is the most optimistic situation.

So far, the Yin-Yang Soul Beast also knew that the cultivator surnamed Yu had not exploded his ultimate strength.

Sanyuanzi disregarded his own life and death, freed up his hands and exploded without scruples to fight for it. How could the Yin-Yang Soul Beast not be moved?

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast also knew that it was impossible for Sanyuanzi to have a miracle and live another life in this situation.

That's why he said that sentence to reassure him and to assure him that as long as he was still there, the future affairs of Sanyuan Sect would be his affairs, and he would never let him down.

In Sanyuanzi's current situation, there is really no difference between wanting to advance to the fusion stage and living another life.


After hearing this, Sanyuanzi's aura fluctuations were even more terrifying, and naturally, the aura of decay emanating from his body became more and more intense.

The time he could hold on was getting shorter and shorter.


On the other side, Ye Shuxue naturally didn't want Sanyuanzi to succeed. Being blocked by him was extremely aggrieved and angry.

At this moment, although she didn't personally attack Lin Yi, as long as Lin Yi was killed, she would be satisfied with the current situation.

Otherwise, there would be no chance to kill him.

Naturally, she would do everything she could at this moment to stop Sanyuanzi.

Don't give him the opportunity to hinder the monk surnamed Yu from taking action.

Futian Finger seemed to have broken through some limit at this moment, and its power was earth-shaking, as if it wanted to completely penetrate this world and make this world bow down in front of her.


Unfortunately, facing Sanyuanzi who was ready to die, no matter how powerful the power was, it would not let him retreat.


While blocking the monk surnamed Yu, he took on Ye Shuxue's Futian Finger attack.

Sanyuanzi's body at this moment was as dry as a tree, and he really couldn't hold on for much longer.

It is even possible that he was completely supported by a will at this moment and did not fall down immediately.


"Not only you, Sanyuan Sect will also pay the price of destruction because of your stupidity."

Ye Shuxue would naturally not miss this moment and wanted to kill Sanyuanzi completely.

"Hehe, Ye Shuxue, you want to kill me, I want to die, can you live?"

Sanyuanzi's eyes were extremely firm, looking at Ye Shuxue with contempt.


At this moment, a wave of waves spread out, and a figure emerged from a distance.


The waves around were extremely fierce at this moment. They did not expect the Palace Master of Tianshu Palace to come in person.

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