Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 2424: Transformation Again

Others were naturally indifferent to Zixi's departure and would not pay any attention to it.

Now, they no longer care whether the departure of Zhi Wei will have any impact on the treasure map. The moment the four treasure maps appear, all problems no longer exist.

There is no longer any problem in getting the fifth treasure map.

"Yin Yang soul beast, do you want to take action?"

Master Yuanling Alchemy is also seeking the opinion of the Yin Yang Soul Beast. At this moment, if he doesn't take action, he will let Xi Wei escape.

"Hold it, Lin Yi's life and death are the most important thing now. There is not much time left. At this time, we must not let accidents happen. We must first resolve the crisis caused by the treasure map."

"As for whether the departure of the corpse will cause problems in the connection of the fifth treasure map, I believe that the impact is already extremely limited. The four treasure maps of ours are gathered here, and they can also be used to connect the last treasure map. Bring me here.”

The five treasure maps themselves come from a piece of animal skin, from Suanni's animal skin, and the cause and effect on them is stronger than that of the corpse.

Although the Yin-Yang soul beast was extremely unwilling to let Xi Gu go like this, was there any other way?

Now, all I can do is watch the zombie leave.

At present, the most important task is to resolve the crisis caused by the treasure map. There is really not much time left for them.

The slightest accident will ruin the current good situation.

The yin and yang soul beasts also believe that they can escape from the first day of the lunar month but not from the fifteenth day of the lunar month.

Next time, the corpse will definitely be killed.

Zhi Wei has already been allowed to escape twice. How could he be given a chance next time?

Unless Zhigui temporarily left the Central Territory, as long as he was still in the Central Territory, he would definitely know what price he would pay.


Master Yuanling didn't say anything. She also knew what situation she was in at this time. If she could take action, she couldn't ask for the opinion of the Yin-Yang Soul Beast.

The three of them could only watch Zi Gui and Ye Shuxue disappear in front of them, and so did everyone else.

As the two of them left, the smoke in the air became even more serious. Someone might break out at any time and snatch the four treasure maps suspended in the air.

"Everyone, I advise you not to make mistakes. Once you mess up, you know the consequences."

"Besides, I have told you a long time ago that the treasure map is given to the old man Jiuyou. As for the situation of the old man Jiuyou, you have a general understanding of it. Don't you know what it means to snatch the treasure map?"

"If you are not afraid of our threats, how can you be so arrogant in front of Old Man Jiuyou?"

"The Nine Nether Realm is not far from us. Old Man Jiuyou has been watching. Whoever dares to take action will definitely encounter Old Man Jiuyou's memories that you will never forget."

"Even I am afraid of Old Man Jiuyou. Who are you compared to me? How dare you rob Old Man Jiuyou?"

"Although my words are unpleasant, they are not rough. If you want to take action, just give it a try."

The Yin Yang Soul Beast was very nervous. At this time, it was really on the verge of extreme danger, and someone might break out at any time.

It had to speak to remind and warn those monks who were ready to make a move.

Otherwise, it will be really too late by then.

The Yin Yang Soul Beast also knew that with the current situation, even if the five treasure maps were gathered together, the situation they would face would still be extremely difficult.

It is probably more dangerous than ever to leave it in the hands of old man Jiuyou.

But there is really very little time left for them, and no accidents can happen in the meantime.

But the most dangerous moment is in the final stage.

The Yin-Yang Soul Beast had an extremely headache. If the trump card left behind was not wasted, there would be no need to worry about these things.

You can send all these people to the abyss of hell at once.

But it has been wasted on the people of Jian Zong.

Just the reputation of immortality cannot deter these people at all, not even the Yuanling Alchemist's poisonous ways.

It just makes them afraid to take action easily, but in the face of huge interests, desire may swallow up reason.


At this moment, a vibration came, breaking the tranquility once again.

It wasn't the fifth treasure map that came, but it came from another direction, where Lin Yi was.

The terrifying sword light was dazzling, and the terrifying sword intent seemed to turn into a world of swords, rising into the sky.

The sword's will is arrogant and arrogant.

It came from the Yin Yang Five Elements Sword Formation, and everyone's eyes were once again focused on Lin Yi, or directly focused on the Yin Yang Five Elements Sword Formation.

"No, the Yin Yang Five Elements Sword Formation seems to be undergoing transformation again. Doesn't it mean that Lin Yi has passed the second stage of the Five Decline of Heaven and Man?"

"No, Lin Yi has not passed the second stage of the Five Decline of Heaven and Man, but his natal treasure has indeed undergone transformation again and will be promoted to a middle-grade heavenly weapon."

"This... Before he has passed through the second stage of the five declines of heaven and man, he will transform again. Doesn't it mean that during the period of transcending tribulation, he may continue to undergo transformation, and then there will be direct A chance to reach the top?”

"Moreover, once the transformation of the Yin-Yang Five Elements Sword Formation is successful, the second stage of the Five Decline of Heaven and Man will probably usher in a major change, allowing Lin Yi, who is in extreme danger, to successfully resolve the crisis."

No one expected that the Yin-Yang Five Elements Sword Formation could continue to transform, at least after Lin Yi's continuous breakthroughs in the future, it would transform step by step following his path, but it was directly in the process of transcending the tribulation, and before it successfully transcended the tribulation, it was already about to be promoted and broken through.

Lin Yi is indeed an extremely special existence.

Suspended in the air, the Yin-Yang Five Elements Sword Formation with sword intent erupting is rapidly transforming, and the aura fluctuations are violently agitated and rapidly strengthened.

"Haha, the master's talent is beyond your imagination. The master's life treasure is constantly changing. What does it mean? I believe you can know it yourself without my explanation."

"Once the master has passed the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, under such a transformation, and his understanding of the Tao has no bottleneck, don't you think that the master may be promoted directly to the peak of the Void Stage?"

"The master of the peak of the Void Stage, his strength does not need me to say much, even if the whole Central Region stands in front of the master, you can have a chance to attack."

"The master has not caused a devastating disaster because of you. It's not too late to stop now. If you mess up, what will happen then, I don't need to remind you."

"As for wanting to threaten the master's safety through the treasure map, can you rob the treasure of the old man Jiuyou?"


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